The object of this blog began as a display of a varied amount of writings, scribblings and rantings that can be easily analysed by technology today to present the users with a clearer picture of the state of their minds, based on tests run on their input and their uses of the technology we are advocating with
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Stop New Nuclear Police Liaison Team Meeting with Avon & Somerset police, 17 September 2011, 2-3 p.m. | Stop New Nuclear
Sergeant Craig Kirk, Avon & Somerset police, Inspector Bruce Turnbull, Avon & Somerset police, Andreas Speck, Stop New Nuclear, Angie Zelter, Stop New Nuclear.
The meeting took place in the Tobacco factory in Bristol. Both Andreas and Angie took notes.
Inspector Bruce Turnbull introduced himself. He normally works as a negotiator, and on the days of the demonstration in Bridgwater and blockade at Hinkley he will be our communication channel to Ch Supt Tilley, who will be silver commander. The bronze commander will be Ch Insp Paul Richards.
Operational Guidelines
After introductions, Sergeant Craig Kirk explained the operational guidelines of Ch Supt Tilley. They read them out to us but we were not allowed to have a written copy:
- police to facilitate right to peaceful protest
- aware of element of blockading
- maintain the peace
- protect security of staff and nuclear licensed site
- they will not use police vehicles to transport EDF staff
- general principle of “no surprises”, so they would communicate their policing.
Nonviolence and Emergency Vehicles
We again stressed the non-violence guidelines for the blockade, and asked for a clear commitment not to use pressure points to clear a blockade and if lifting people to use 4 police to remove them safely.
Initially, they did not give a clear statement. However, after discussion they stated that it wouldn't be pressure points straight away but they could not say they would not use pressure points in some circumstances. We said there was no justification for using any painful or rough treatment to get people to move as our nonviolent guidelines and our trainings showed our commitment to safety and we obviously did not want anyone put in danger by our actions. We said it was not fair either to us or to their own police force to be vague what circumstances might indicate the need to use 'pain compliance' and we outlined our own experience of different police behaviour and confusion. We repeated that we did not foresee and need for pain compliance. We requested that they draw up clear guidelines on use of “pain compliance” (their term for pressure points), a message they are taking back to Ch Supt Tilley and they will let us know by email what these guidelines are.
In the process of discussing the above we had more discussions about emergency vehicles, and we pointed to the non-violence guidelines, which state that the blockade would be cleared for emergency vehicles, but not for police. We had a more detailed discussion about possible criteria for when police might need to get through (e.g. an accident at Hinkley, which has safety implications). When asked, we again stated that getting arrested people out of Hinkley and into a police station would not be considered an emergency situation. If, however, there was a serious accident at the power station and we could trust each other and the police were honest about the serious nature of this and the necessity for police to get in and out of Hinkley then we were sure everyone would move to allow police access too. Inspector Bruce Turnbull said that this would be a matter of trust, and that he won't lie to us, but communicate the information he has.
We emphasised that this 'trust' about communicating if there was real need for a police vehicle to get inside must not be abused as it would hamper our future co-operation as the campaign of direct action continues over the coming months. We explained that if there was a nuclear accident and people's safety was at risk, and police needed access for these reasons alone, then our guidelines would help ensure that groups would be able to make a quick decision to clear the blockade. We explained our spokescouncil procedure and that groups had practiced quick decision making, would always break the blockade for fire or ambulances and also in special circumstances for police. The blockade would break and then re-instate itself after the vehicles had gone through. We stated that we expected the police to trust us to do this and we would trust them to allow us back into our previous blockading positions after the situation was resolved. This mutual respect would allow us to co-operate on serious safety and security issues.
We discussed 'agents provocateurs' or random violence and explained our process for hand in the air, silence and isolating the violent incident and explained that we preferred to deal ourselves with these kinds of incidents. When questioned we said that if we could not deal with it or if a 'terrorist' turned up we would obviously get help from whoever we could to deal with this, including the police. We would assume that they would deal with any 'rogue' police themselves and that we would report any such incidents for them to deal with.
We asked for and were reassured that police photographers would keep their distance and that the atmosphere would be low-key and that all police would have their numbers showing and would be prepared for us to photograph them too. Bruce was going to come to the events in civilian clothing but we suggested that it would be better if he were not seen as 'undercover' but was obviously a police communicator so he will either be in uniform or with a police tabard on.
Safe space
We asked again about a safe space for non-arrestables, and they again stressed the “no surprises” approach, and that a warning would be given and that as there is a public footpath right beside the main gate there would be plenty of room for demonstrators there.
They asked once more whether we knew if other entrances would be blockaded and we reiterated that we were only facilitating and advertising for a blockade of the main gate from 7a.m. They mentioned that the police from Devonport had been in contact and told them that a previous blockade there had started long before the scheduled start time! We re-iterated that we were communicators and facilitators, that each group was autonomous, there were no leaders (even if they found this hard to believe!), and each individual and group made their own decisions within the nonviolent guidelines, and there would be a spokescouncil to decide the finishing time on the day. We (Andreas and I) were planning to be in place by 7 a.m. to provide support to the groups taking part . We asked when they would be there! It seems that they will be in position well before 7a.m.
They were worried that demonstrators would enter the power station and we said we thought this unlikely. We also said that there might come a time when we organised a mass trespass but that if we were planning to do this we would be very careful to do good research and work out how to avoid certain dangerous areas and to ensure that we did not create the very accidents that we were concerned about and trying to prevent by ending the UK reliance on nuclear power. It would be quite obvious from our website if we were organising this kind of thing. They several times mentioned they were pleased to see on our website our commitment to nonviolnce.
Parking and Toilets
Sergeant Craig Kirk explained that EDF will provide parking in a field on the left side of Wicks Moor Drove, about 200-300m before the main gate. EDF is putting hardcore down, but this will probably not be suitable for coaches. If not suitable, then coaches will need to drop off passengers and park somewhere back in a lay-by further away. Police are likely to use the lay-bys between the parking area and the main gate but on the day we can ask if our wheelchair users (probably) and media van (probably not) could park closer in one of these lay-bys as this may be possible.
The police will have signs and/or police a bit before on the main road to slow down traffic. Also, at the entrance to the parking area there will be two police officers and one supervisor directing traffic. We explained that it is important that they are low key, and are not seen as a potential block– e.g. as preventing people from getting to the main gate, as then they might get a blockade at these points, which none of us want.
EDF will also provide two portaloos at the parking place. We asked about 1 being wheelchair accessible and they will ask EDF about that.
Secondary Protests
The police stations are still likely to be Bridgwater, Taunton, Weston Super Mare and Yeovil. They were concerned about possible secondary protests outside these police stations but we said these were unlikely if people were released in a reasonable time and if police stations communicated accurately with our legal support team when people would be released. We would have a vehicle to pick people up as they were released and that it was likely that people would wait at the police station until the vehicle was full.
Bridgwater demonstration
We again briefly went through the Bridgwater demonstration on 1 October, and explained our assembly point (Kings Square) and the closing rally on Cornhill, where there will be speeches and music. We said we thought that a police presence was not needed at the demonstration. The police offered to help with traffic control on the march but we said we did not think it would be necessary. The police communicator, Bruce, would in any case be there.
Angie gave her mobile phone number and Bruce gave his so that they could be in communication as and when needed. These telephone numbers are not to be abused and we will pass on Bruce's number only to our police liaison team as necessary.
Boycott Workfare » Workfare – illegal?
Workfare – illegal? Posted: June 7th, 2011 | Author: admin | Filed under: | No Comments » -->Thanks to Brighton Unemployed Workers Centre for preparing this legal argument which outlines the case for workfare schemes being unlawful and contrary to human rights principles.
Download the PDF here: The legal argument for workfare being illegal
Let us know if you find it useful!
Boycott Workfare » Who is gaining?
Who is gaining? Posted: March 31st, 2011 | Author: admin | Filed under: | No Comments » -->Work Programme contractors published:
This DWP press release lists the contractors for each area of the UK. Download a full list of the private, public and voluntary sector organisations involved in delivering the Work Programme.
Shockingly this includes welfare rights organisations Gingerbread and the CAB, who may benefit from people’s forced unpaid labour. Other voluntary sector organisations named include: Barnardos, Action for Blind People, and RNIB.
Time to make sure that using forced labour has an impact on their reputations!
The list does not include all the work places where we will be placed for the Work Programme. If you know of any of these, please get in touch (letting us know the source of your information) so we can publish it here.
Examples from the Flexible New Deal (we already know that several of these are continuing under the Work Programme):
Poundland is profiting from claimants being forced to work for their benefits.
The following voluntary organisations are also using claimants’ forced labour:
- Age Concern
- Barnados
- British Heart Foundation
- Cancer Research
- Capability Scotland
- Gorgie City Farm
- Marie Curie
- Saffron Acres Project
- Salvation Army
- Shelter
See the Unemployed Movement’s website for a further list of private sector organisations and charities benefiting from workfare.
We also have reports of the following private companies and public sector bodies using forced workfare labour:
- Whittington Hospital – porters and receptionists
- TESCO’s (even for nightshift work)
- Primark
- Station stewards at Finsbury Park station
Please let us know if you know of any other organisations that are using unemployed people in this way.
Claimants stories:
There’s a great film about the horrible impact of workfare in the US: A Day’s Work, A Day’s Pay. Have a look at the trailer below and get in touch if you’d like to book a film showing. The man featured in this trailer has since died since he was unable to afford medicare for his liver condition.
Boycott Workfare » Claimants’ stories
Claimants’ stories Posted: May 3rd, 2011 | Author: admin | Filed under: | No Comments » -->Poundland exploitation
“Poundland takes on disabled people in a deal with Dwp via mickey mouse scheme. The claimant only works for 4 weeks including anti-social hours, stacking . The claimant is told at the beginning me the placement that there will be no job. My friend finished his placement and was immediately replaced at another disabled person. This is exploitation. ”
Primark and British Heart Foundation
“Karina” is 24 years old and lives in East London. She is a British citizen, originally from Bangladesh. She is currently looking for work and studying to improve her English. She worked without pay in a Primark store for nearly six months on a work placement in 2009, organised by the Jobcentre and the “provider” company administering the previous government’s Flexible New Deal programme.
How long were you claiming [unemployment benefit] before you had to volunteer at Primark?Not long. March 2009 was my first claim. The placement was seven months after. [Before that] I was going to college [to learn English]. I paid £50 for it. Then when I went to the job centre they told me: “Now it’s the New Deal. You’re going to a placement”. I told them my English was not good but they said: “It doesn’t matter, you have to go. If you’re not going, we’ll stop your money.” They told me they would stop my JSA [Job Seekers Allowance] so I stopped my English course.
The first [placement] was with the British Heart Foundation. I worked from 9 or 9.30am to 4.30pm with a half hour break. I did everything. I went for one week and the manager was so rude. One day she ate something and left so much mess in the kitchen. Then she says to me: “Karina, you wash up.” The first time I didn’t say anything. I was scared they would stop my money.
When I went to [the New Deal provider company] I told the woman but she didn’t believe it. The clothes were dusty and I have an allergic problem so I went to the doctor and he wrote a letter. I gave the letters to [the New Deal provider] woman and she told me she found another placement for me at Primark.
The Jobcentre paid travel money but no lunch. I worked three days a week, 10am to 4.30pm or 5pm with one half hour break. [Primark] don’t pay any money. It was nearly six months, from January to June. When I finished the placement I took my CV and I asked the managers if they had any vacancies. They said: “Not yet – we’ll call you when we do.” I haven’t had a call.
What work did you do at Primark?
If some clothes were on the floor, I’d pick them up. In the children’s section I’d fold clothes, and [arrange] shoes and sandals sometimes. Sometimes I’d bring new clothes downstairs from the storeroom.
Is this the same kind of work that some paid staff do?
Yes, the same.
Were there other people volunteering too?
At Primark I knew one Pakistani woman and one Somali woman also on three days a week. When the placement finished other people came. Now I am looking for a job, but there are no jobs.
What do you think about these placements?
One thing is good and one thing is bad. Before, I had no experience and when I went there I learnt lots of things. Now, when I send my CV or get calls I have experience. But I was a volunteer for six months and wasn’t given a job or paid any money. They don’t pay lunch money, nothing.
What do you think should happen instead?
Pay money. Lunchtime money and money for work. When volunteer is finished, they should give the job.
Health and safety concerns
I wanted to give an account of my work placement, as this is forced on people who have no option but to do this or lose their benefit. This is the only source of income that I have (as is the situation with others on benefit). I am happy for this to be used as case study for health and safety procedure. Names have been changed.
My placement was for a month at the place that I worked. I worked for 30 hours a week (I was paid via Flexible New Deal at £67.50 a week, that translates to being paid £2.19 an hour). The work was physical. Looking for work when physically exhausted was hard and often too difficult to do. I did work for a charity and the land I worked was I think owned by the charity.
Some health and safety procedures were explained by the person supervising me on the placement (Marion). Kat (Flexible New Deal provider supervisor) asked if I had work boots, which I said I didn’t, but that I had some regular boots.
I wore these boots, which had been ok-ed by Kat. When doing manual work I trod on a plank of wood and got a nail stuck in my foot. There was no supervisor available, and I was working away from the main site. I stayed to the end of the day and treated it when I got home. I felt unable to say anything about health and safety due to my fear of losing benefits.
No one from the Flexible New Deal provider supervised whilst I was there.
Before I went on the placement I did tell the Job Centre I was going on placement.
When explaining how the placement operates the Job Centre was confused whilst signing back on to Job Seekers Allowance. This was not the reason that my benefits were delayed, as it was explained to me by the Housing Benefit staff. I signed an agreement with the Job Centre tell them if I was doing any work paid or unpaid. This could be why they were confused about the system (which has been in place for over a year). My housing benefit was delayed by about 3-5 days whilst going onto the placement and then after when going off the placement, (so was delayed in two months) my Job Seekers Allowance was not affected.
Friday, 7 October 2011
The Obama Administration Declares Open War On Medical Marijuana
The Obama Administration Declares Open War On Medical Marijuana
Joe | Oct 07, 2011 | Comments 10
Last night shock waves were sent through the cannabis community when the AP reported that the federal government has launched an attack on medical marijuana in California.
In an escalation of the ongoing conflict between the U.S. government and the nation’s burgeoning medical marijuana industry, California’s s four U.S. attorneys sent letters Wednesday and Thursday notifying at least 16 pot shops or their landlords that they are violating federal drug laws, even though medical marijuana is legal in California. The attorneys are scheduled to announce their coordinated crackdown at a Friday news conference.
It’s odd that The Obama Administration can’t seem to stand up to Republicans or foreign countries or even manage a coherent political strategy in foreign or domestic policy, but they can find the backbone to go after sick people in California.
Barack Obama doesn’t have the fainest idea how to create jobs or end wars, but he does know one thing: he doesn’t like medical marijuana.
Calling “federal efforts to shut down licensed dispensaries in California is a full frontal attack by the Obama Administration,” Kris Hermes at Americans For Safe Access told The 420 Times “it’s unclear if the federal government has the resources or inclination to act on any of these threats, but for the price of postage they are engaged in wholesale intimidation.”
“By shutting down dispensaries, the Obama Administration is pushing legal patients into the illicit market,” Kris said. “In addition to the unnecessary harm this policy brings, it is a tremendous waste of taxpayer dollars at a time of fiscal crisis.”
The Fed crackdown is supposed to be made official today. Barack Obama has been very clear in his dislike for marijuana – at least since his flip-flop on the issue upon taking office – and has been very clear in the fact that he doesn’t care whether sick people have safe and reliable access to medical cannabis.
The millions of cannabis users who voted for Obama in 2008 should no longer care whether he has a job or not. Let him join the millions that have become unemployed since he took office.
Filed Under: 420 Times Exclusives • Activism • Best Of The Best • Exclusive Web Content • Medical Marijuana News • Politics • The War On Drugs
Travis Wood says:
Obama is just pissed off because CA didnt legalize crack!!!
DankPursuit says:
Wow, Obama’s daughters and his daughters friends must be really proud! His efforts to continue the ever thriving black market for marijuana is making a lot of criminals prison owners very rich.
Taylor says:
Californians! Ignore this Federal bullying! Nullify this unconstitutional Federal law! Let your Representatives know that you want them to stand up for your rights! Keep up the good fight!
America says:
Barack Obama is absolutely the worst president this country has ever had. He should be ashamed his despicable anti-American actions. I call for the immediate impeachment of this president who is so obviously delusional his actions threaten the well being of the USA. He is waging war against the citizens of the USA and guess what, we are going to fight back.
richard says:
Stand up and fight so we can end the war on the people of this great country.
Michael says:
Just like excpected, guys it’s not Obamas choice i beleive, it’s the real OWNERS of the country who own the big pharma… if weed got legal, it would kill a lot of drugs wich are not needed (because marijuana is medicine).
Illegal marijuana today, is just as absurd as people beleiving in the US government to do anything right. They only want to start new wars on something, and fuck things more up.
dbolen says:
Obama is a coward ass president who has no war experience. This guy needs to be thrown from his thrown and fed to china. Stand up America for are rights, for are Freedom, For are Country.
Hey, here’s an idea… How about #OccupyPotShops?
In 45 days all medical marijuana patients surround their local pot shop to block the feds!???
GuerrillaNoise says:
The only reason pot was made illegal in the first place was the corporations didnt want it interfering with their timber & chemical products’ bottom lines. once you understand that its not a stretch at all to say that the corporations currently being protested world wide could have had an influence in these very oddly timed actions by the president. especially right after the fast & furious fiasco the DoJ just pulled & got away with. wouldnt this create more business for those cartels we are trying to shut down? oh wait bigger cartels means bigger military/police state which means more money into the prison & arms corporations who also happen to be major political contributors. follow where the money goes its not difficult at all these smug bastards dont even bother covering their trails cus the populace is too blind to bother with…
Hey, here’s an idea… How about “OccupyPotShops”?
In 45 days all medical marijuana patients surround their local pot shop to block the feds!???
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'Up In Arms' - Save the Britons Arms Norwich Norfolk UK
Location About Help us save the Britions Arms for Norwich
Description Local People and the current restaurateurs of the Britons Arms are fighting to save this iconic building from going to auction where it could be lost to the city of Norwich."This iconic building should not be going to auction. I can understand the need for immediate revenue when councils are under economic duress, but we must think of the future - It would be a profound loss to the city if this historic landmark building were to be sold on the open market at auction" - Thorpe Hamlet Councillors Lesley Grahame and Peter Offord
Phone Website
The Jodie Emery Show - October 6, 2011 - YouTube
Worth watching
When Will They Ever Learn? « Peter Reynolds
Peter Reynolds
The life and times of Peter Reynolds
When Will They Ever Learn?
The man, the genius, the inspiration that the whole world is feting and eulogising; it turns out he’s just another one of those dirty, disgusting, scumbag drug users.
The estate of Albert Hoffman, inventor of LSD, with exquisite timing, has released correspondence with Steve Jobs, a keen advocate for and user of psychedelic drugs.
David Cameron and Theresa May would have him sent to jail like Casey Hardison for 20 years.
Barack Obama would have him renditioned to wherever he wanted him and subjected to special interrogation techniques.
The Daily Mail and these days, to its eternal shame, even The Independent would have him ostracised, demonised, castigated and excluded.
I know who I think is smart and I know who I know is stupid.
A great man and a great example. The contrast between his intelligence and the ruling oligarchy is startling.
Thursday, 6 October 2011
The Dale Farm Evictions | Do right, fear no-one!
The Dale Farm Evictions
As we await the latest court judgment, Marina Sergides analyses the legal and social aspects of the Dale Farm case
Contrary to the ill-informed views expressed almost daily in the right-wing press, supporters of Dale Farm are not ‘just’ left wingers, students or anarchists. Despite widespread hostility from locals towards the Travellers, the story of Dale Farm has received an astonishing amount of international support and recognition. Advocates cut across the political spectrum because this eviction is unlawful, unfair and morally unjustifiable.
In 1994 the then Conservative government overturned a legal requirement for local authorities to provide adequate sites for Travellers and Gypsies. This shortage of sites, coupled with the extremely low success rates of planning applications made by Travellers and Gypsies, has resulted in the gradual erosion of their way of life. The new Localism Bill, sponsored by a Conservative MP, will further compound this problem. It promises to outlaw retrospective planning permission, which has been virtually the only way in which Gypsies and Travellers have managed to get sites approved. The Gypsy and Traveller Sites Grant, launched in 2008, provided funding for local authorities and registered social landlords to create new sites and refurbish existing sites. This programme, with its stated aim of creating new, permanent, sites to “tackle the inequalities experienced by Travellers … one of the most disadvantaged [groups] in the country”, led to the building of just four new sites, with a total of 37 pitches. 62 new pitches were created on existing sites and 178 pitches were refurbished. Rather predictably, the present government has since scrapped the grant and provided only half of the funding to provide sufficient sites.
In the Dale Farm case, the response of the local authority to this shortage was not to offer sufficient suitable sites to preserve the traditions of this evicted group, but to offer “bricks and mortar” accommodation in a number of different areas. There was a complete failure to recognise that separation of the community represented a complete affront to their way of life.
Furthermore, the exhortations from international bodies to recognise the needs of Gypsy and Traveller communities have been completely ignored. The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination has condemned the Dale Farm eviction as ‘unwise and immature’. The UN was joined by Thomas Hammarberg, the Council of Europe’s commissioner for human rights, who warned there was a great risk of human rights violations if 86 families and 100 children were forcibly removed. The UN proposed a peaceful and appropriate solution in which negotiations would take place between all parties. This would include identifying culturally appropriate accommodation, with full respect for the rights of the children and families involved. According to the Equality and Human Rights Commission the life expectancy of Gypsies and Travellers is 10 years lower than the national average, while mothers are 20 times more likely to experience the death of a child. Despite this compelling evidence of socio-economic disadvantage, those proposing the removal of the Dale Farm residents, the single largest eviction to be undertaken in Britain in modern times, have not shown any willingness to protect this vulnerable part of society.
The approach of Basildon Council, whilst grossly unfair, might be at least partly understandable if the argument based on green belt land had any substance. But prior to the Travellers’ purchase of Dale Farm the land was used as a scrapyard and held no significance for the local authority. It is baffling how anybody can possibly advance environmental considerations as some sort of justification for the action currently being taken.
Dale Farm is the largest Traveller site in the country. Irish Travellers own all of the land on Dale Farm; however part of the site is ‘greenbelt’ land. Approximately 400 Travellers live on this part of the site, but they have not obtained the required planning permission. Basildon Borough Council has served a number of enforcement notices relating to the occupation of this unauthorised site, and the council have also sought to take direct action under the section 178 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1980 in order to secure compliance with these enforcement notices.
The main aspects of the site’s history are as follows:
- In 1996 scrapyard owner Ray Bocking, denied permission to carry on his business, sold Dale Farm to an Irish travelling family for £122,000.
- By 2001, a growing number of families were moving in and various planning breaches were reported, but no action was taken by Basildon Council.
- Between 2002 and 2004, Basildon Borough Council served eviction notices.
- In 2008 the High Court held that the council’s decision to take direct action under section 178 was unlawful because (1) the council had failed to consider that enforcement action could be taken against some of the occupants but not all of them; (2) the council should have given further consideration to the issue of whether alternative sites could be found for the Travellers ;and (3) the council had failed to consider whether there were any individual families whose circumstances were such that an eviction would be disproportionate.
- Basildon council appealed. The Court of Appeal overturned the High Court decision and found in favour of the council. The Court of Appeal held that the council had given sufficient consideration to the case of each person and there was no breach of Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights. The decision of the European Court of Human Rights in Chapman v United Kingdom applied. Chapman stated that a court would be slow to protect those who, in conscious defiance of the law, established a home on an environmentally protected site. The Court of Appeal held that the persistent breaches of both planning control and the criminal law by the Travellers legitimately formed the basis of a decision to take direct action under section 178. Therefore, in light of all these factors, the action taken was lawful and the council could legally evict the Travellers living on the unauthorised site.
- In August 2011 the Travellers failed to win a last-minute injunction in the High Court in an attempt to halt the eviction. The case largely hinged on the circumstances of an occupant of Dale Farm, 72 year-old Mary Flynn, who had suffered a serious deterioration in health since the Court of Appeal decision. However, the judge was told by the council that this fresh material would be considered before proceeding against her. The judge ruled that the planning system had been efficient and fair. He stressed that it was in the public interest that there should be finality to the litigation and there were no exceptional circumstances that would justify the reopening of the judgment given by the Court of Appeal
- Basildon council set 19th September 2011 as the date for the eviction of residents of the unauthorised site on Dale Farm. However, on that very day the High Court granted the Travellers an emergency injunction restraining the council from clearing structures on the site pending a further hearing at the High Court on 23rd September. The crux of the judge’s decision was that the residents had not been sufficiently informed about what was allowed on each pitch and what must be removed. He held that the council had to inform residents, on a plot-by-plot basis, as to the enforcement measures which were being proposed.
- On 29th September 2011, at a further High Court hearing, the Travellers argued that Basildon could not achieve a full-scale site clearance that would restore the site to greenfield. At best it could only be a partial clearance. As such, eviction was disproportionate.
On 3rd October 2011, Mr Justice Edwards-Stuart ruled that most of the caravans at the Dale Farm Traveller site can be removed. Basildon now has permission to remove 49 out of 54 plots but, because of the wording of the eviction notice, it cannot remove the walls, fences and gates. The Council’s stated hope of “clearing” the site and returning it to green belt land is not, therefore, apparently possible. But, given the complexity of the arguments, who knows where the fate of Dale Farm lies. The permission to evict granted on 3rd October cannot begin immediately, as Travellers wait to hear about three separate judicial reviews concerning the legality of the eviction and an injunction preventing any removal from the site is expected to remain in force until at least a week. If the Dale Farm residents’ claim for a judicial review into the legality of the entire eviction fails, Basildon Council must then decide whether to spend £22 million on a partial eviction
In response to Mr Justice Edwards-Stuart’s decision, Dale Farm resident Kathleen McCarthy said:
“This will leave Dale Farm as a patchwork of concrete and fences, not the green belt the council are claiming it will be. Where are we supposed to go? They are separating families and ruining so many lives here, and for what? To turn Dale Farm into a scrapyard again. It’s ridiculous.”
Ridiculous indeed.
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs dead at 56 - CBS News
October 5, 2011 7:46 PM
- Text
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs dead at 56
- By
- Tom Krazit
(CNET)Apple co-founder and Chairman Steve Jobs died today. He was 56.
Jobs had been suffering from various health issues following the seven-year anniversary of his surgery for a rare form of pancreatic cancer in August 2004. Apple announced in January that he would be taking an indeterminate medical leave of absence. Jobs then stepped down as chief executive in late August, citing his inability to "meet my duties and expectations" stemming from his illness.
In a statement, Apple said paid tribute to its one-time leader as " a visionary and creative genius" adding that the world had "lost an amazing human being."
"Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple," the company statement said.
Recalling his interactions with Jobs over three decades as "colleagues, competitors and friends," Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said "the world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come. For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it's been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely. "
Jobs had undergone a liver transplant in April 2009 during an earlier planned six-month leave of absence. He returned to work for a year and a half before his health forced him to take more time off. He told his employees in August, "I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple's CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come."
One of the most legendary businessmen in American history, Jobs turned three separate industries on their head in the 35 years he was involved in the technology industry.
Personal computing was invented with the launch of the Apple II in 1977. Legal digital music recordings were brought into the mainstream with the iPod and iTunes in the early 2000s, and mobile phones were never the same after the 2007 debut of the iPhone. Jobs played an instrumental role in the development of all three, and managed to find time to transform the art of computer-generated movie-making on the side.
Video: Steve Jobs retrospective
Video: The charisma of Steve Jobs: From the Mac to the iPad
Steve Jobs steps down from Apple
Jobs and the Apple MacBook: The laptop that changed (almost) everythingThe invention of the iPad in 2010, a touch-screen tablet computer his competitors flocked to reproduce, was the capstone of his career as a technologist. A conceptual hybrid of a touch-screen iPod and a slate computer, the 10-inch mobile device was Jobs' vision for a more personal computing device.
Jobs was considered brilliant yet brash. He valued elegance in design yet was almost never seen in public wearing anything but a black mock turtleneck, blue jeans, and a few days worth of stubble. A master salesman who considered himself an artist at heart, Jobs inspired both reverence and fear in those who worked for him and against him, and was adored by an army of loyal Apple customers who almost saw him as superhuman.
Jobs was born in San Francisco in 1955 to young parents who gave him up for adoption. Paul and Clara Jobs gave him his name, and moved out of the city in 1960 to the Santa Clara Valley, later to be known as Silicon Valley. Jobs grew up in Mountain View and Cupertino, where Apple's headquarters is located.
He attended Reed College in Oregon for a year but dropped out, although he sat in on some classes that interested him, such as calligraphy. After a brief stint at Atari working on video games, he spent time backpacking around India, furthering teenage experiments with psychedelic drugs and developing an interest in Buddhism, all of which would shape his work at Apple.
Back in California, Jobs' friend Steve Wozniak was learning the skills that would change both their lives. When Jobs discovered that Wozniak had been assembling relatively (for the time) small computers, he struck a partnership, and Apple Computer was founded in 1976 in the usual Silicon Valley fashion: setting up shop in the garage of one of the founder's parents.
Apple pays homage to Steve Jobs on its website
(Credit: Apple)Wozniak handled the technical end, creating the Apple I, while Jobs ran sales and distribution. The company sold a few hundred Apple Is, but found much greater success with the Apple II, which put the company on the map and is largely credited as having proven that regular people wanted computers.
It also made Jobs and Wozniak rich. Apple went public in 1980, and Jobs was well on his way to becoming one of the first tech industry celebrities, earning a reputation for brilliance, arrogance, and the sheer force of his will and persuasion, often jokingly referred to as his "reality-distortion field."
The debut of the Macintosh in 1984 left no doubt that Apple was a serious player in the computer industry, but Jobs only had a little more than a year left at the company he founded when the Mac was released in January 1984.
By 1985 Apple CEO John Sculley--who Jobs had convinced to leave Pepsi in 1983 and run Apple with the legendary line, "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?"--had developed his own ideas for the future of the company, and they differed from Jobs'. He removed Jobs from his position leading the Macintosh team, and Apple's board backed Sculley.
Jobs resigned from the company, later telling an audience of Stanford University graduates "what had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating." He would get the last laugh.
He went on to found NeXT, which set about making the next computer in Jobs' eyes. NeXT was never the commercial success that Apple was, but during those years, Jobs found three things that would help him architect his return.
The first was Pixar. Jobs snapped up the graphic-arts division of Lucasfilm in 1986, which would go on to produce "Toy Story" in 1995 and set the standard for computer-graphics films. After making a fortune from Pixar's IPO in 1995, Jobs eventually sold the company to Disney in 2006.
The second was object-oriented software development. NeXT chose this development model for its software operating systems, and it proved to be more advanced and more nimble than the operating system developments Apple was working on without Jobs.
The third was Laurene Powell, a Stanford MBA student who attended a talk on entrepreneurialism given by Jobs in 1989 at the university. The two wed in 1991 and eventually had three children; Reed, born in 1991, Erin, born in 1995, and Eve, born in 1998. Jobs has another daughter, Lisa, who was born 1978, but Jobs refused to acknowledge he was her father for the first few years of her life, eventually reconciling with Lisa and her mother, his high-school girlfriend Chris-Ann Brennan.
Jobs returned to Apple in 1996, having convinced then-CEO Gil Amelio to adopt NeXTStep as the future of Apple's operating system development. Apple was in a shambles at the time, losing money, market share, and key employees.
By 1997, Jobs was once again in charge of Apple. He immediately brought buzz back to the company, which pared down and reacquired a penchant for showstoppers, such as the 1998 introduction of the iMac; perhaps the first "Stevenote." His presentation skills at events such as Macworld would become legendary examples of showmanship and star power in the tech industry.
Jobs also set the company on the path to becoming a consumer-electronics powerhouse, creating and improving products such as the iPod, iTunes, and later, the iPhone and iPad. Apple is the most valuable technology company in the world, and has a market capitalization second to only ExxonMobil, which Apple surpassed multiple times this past August.
He did so in his own fashion, imposing his ideas and beliefs on his employees and their products in ways that left many a career in tatters. Jobs enforced a culture of secrecy at Apple and was an extremely demanding leader, terrorizing Apple employees when he returned to the company in the late 1990s with summary firings if he didn't like the answers they gave when questioned.
Jobs was an intensely private person. That quality put him and Apple at odds with government regulators and stockholders who demanded to know details about his ongoing health problems and his prognosis as the leader and alter ego of his company. It spurred a 2009 SEC probe into whether Apple's board had made misleading statements about his health.
In the years before he fell ill in 2008, Jobs seemed to soften a bit, perhaps due to his bout with a rare form of pancreatic cancer in 2004.
In 2005, his remarks to Stanford graduates included this line: "Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything--all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important."
Later, in 2007, he appeared onstage at the D: All Things Digital conference for a lengthy interview with bitter rival Bill Gates, exchanging mutual praise and prophetically quoting the Beatles: "You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead."
Jobs leaves behind his wife, four children, two sisters, and 49,000 Apple employees.
CNET's Josh Lowensohn and Erica Ogg contributed to this report
REUTERS Technology Report - 2011/10/05
Good afternoon Mark
Microsoft Corp is considering a bid for Yahoo Inc, resurfacing as a potential buyer after a bitter and unsuccessful fight to take over the Internet company in 2008, sources close to the situation told Reuters on Wednesday.Microsoft joins a host of other companies looking at Yahoo, which has a market value of about $18 billion and is readying financial pitch books for potential buyers, they said. Those companies include buyout shops Providence Equity Partners, Hellman & Friedman and Silver Lake Partners, as well as Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba and Russian technology investment firm DST Global, the sources said.Rival smartphone makers could exploit a rare letdown by Apple in the launch of its new iPhone 4S model, which failed to wow fans, and grab a bigger share of the most lucrative part of the phone market.In a sign that even Facebook is not immune to market volatility, the WSJ reports that the price of shares for the social network has slowed on secondary markets, falling 8 percent since July.India launched what it dubbed the world's cheapest tablet computer Wednesday, to be sold to students at the subsidized price of $35 and later in shops for about $60.Reuters blogger Felix Salmon, who has had an ongoing spat with Business Insider founder Henry Blodget, had this to say about Blodget ringing the opening bell at the NYSE: "Blodget’s VIP status on the floor of the NYSE today shows how far he’s come from the dot-bust days of his disgrace."
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
The Lost People: Human Trafficking, News and Information.: Great Britain
Homeless in London in danger of been sold into slavery
BBC reports on claims stating that an increasing number of homeless people in London, “have been targeted by gangs looking for slave.” The victims are promised employment, if they accept the offer, they are then are taken and sold.
The Lost People: Human Trafficking, News and Information.: Police in Peru rescue women forced into sex trade
Police in Peru rescue women forced into sex trade
Approximately 293 women were rescued after a three-day massive police operation in Puerto Maldonado, Peru; at least 10 of them were minors.
According to the newspaper La Nación, 12 procurers were captured during the raid. The pimps had been luring the women from the Cuzco and Madre de Díos area by offering jobs in shops, and as domestic helpers. After their arrival, the women were forced into prostitution.
The BBC reported that from the 50 establishments raided the youngest victim was a 13-year-old girl. Various NGOs working in the area have informed that the number of underage age girls brought to be sex slave exceeds 1,000.
NO MAD LAWS - Petition Online - UK - Gypsies and Travellers
We the undersigned call upon the Government to ensure that Legal Aid in the Legal Aid Bill 2011 is available for Gypsies and Travellers to defend evictions from unauthorised encampments and to be advised and represented in High Court planning matters. It is due to the failures of successive central and local Governments to ensure adequate site provision that some 25% of the Gypsy and Traveller population who live in caravans are on unauthorised encampments and unauthorised developments. This is through no fault of their own. Gypsies and Travellers are one of the most disadvantaged groups in the United Kingdom and the Government must ensure that they have access to legal advice and assistance just as any other group does.
Police Pay Dearly for Miss Universe Visit | The Jakarta Globe
Police Pay Dearly for Miss Universe Visit
Elisabeth Oktofani & Yuli Saputra | October 05, 2011Leila Lopes, left, visited Yogyakarta on Tuesday accompanied by Putri Indonesia 2010 Nadine Alexandra, center, and Putri Indonesia Environment 2010 Reisa Kartikasari. Lopes visit to Indonesia has sparked controversy after allegations emerged that West Java Police paid the Angolan beauty Rp 750 million ($84,000) to attend an upcoming event. (Antara Photo)
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Miss Universe 2011 Leila Lopes has walked straight into a controversy while visiting Indonesia after she was reportedly offered an exorbitant sum from a West Java Police group for her attendance at an event.
Lopes, who is visiting to crown the new Miss Indonesia on Friday evening, is expected to be a VIP guest at a charity night held by the West Java branch of Bhayangkari, the Association of the Wives of Policemen, next Tuesday.
Local media reported that the West Java Bhayangkari had raised Rp 750 million ($84,000), including from contributions levied from police officers, to enable the Angolan beauty to attend the event.
Police expert Bambang Widodo Umar urged National Police Chief Gen. Timur Pradopo to summon West Java Police Chief Insp. Gen. Putut Bayusenot over the scandal.
“The National Police Chief or the chairwoman of Bhayangkari should correct the West Java Police chief or his wife and show them how best to celebrate an anniversary,” said Bambang, a lecturer at the National Police University and a former official at the National Police Commission, a law enforcement watchdog.
“It would be better to donate the money to orphans, to use it to help low-ranking police officers or help children go to school. Sometimes they don’t even have enough money to pay the rent on their house,” Bambang said.
Bambang said that it was inappropriate to invite a Miss Universe because she was not a figure related to law enforcement. “If they want to invite a public figure, they should invite a security figure than beauty figure.” Bambang said.
Neta S. Pane, chairman of Indonesian Police Watch, said the source of Rp 750 million funding needed to be clarified. It is also not clear how much money, if any, was paid to Ms Lopes.
“It is fine to invite Miss Universe to a Bhayangkari anniversary celebration as long as the funding is coming from a sponsor,” Neta said.
“It can create a positive image for the National Police and she can learn about our Indonesian police, especially in West Java.”
“But if the funding is related to corruption or bribe allegations, then it needs to be investigated by KPK,” he added, referring to the Corruption Eradication Commission. It was ironic, Neta said, that police officers would spend millions of rupiah on a celebration while low-ranking police officers were so poorly paid.
West Java police spokesman Sr. Comr. Agus Rianto said that Lopes has been planning to visit Bandung and that the West Java Bhayangkari group was making use of that opportunity.
“The West Java Police did not have a role in inviting Miss Universe,” Agus told the Jakarta Globe on Tuesday.
The appearance was reportedly made possible with the cooperation of Yayasan Puteri Indonesia — the organizer of Miss Indonesia and the franchise holder of all Miss Universe’s activities in the country — and an event organizer, Viseta Global Utama.
Viseta provides public relations and speaker training and is run by Coreta El Kapoyos, its Web site said. Coreta is Putut’s wife.
Viseta spokeswoman Megi Theresia was quoted on the Indonesian Police Commission’s Web site as rejecting allegations the money came from police coffers.
“The money came from the [event organizer], from the sponsors. We didn’t ask for money from police officials,” Megi said.
“We invited Miss Universe because she is in Indonesia so it couldn’t hurt if she comes to Bandung to attend the charity night.”
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