Around the Web:
Canadians depart to join Gaza flotilla - World - CBC News
Israel to stop Gaza flotilla regardless of cargo | Reuters
Greece puts halt to Gaza flotilla in a win for Israel -
Israel rejects allegations it sabotaged Gaza flotilla ships
Greece arrests Gaza-bound boat captain
Gaza flotilla: Looking at both sides of the story
The object of this blog began as a display of a varied amount of writings, scribblings and rantings that can be easily analysed by technology today to present the users with a clearer picture of the state of their minds, based on tests run on their input and their uses of the technology we are advocating with
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Gaza-Bound Boat Captain Arrested In Greece
Dead body went unnoticed in public swimming pool for days | The Raw Story
Dead body went unnoticed in public swimming pool for days
NEW YORK — Massachusetts officials have closed a busy public swimming pool after a woman's dead body went unnoticed in the water for two days as people continued to swim, the Boston Globe reported Friday.
The permit for the state-run swimming pool expired six months ago, and a city inspector who examined the site on Tuesday -- just hours before the body surfaced -- did not see the remains because the water was so murky, the newspaper reported.
The victim, Haitian immigrant Marie Joseph, 36, was last seen going down a slide into the Veterans Memorial Pool in the town of Fall River on Sunday.
Her body was not found until it surfaced late Tuesday, when local teenagers jumped the fence for an after-hours swim.
The water may have become murky because the body had begun to decompose, the Globe reported.
Joseph went to the pool with two other adults and six children, a neighbor told the Globe.
A 9-year-old boy that went down the slide just before Joseph tried to alert lifeguards but was ignored, according to Veronica Reis, a friend of the victim.
Copyright © 2011 AFP. All rights reserved
UWB - Dementia Services Development Centre Wales
Welcome to Dementia Services Development Centre Wales
Dementia in Wales
Dementia is the family name for a number of disorders, all of which have in common a loss of memory and other intellectual functions, a reduction in the person's ability to care for him/herself, often accompanied by emotional changes and disturbances of behaviour. There are many types of dementia: the most common are Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia and Lewy body demenita. These conditions are usually progressive and there are, as yet, no curative treatments; the available medications for Alzheimer's disease are thought to slow the rate of decline in a proportion of those affected.
It is estimated that over 40,000 people suffer from a dementia in Wales. This number will increase still further with the projected growth in the number of people over 80, who are most at risk of developing a dementia. When family and other informal care-givers are taken into account the total number of people involved is several times greater. The economic impact of dementia in Wales could be as much as £500 million (at 1997/98 prices), if indirect costs such as informal carers' opportunity costs are taken into account. Dementia is a major concern for health and social services; it is the single most frequent cause of admission to residential and nursing homes, and of the need for community care services in older people. Younger people may also be affected, and often must be cared for by services designed for older people.
The Network of Dementia Services Development Centres
The first Dementia Services Development Centre in the UK was established at the University of Stirling in 1989 and has since won international recognition as a centre for excellence in the field of dementia care. In recent years there has been a major initiative to develop further centres to serve most of the British Isles. Centres have already been established in Oxford, Bristol, Newcastle, Manchester, Wolverhampton, Canterbury, Dublin and London, and are providing services to their respective catchment areas.
In Wales, a unique partnership has been established between Bangor University and the Service Development Team (EMI) in Cardiff in order to provide, on an all-Wales basis, a Dementia Services Development Centre, following the same principles as those established elsewhere. With the appointment of an Information Officer in August 1999, Wales was able to take its place as an operational centre. As part of the DSDC Network, DSDC Wales ensures that initiatives and good practice in Wales are disseminated to the rest of the UK and vice versa.
These web pages are maintained by Katherine Algar and were last updated on 16th March 2011
Copyright © 2001-2011 DSDC - Dementia Services Development Centre Wales
Neuadd Ardudwy, Bangor University, Holyhead Road, BANGOR LL57 2PX
tel: 01248 383719 | email:
Friday, 1 July 2011
International Women's Rights Movement: Global Groups
International Women's Rights OrganizationsNote: You can find many more international women's groups on the Women's Antiwar Groups page, the Pro-Choice and Reproductive Freedom page, and the Feminist Activism page on this website. Also, there are now many recommended books available on international women's human rights issues in the site's new Women's Bookstore, where most of the books are written by women.Equality Now is an excellent organization that fights for women's human rights around the world. Their website is in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom was perhaps the first international women's rights group to exist. If not, it's one of the first. They have been working for women's rights around the world since the days of Jane Addams.The Global Fund for Women gives grants to groups around the world that are working to improve women's human rights. Many of their grantees have web sites.The Sisterhood is Global Institute is named after the book by Robin Morgan, and works for women's human rights around the worldworks in partnership with women's community-based groups worldwide to address issues of health, economic development and other human rights.The Global Sisterhood Network monitors electronic and print media for information of interest to feminists and people working for women's rights around the worldVirtual Sisterhood is a global women's electronic support network (internet only)The United Nation's Women Watch is an internet gateway to issues important to women around the world. There are documents from the UN conferences on women and many other useful materials.UNIFEM promotes women's empowerment and gender equality. It works to ensure the participation of women in all levels of development planning and practice, and acts as a catalyst within the UN system, supporting efforts that link the needs and concerns of women to all critical issues on the national, regional and global agendas. UNIFEM focuses its work at the country level within the context of the United Nations Resident Coordinator System. Playing a strong advocacy role, the Fund concentrates on fostering a multilateral policy dialogue on women's empowerment.WEDO, founded by the leader of the international women's movement, Bella Abzug, is an incredible organization that truly unites women throughout the world, working to improve social conditions through the empowerment of women.The Tahirih Justice Center provides legal, medical, and other types of aid to women who come to the United States as refugees or seeking political asylum for human rights abusesHuman Rights Watch - Women's Rights An online collection of frequently updated articles on women's human rights issues around the world, and news about the campaigns of Human Rights Watch related to women's rights.This organization works to promote the human rights and economic development of women in third world/low-income countries, as well as in the U.S. They have some excellent programs and will send you news via email.This network of non-governmental organizations (NGO's) from around the world was first formed in preparation of the Beijing + 5 Conference. Though that conference is over, women in most regions can find links here to local organizations, as well as international organizations working to improve the status of women's rights generally, and implement the protections of women's rights that were stressed during the Beijing women's conference.The Council of Women World Leaders is a network of current and former heads of state and heads of governmentThe International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting social and economic development with women's full participation. ICRW generates quality, empirical information and technical assistance on women's productive and reproductive roles, their status in the family, their leadership in society, and their management of environmental resources. ICRW advocates with governments and multilateral agencies, convenes experts in formal and informal forums, and engages in an active publications and information program to advance women's rights and opportunities.General Human Rights Organizations(not complete and will never be comprehensive)The World Organization Against Torture (OMCT for French abbreviation) has an excellent web site with frequently updated information. It's SOS network is a large group of organizations in many countries fighting for human rights.The World Organization Against Torture - USA is a member of the SOS network.Derechos Human Rights is the first internet-based human rights organization. Working primarily for people in South and Central America, its website is in English and Spanish.The Resource Center of the Americas is an agency that helps fight human rightsabuses and build connections between the people of the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean.CISPES: The Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador is a grassroots organization
Women's Enterprise Steering Group | Global Entrepreneurship Week
Women's Enterprise Steering Group
The Women’s Enterprise Steering Group is a coalition of organisations dedicated to supported women’s enterprise in the UK and around the world.
Formed to share insight, knowledge and expertise, the Group is invaluable in identifying key areas to focus on during Women’s Enterprise Day (17 November 2010).
The Partners
Alex Ritchie, Enterprise UK (Chair of the Steering Group)
Alex has been working with entrepreneurs and SMEs for eleven years and has a background in business support for SMEs and start-ups, women’s enterprise and business support to disadvantaged and under-represented groups. Alex joined EUK in 2006 to head up the Women’s Enterprise campaign, where she created and managed the Girls! Make Your Mark Ambassador programme and national awards scheme, profiling positive female role models to young women and girls. She also led a team to co-ordinate Spark, the National Women’s Enterprise Ambassador Network, on behalf of BIS and the RDAs. In 2009 she led the team that won a Special Recognition award from GWIIN for ‘building the capacity of innovative women within the Ambassadors programme’. Last year Alex moved across to head up a new area of work developed to tip those closer to start-up and those under-represented in enterprise into being entrepreneurial in the short term. Alex sits on the advisory board for Astia, a global organisation for high-growth, women-led businesses and has been training as an executive and corporate coach having coached and mentored start-up entrepreneurs and others helping them achieve their business and personal goals.
Giulia Corinaldi, Cherie Blair Foundation for Women
Giulia Corinaldi recently joined the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women as Project Manager for the “Mentoring Women in Business” project. The Foundation works to provide women entrepreneurs with access to business development support, technology, finance and networks. The Foundation’s mission is to strengthen the capacity of women entrepreneurs in countries where they lack equal opportunities so they can grow their businesses and become greater contributors to their economies. Working in partnership with Google, Giulia is currently developing an e-mentoring programme where experienced businessmen and women mentor women entrepreneurs from low and middle income countries. Giulia previously worked for TIE UK, as the Chapter Manager where she was responsible for launching two new mentoring programmes in the UK. Giulia holds a Masters degree in International Politics from SOAS.
Dr Rebecca Harding, Delta Economics
Dr Rebecca Harding, founder and managing director of Delta Economics and the World Entrepreneur Society, is an academic researcher, a business economist and an entrepreneur. Amongst other things she has been a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sussex, a Senior Research Fellow at London Business School, Global and UK Director of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), an Associate Director of Research at Deloitte and the Work Foundation’s Chief Economist. She was Specialist Adviser to the Treasury Select Committee and Chief Economic Adviser to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Entrepreneurship. She is author of nine books and over 150 reports and refereed articles. Her research has influenced policy and thinking about enterprise, most recently through her input into the Women’s Enterprise Task Force and the Women’s Enterprise Centre of Expertise in the West Midlands. In 2008 she was awarded the Prowess Women’s Researcher of the Year award.
Sabila Din, Din Consultants
Sabila Din is the founder and CEO of Din Consultants – Growth and Marketing practitioners – who provide Corporates and Entrepreneurs, with experienced support to accelerate and realise growth plans in domestic and global markets. Wealth management sector is a key focus and Din Consultants has worked with a number of the major global banks. Sabila also works with entrepreneurs, helping shape their ideas for investment raising and growth. Prior to starting Din Consultants, Sabila was Commercial and Marketing Director for ABN AMRO, Asia – a retail bank start-up. Her early career was in the marketing and advertising sector, where she helped to build and manage JWT Dialog (Hongkong). She was also board director of CDP (UK) and part of the Streets Financial communications team in the UK. She is also in the process of setting up her first collaborative venture targetting the female economy.
Sandy Plange, Enterprising Women
Sandy Plange leads Enterprising Women, a community of over 7,000 women in enterprise, seeking specialist business and growth support in the UK. From industry conferences to stakeholder best practice seminars, Sandy delivers presentations raising awareness of the importance of women’s enterprise and its contribution to UK GVA. Her focuses include the creation and delivery of a wide range of project management, marketing, networking and new business development activities and CRM. This has delivered excellent results, demonstrated through the continuing national growth of the community by this under-represented enterprise group. Sandy is an active member of the East of England Women in Enterprise steering group, a member of the East of England BME Taskforce and its BMEs in Enterprise sub group. Sandy is also one of Enterprising Women’s mentors, currently mentoring women new to enterprise.
Etta Cohen, Forward Ladies
Etta Cohen founded Forward Ladies in 2000 as a small group of professional women who met and shared their experiences. The mission of Forward Ladies is to promote and celebrate the engagement and participation of women in economic success by enabling women to be more confident in life and business through knowledge, contacts, support and friendship. Since the initial launch in 2000 it has grown to become the North’s largest women’s networking and business support organisation. With a database of over 11,000 women across Yorkshire, the Humber and M62 corridor Etta, truly is the queen of business networking.
Bola Olabisi, GWIIN
Bola Olabisi, LLM, FRSA, is the Executive Director of European Union Women Inventors & Innovators Network (EUWIIN) and CEO of the UK based Global Women Inventors & Innovators Network (GWIIN) covering various regions in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. She is also the Vice President of the British Association of Women Entrepreneurs (BAWE). Bola sits on the European Commission’s Network of Women in Decision making in Brussels to assist with the promotion of women’s empowerment and gender balance in decision making positions. She continues to work to build opportunities for creative and innovative women in the workplace, at home, in the business context and in learning environments. She is a longstanding Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a Senior TED Fellow. In 2008, Bola was awarded The International Alliance for Women (TIAW) World of Difference Award in recognition for her efforts to advance the economic empowerment of women locally, regionally and worldwide. Bola works with Government departments, industry experts, voluntary organisations, enterprises and educational departments in finding effective ways of bringing the support, assistance, tools, advice and information that assist innovative women in achieving significant growth in their businesses.
Gill Fennings, Her Business - Women’s Business Centre
Gill is Consultant Director of the Women’s Business Centre, the first purpose built Women’s Business Centre in the UK, which was launched by Stephen Timms in May 2008. The centre has held Prowess Flagship quality standard for 7 years and in 2009 won Flagship of the year making it the best provider of women’s enterprise start up support in the country. The centre won its award because of its innovative use of coaching and NLP with the most disadvantaged and diverse clients. Gill set up the support and supervises the award winning team of coaches and trainers. Gill recently completed her Masters Degree in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Distinction), which researched the fine line between coaching and counselling. She is accredited to the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and is a Certified Trainer of NLP. She delivers a range of personal development workshops and trainings to business women and men.
Alli Price, Motivating Mum
Alli Price, mum of two and Aussie living in London, is founder of Motivating Mum, a business offering support and advice to Mumpreneurs and those just setting up. Initially a coach, helping mums in every stage of motherhood, Alli quickly realised how isolating it was to work from home whilst looking after a child. So she developed the Businessmums’ Networking Lunches, attended by over 500 mums, as well as peer-to-peer business support sessions, Brainstorm in a Teacup. Alli has just launched a nationwide mentoring database, providing Mumpreneurs the opportunity to get business advice from other mums that are experts in their field. Motivating Mum also offers articles and features, an online forum and opportunities for mums to learn about diary and event management. Alli’s aim is to help Mumpreneurs achieve their business dreams and she continues to do this even with a newborn baby!
Heidi Mallace, Project Associates
Heidi Mallace is a Director at Project Associates which she joined in 2004. Her focus is on creating and implementing the company’s Marketing strategy as well as managing HR and servicing select clients. Heidi is an ambassador for Project Associates and builds and maintains the business’s extensive network, which includes leading individuals from the worlds of business, media, law and politics. She has also managed and coordinated a number of high profile events and campaigns. She was previously at Brunswick Financial PR and its sister company Merchant, a corporate design consultancy. Whilst at Brunswick Heidi worked on accounts including Camelot, Mothercare and Selfridges. Heidi is a Council Member of the Media Society.
Cally Robson, She’s Ingenious!
Cally Robson is Founder of She’s Ingenious! an online network and library of resources for women developing and taking innovative product and businesses to market. Grown out of her career in the media and product development, developing her own crockery product, her role in e-commerce and web marketing since the 90s and a workshop and coaching partnership with the British Library’s Business & IP Centre since 2006, Cally’s mission with is to create more successful women entrepreneurs with profitable, scaleable businesses built around their natural ingenuity and talents. Cally is also a recently appointed Portfolio Director to innovative high-growth companies in Oxfordshire, working for the SEEDA-funded South East Business Innovation & Growth initiative. Cally is a member of the International Coach Federation, a Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), and nominee for a First Women Award 2010 for her pioneering work in business services.
Elizabeth Varley, Techhub
Elizabeth Varley is a communicator and entrepreneur with a background in technology, content and events. She is currently launching TechHub collaboration spaces around the world for technology entrepreneurs, starting in London. Elizabeth has also worked with small business advice site Smarta, with Germination on the SHINE unconference for social entrepreneurs, and heads the team for Twestival London. For six years from 2001 she ran Online Content UK, an editorial and content agency and has previously been a judge at GeeknRolla, the Association of Online Publishers Awards, the Information Management Awards and sat on the London College of Communication’s Digital Media Advisory Forum. Elizabeth is committed to supporting the wider technology industry and was one of the founding steering committee members of the DigitalEve women in technology organisation in the UK. In 2002 she was a consultant on ITbeat with e-skills UK – a project to encourage girls to get involved in IT and new media.
Sue Lawton, We Connect Europe
Sue is the Chief Executive Officer of WEConnect Europe and is responsible for its overall development. WEConnect Europe is the leading global supplier diversity initiative spearheading the connection of women-owned business and multinational corporations. It is Europe’s leading advocate of women-owned businesses as suppliers to global and national corporations and government bodies. Sue is the primary contact for corporate membership and is a member of the WEConnect International development team. She has extensive experience in enterprise development and has worked within the UK, the USA and Central America. She has an MA Human Resource Management, an MA Social Enterprise Management and is a Chartered Member of the Institute of People Management. Sue is also a Visiting Fellow at the Small Business Research Centre at Kingston University.
Fiona Davies, WiRE
Fiona Davies is Growth Manager at WiRE - the only national UK organisation to promote, support and develop rural businesswomen. It serves its 2000 members across the UK by offering members a package of practical business services including: WiRE Local Network Groups which offer the chance to network and do business with like-minded women, a glossy magazine with a readership of 20,000, monthly e-newsletters and countless marketing opportunities. Fiona is responsible for commercial development on behalf of WiRE & Members, continued development of the website, e-commerce, publicity and marketing, milestone member events – conference, trade mission, road shows and events and contract development and delivery. Fiona has been managing WiRE Growth for the last year and has been with WiRE since its inception. She has considerable marketing and PR experience and has the advantage of having run her own business.
Julie Hall, Women Unlimited
Julie launched Women Unlimited, the UK’s fastest growing organisation focused on supporting women business owners in September 2008 following 8 years running her own business, Springmedia, a boutique design agency based in south west London. Julie’s background and experience on the internet has enabled her to quickly build a loyal customer base of female entrepreneurs who wish to share their knowledge and expertise with other business owners. She determined that women learn best through sharing stories and communicating with each other and has developed a number of avenues through which new and existing business owners can benefit from each others experience. Since its inception, Women Unlimited has held a number of inspirational events including the three national conferences and Extraordinary Entrepreneurs evening. In the coming months Women Unlimited will be launching a membership site and running evening networking meetings.
Get Involved | WOW Info
Get Involved
WOW is a small, active 501 c 3 organization. Membership fees fund our projects, keep our website current, and cover our operating expenses. All members, including the Board, volunteer their time. Your membership indicates your support of our efforts to ADVOCATE for women, continue our mission to EDUCATE, and carry out worldwide HUMANITARIAN activities. As a member, you have a voice, a vote, and a role in WOW projects and goals.
Let us know if you want to take an active role in supporting and advancing our causes. We need your help so we can help others. We invite your participation by taking a leadership position such as attending UN meetings, leading a humanitarian project, or planning events. Or you may participate in supporting roles. We always need writers, website managers, travel agents, trainers, videographers, and photographers. We do a lot of work at the U.N. in New York and Geneva, and we can always use help in those locations. Much of our work can be done from home. Many meetings are online or via conference calls. Please look over Worldwide Organization for Women’s current needs and volunteer a little of your time.
- Humanitarian Project Coordinating Committee: This committee will formulate guidelines for humanitarian project approval and recommend projects to the WOW Board.
- Strategic Planning Committee: This committee will meet in 2010 to look at sustainability and long range plans for WOW.
- Membership Committee: We have a Chair but can always use people who are connected and organized.
- Publicity and Website: WOW can never have too much help with our web site. If you are a Blogger, or familiar with WordPress need YOU!
- Librarian: (No card file involved) Help us compile lists and information on books pertaining to our mission. We’ll post them and encourage WOW Bookgroups to read and share on the Blog. Board members are anxious to share titles that inspired them.
- Standing Rules Committee: We need writers to refine the text of WOW’s work. Bylaws have recently been updated, and we need a document that includes the organization’s history, accomplishments, and procedures: what we do and how it should be done so the organization can move forward.
- Calendar Coordinator: Keep our calendar (conferences and meetings occuring worldwide). We have lists but not time enough to post them. We’d like it compiled and posted on a google calendar site.
- FUNDRAISING: Volunteers always needed!!!
Call a local literacy organization. Volunteer to help women or children learn to read. Kids cannot succeed if they cannot read and women cannot teach their families if they cannot read themselves.
Support the Mother’s Legacy Project, sponsored by one of our partner organizations, American Mothers. Read more about it and add a story about a mother or other woman you know who has made a difference at
World Reading Day: Collect books to donate to one of our projects, or sponsor an event in your local area.
Be a Trainer for the FACTS Education program: We have sponsored the FACTS program (Teen Sexuality) with a grant from the Utah Health Department for the last 10 years. Our FACTS program is no longer funded through the government. We need trainers who would like to help teach this abstinence program. We will train you, and provide materials.
Attend a conference on women or family issues in your community. Share what you learn on our Blog. Or write on your Blog and link to us, adding links you feel are helpful on subjects you’ve learned about.
Start a WOW Bookgroup. Read a book or watch a documentary and have a group of friends over to talk about the issues. Report your efforts on our Blog or write about your experience and link to us. Check our booklist for information on issues we care about.
Write a letter. Every day, decisions are made in local, state and national bodies that affect women. Speak out on issues you feel need a voice. If you don’t do it, who will? Check out our Resolutions (link) to learn where we stand on these issues. Contact us if you need information or help.
Become a specialist in an area or volunteer in an area you are already knowledgeable in. We need women to chair many of these critical issues. If you like to organize around an issue, we would love to have your leadership.
Attend a meeting or sit on a Committee at the UN. Contact us at if you’d like to join us. We are often invited to attend international conferences. We encourage members to attend these events. Click for calendar of upcoming events.
Attend a Conference. When we learn about an issue we can start to change behavior. Share what you learned in 500 words. We will post it or link to your blog. Go to our WOW blog and read about those who went to the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) with us.
Invite your Facebook friends to the WOW site. Encourage them to speak out. Twitter about what you have learned.
Join WOW. Contribute a membership for a woman in a developing country. We are working to give all women a voice. With these funds we can ensure there will be a WOW member who can help women and families in her village or community.
Mobilize: When there is an issue of importance to women in your local council or legislature, rally the troops and make a stand.
Know the resolutions WOW has taken a position on. Submit updates or write your own resolution. Resolutions are voted on by the membership at annual meetings.
Prevent child abuse. WOW partners with Women’s World Summit Foundation every year in November. We are looking for projects to help communities become more aware of this issue. WWSF P.O. Box 143 – 1211 Geneva 20 – Switzerland Fax (+41 22) 738 82 48 . More information on their website: If you are interested in doing a local project under the WOW name for this issue contact us
Call a local woman’s shelter and ask how you can help. Domestic violence hurts more than women, it hurts families and society.
Volunteer or contribute to our humanitarian projects. WOW is currently working with several projects. You can be assured these projects are legitimate and that donations will assist in reaching the stated goals. Click on the sidebars on the Home page to learn about the many ways WOW is helping women and families around the world.
Look around your neighborhood or community. There are many in need. You can also make a difference close to home.
Welcome to the Global Women's Network - the Global Women's Network
Connect, Collaborate, Create Change
The Global Women’s Network (GWN) is the wikipedia of women's and girls' organizations. We strive to be the largest collaborative information source on women’s and girls’ organizations operating around the world. We create a virtual space for organizations working on issues related to women and girls to connect, collaborate, and create change at the local, national, and global level. GWN is in need of volunteers, what we call wiki-activists, to contribute to our site by adding information on women's and girls' organizations. By becoming a wiki-activist you can research organizations, educate yourself on the issues they work on, and contribute to the site by including them on the Global Women's Network. It's simple (no technological experience is needed), it's fun, and your work will help us become the largest and most in-depth information source on women's and girls' organizations around the world. Create an account, check out our user guide, and become a wiki-activist today!
Get involved
The Global Women's Network currently contains 113 women's and girls' organizations, and has a community of 44 wiki-activists.
List of women's organizations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.This is a list of women's organisations by geography.
See also: List of human rights organisations
[hide][edit] International
- The Global Women's Network - The Global Women’s Network (GWN) is the wikipedia of women's and girls' organizations. We strive to be the largest collaborative information source on women’s and girls’ organizations operating around the world. We create a virtual space for organizations working on issues related to women and girls to connect, collaborate, and create change at the local, national, and global level.
- Associations of Junior Leagues International - Women's volunteer organization
- Women in Science International League - International league for women specialized in all branches of sciences
- Council of Women World Leaders — Membership of nearly all the world's current and former women presidents and prime ministers
- International Association of Charity - Worldwide Catholic charitable organization for women (founded 1617)
- International Council of Jewish Women - Association of various Jewish women's organizations (created 1985)
- International Women's Department - Association of Pentecostal women affiliated with the Church of God in Christ (organized 1907)
- P.E.O. Sisterhood - Philanthropic organization with chapters in North America (organized 1869)
- Relief Society - Worldwide charitable and educational organization of LDS women (founded 1842); one of the oldest and largest women's organizations in the world
- Third World Organization for Women in Science
- UNIFEM - United Nations Development Fund for Women (established 1976)
- Woman's Christian Temperance Union - Anti-alcohol movement (founded 1874)
- Women's Commission For Refugee Women and Children - Seeks to defend rights of refugee women, youth and children (organized 1989)
- Women's Environment & Development Organization - Advocates women’s equality in global policy (created 1990)
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) - Women's peace movement (created 1915)
- International Federation of Business and Professional Women (founded 1930)
- International Federation of University Women - Organized to promote women's education (founded 1919)
- Women's International Zionist Organization - Founded in 1929 to provide community services in Mandate Palestine, now active in Israel and throughout the Jewish world
- World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (founded 1928)
- Young Women's Christian Association - Originally created to provide housing and other services to Christian women (founded 1855)
- Women in Action - international informal group who acts together for women all over the world. For their rights, knowledge, security, well being, leisure time, motherhood, love. Introducing innovation concept of "woaction". Woaction does not militate for equality but for Action, Excellency and Fairness. This innovating concept starts from "equal chances" and pushes forward the official envelope.
[edit] Africa
- Women'sNet (South African support for women activists using technology)
- WOUGNET (Women of Uganda Network)
- Africa Desk of the Women Peacemakers Program (WPP) of IFOR (International Fellowship of Reconciliation)
[edit] Australia
- Women's Electoral Lobby
- Emily's List (Australian Labor Party organisation for the equalising of women in politics, started by Joan Kirner)
- Country Women's Association
- National Council of Women of Australia
- Queen Victoria Women's Centre Trust
- Women's Forum Australia
- Wire - Women's Information
- Associsation For Somaliland Women Advancement , Hargiesa Somaliland
- Right to Life Association
[edit] Canada
[edit] Latin America
- Luisa Amanda Espinoza Association of Nicaraguan Women (AMNLAE)
- Junior League
- The Resource Foundation
[edit] Asia
- National Alliance of Taiwan Women's Associations (NATWA)
- All-China Women's Federation (ACWF)
- WomensHub (Philippines support for women activists using technology)
- Na'amat, Israeli based women's organization
[edit] Europe
- The European Women’s Lobby
- The European Feminist Forum
- Domine - Feminist Association for Promotin Women's Rights and Development of Civil Society
- Women in Action - international informal group, founded in Europe, who acts together for women all over the world.
[edit] Faroe Islands
- Kvinnufelagið à Havn
- Valkyrjurnar (The Valkyries)
- The Women's Organization in Toftir
- Kongshavnar Kvinnufelag
- Skála húsmøðrafelag
[edit] United Kingdom
- Women's Institute
- Ladies Circle
- League of Jewish Women
- Junior League
- Socialist Women's Network
- WiRE (Women in Rural Enterprise)
- The Association of Loyal Orangewomen of Ireland
- Women Liberal Democrats
[edit] United States
- American Association for Women Radiologists AAWR
- American Association of University Women
- American Heritage Girls
- American Woman Suffrage Association
- Association of Women Professionals
- Association for Women in Science (AWIS)
- Big Sisters
- Business and Professional Women
- Concerned Women for America
- Commercial Real Estate Women
- Daughters of the American Revolution - Historical society (founded 1890)
- Daughters of Utah Pioneers - Historical society (founded 1919)
- Equal Rights Advocates
- Feminists for Life
- Feminist Majority Foundation
- Degree of Pocahontas
- General Federation of Women's Clubs (1890)
- Girl Scouts of the United States of America
- Hadassah
- Junior League
- La Leche League
- League of Women Voters
- Mommy Mentors
- National American Woman Suffrage Association
- National Association of Female Professionals
- National Association of University Women (NAUW)
- National Council of Jewish Women
- National Organization for Women (NOW)
- National Woman Suffrage Association
- National Women's Political Caucus
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Vice-Presidents, Patrons and Ambassadors - Alzheimer's Society Can any one get me a meeting with someone on this list ?
- Presidents, Patrons and Ambassadors
Vice-Presidents, Patrons and Ambassadors
Dame Judi Dench and neurologist Professor David Brooks are among prominent supporters who have joined our landmark programme championing the rights of people with dementia and their carers.
The Vice-Presidents, Patrons and Ambassadors programme was launched by Alzheimer's Society at the House of Lords on Thursday 15 March 2007, with more than 30 influential people from the worlds of business, politics, science and the arts.
Britain's first minister for the disabled the Rt Hon. Lord Morris of Manchester, a long-standing supporter of the charity and a Vice-President, hosted the launch.
Prof David J Brooks
Prof Brooks is senior neurologist at Imperial College, London and head of the Neurology Group at the Medical Research Council Clinical Sciences Centre. He is a leading figure in the field of dementia research.
Dame Judi Dench
Dame Judi Dench's recent film roles include Notes on a Scandal. Her role as Iris Murdoch in the film Iris (2001) won critical acclaim for her moving portrayal of the writer's journey into dementia.
Britt Ekland
Actress Britt Ekland has spoken of her experiences caring for her mother who had dementia and died in 1994. Her film credits include Get Carter and the cult classic The Wicker Man.
Lord Moser
Lord Moser taught statistics at the LSE and worked as a senior statistician for three Prime Ministers. His current roles include Advisory Council of the London Symphony Orchestra.
Prof Steven Rose
Prof Rose is a neurobiologist and Professor and chair of the Department of Biology, Director of Brain and behaviour research Group at the Open University. He is a widely published author in his field.
Rt Hon David Blunkett MP
Vice President
David Blunkett is a Labour MP for the Sheffield Brightside constituency. He has been a long time supporter of the Alzheimer's Society, particularly the local Alzheimer's Society in Sheffield.
Baroness Browning
Vice President
Baroness Browning is a former deputy chairman of the Conservative Party. She was MP for Tiverton and Honiton for 18 years, before in 2010 being raised to the peerage as Baroness Browning of Whimple in the County of Devon. During her political career she has been concerned with a range of issues including autism and dementia.
Prof Jim Edwardson
Vice President
Prof Edwardson was the founding Director of the Institute for Ageing and Health and is the founding chair of Years Ahead - the North East Regional Forum of Ageing and Health founded in January 2005.
Sir John Gordon Hannam
Vice President
Sir John Gordon Hannam is a former MP and one-time co-chair of the All Party Disablement Group.
Dr Anne Hunter
Vice President
Dr Anne Hunter (now retired) was a consultant neurologist based in Haslemere and was a founder member of Alzheimer's Society in 1979.
Morella Kayman
Vice President
A former opera singer, Morella helped set up the Alzheimer's Disease Society before it became the Alzheimer's Society and is an active fundraiser through her golfing organisation - Alzheimer's Disease Golf Society.
Dr Christine Kirk
Vice President
Dr Kirk is a former senior psychiatrist and has been a leading volunteer with the Alzheimer's Society since 1979.
Lord Morris of Manchester
Vice President
The Rt Honorable Lord Morris was the country's first minister for the disabled and is a long-term supporter of the Society.
Baroness Murphy
Vice President
Baroness Murphy is a former professor of old age psychiatry Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals United Medical Schools.
Anne Robinson
Vice President
Broadcaster and journalist, Anne Robinson has a long association with Alzheimer's Society since contacting the charity when her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
Prof Martin Rossor
Vice President
Prof Rossor is director of the Dementia Research Centre at the Institute of Neurology and is consultant neurologist at St Mary's Hospital and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery where he is chairman of the Division of Neurology. He was recently appointed director of the Department of Health Clinical Research Networks for Dementias and Neurodegenerative Diseases (DeNDRoN).
Lady Saunders
Vice President
Former TV, radio presenter and writer Katie Boyle is best known for presiding over the Eurovision Song Contest in the sixties and seventies.
Malcolm Wicks MP
Vice President
Mr Wicks is the Labour MP for Croydon North. His nine-year ministerial career under the previous government ended in October 2008. His final government post was Minister of State at the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (Energy).
During his political career he has been concerned with many issues including family carers and long-term care.
Prof Gordon Wilcock
Vice President
Prof Wilcock works in dementia care research at Oxford University. He has a long established relationship with the Society and is a member of its Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee.
Nori Graham
Vice President
Dr Graham is Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Emeritus Consultant in the Psychiatry of Old Age at the Royal Free Hospital and Mental Health Consultant to a nursing home in London. She is a former chairman of Alzheimer's Society and honorary Vice-President of Alzheimer's Disease International.
Peter Ashley
Peter Ashley has been a Trustee of Alzheimer's Society and is a member of the Alzheimer Europe working group on Advanced Directives and the NHS/SCIE National Institute for Clinical Excellence Dementia Guideline Development Group. Peter is retired from business where for the last ten years of his working life he was the Group Technical Director of a public computing PLC. Speaking of his own dementia diagnosis, Peter says he is "living with" not "dying from" dementia.
Lynda Bellingham
Actress Lynda is best known for her TV roles including At Home with the Braithwaites and All Creatures Great and Small. Her mother had Alzheimer's disease.
Nick Bence-Trower
Nick Bence-Trower works at Schroder Investment Management Limited and has supported Alzheimer's Society since 2002. He has raised over £50,000 for the Society's work by running, amongst other events, eight marathons.
Baroness May Blood MBE
Baroness Blood is a Labour peer. She was a prominent trade unions activist in Northern Ireland. She is a passionate advocate for those living with the effects of poverty, particularly in relation to housing, unemployment, the elderly and early years education.
John Bowis OBE
John was a Conservative Member of the European Parliament for London between 1999 and 2009. He was the founding signatory of The European Parliament's Written Declaration on Alzheimer's Disease calling for it to be recognised as a European health priority. The Written Declaration was adopted in March 2009.
Rosie Boycott
Feminist and academic who co-founded the women's mag' Spare Rib in 1971. Also co-founder of Virago Press, a publisher committed to women's writing. She was the editor of Esquire magazine, as well as of the Independent on Sunday, the Independent and the Daily Express. Rosie's father had dementia.
Jo Brand
Stand-up comedian Jo Brand is a former psychiatric nurse who worked with dementia patients for 10 years and has first-hand experience of caring for people with dementia.
Richard Briers
Actor Richard Briers is known for TV classics such as The Good Life and starred as a spouse who cared for his wife with Alzheimer's disease in DAD, a Comic Relief drama highlighting issues surrounding elder abuse.
Paul Brooks
Mr Brooks is a long term supporter of the charity and has established the Society's William Brooks Volunteer Awards in honour of his father.
Graham Browne
Graham is a member of the Living with Dementia volunteer group. His work for the Society has included speaking about his experiences of living with Pick's disease at the launch of the Dementia Out of the Shadows report, attending the KPMG Disability Steering Group and participating in the UK Dementia Congress in Bournemouth.
Tania Bryer
TV presenter, writer and charity campaigner, Tania has spoken about her father Lionel who had Alzheimer's disease.
Paul Dacre
Paul Dacre is the Editor in Chief for the Daily Mail and its parent Associated Newspapers. He is director of the Daily Mail and General Trust plc.
Lord Fellowes of West Stafford
Oscar-winning screenwriter, author, actor and director, Julian Fellowes is an ardent advocate of the issues and causes affecting older people. Recently known to TV viewers as the writer of the critically-acclaimed drama series Downton Abbey, Lord Fellowes brings a huge range of experience and passion to the Society.
AA Gill
Columnist and author AA Gill has spoken about his father, award-winning filmmaker Michael, who had dementia.
Russell Grant
Astrologer and television presenter, Russell Grant has spoken about his grandmother's diagnosis with Alzheimer's disease.
John Griffith-Jones
John is a Senior Partner and Chairman of KPMG. He is also a member of the MCC, Royal West Norfolk Golf Club, Whites and a Liveryman of the Skinners, where he sits on the charity committee.
Alison Halsey
Alison is a Senior Partner at KPMG. She was the Lead Partner for the two year charity pairing of Alzheimer's Society with KPMG which raised over £1m. Alison has previously been a Trustee of the National Autistic Society and The Cystic Fibrosis Trust and is currently playing a founding role in a Social Enterprise for young adults with learning difficulties.
Dame Denise Holt DCMG
Dame Denise is a former British Ambassador to Mexico and Spain where she devoted a good deal of time to the plight of the many elderly British citizens living there. Now retired from the FCO, Denise is a member of the Board of OFQUAL and of the NHS Pay Review Body as well as a Director of HSBC Bank plc, among many other interests. Her mother had Alzheimer's disease.
John Hughes
John Hughes has more than 30 years of global business experience, which includes holding senior executive positions at Thales Group, Lucent Technologies and Hewlett-Packard. John currently serves as Chairman of three FTSE listed companies.
Prof Robin Jacoby
Prof Jacoby recently retired as Professor Emeritus of Old Age Psychiatry at the University of Oxford. He is chairman of the Global Initiative on Psychiatry in countries of the former Soviet bloc.
Mike Kelly
Mike is Head of Corporate Social Responsibility at KPMG and leads its developing CSR programme across
Europe, Middle East and Africa. He was involved in the two year charity pairing of Alzheimer's with KPMG
which raised over £1m for the Society. He is a Trustee of The Passage - the largest day centre in Europe
supporting homeless people.Ruth Langsford
As a television presenter, Ruth has presented programmes such as Loose Women, Langsford Late, Gardens of the Millennium and The Really Useful Show. Since 2000 she has been a guest presenter on ITV1's This Morning, and was made a regular presenter in 2006 and now presents every Friday with her partner Eamonn Holmes. Ruth's father has Alzheimer's disease.
Sally Lindsay
Actress Sally Lindsay, best known for her role as Shelley Unwin in ITV's Coronation Street, has actively campaigned for the Society in memory of her grandmother who had dementia.
Nicholas Mullings
Westminister-based jeweller Mr Mullings helped found and run the Society's Old Gold fundraising initiative which has raised £200,000.
Richard McCourt
Richard McCourt (Dick) is a television presenter and radio presenter best known as one half of BBC award-winning duo Dick and Dom. He is also the brother of television presenter James McCourt. As a DJ, Richard presents BBC Radio 1 shows and regularly hosts music gigs nationwide.
Barbara Pointon
Barbara Pointon and her husband Malcolm, allowed film-maker Paul Watson to film them after Malcom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. The result was: Malcolm and Barbara - Love's Farewell. Mrs. Pointon was included in The Queen's Birthday Honours of June 2006 and was awarded the MBE for her campaigning work.
Fiona Phillips
Television presenter and Daily Mirror columnist, Fiona frequently speaks about her mother who had Alzheimer's disease to support other families caring for a relative with dementia.
Bill Reinking
American restauranteur, Mr Reinking hosts regular celebrity fundraising events for the Society.
Angela Rippon OBE
Broadcaster and journalist, Angela Rippon has supported Alzheimer's Society for a number of years and has spoken of her experiences caring for her mother Edna who was diagnosed with dementia in 2004. Angela was a BBC newsreader for five years and has worked in news and current affairs for over 40 years.
Heather Roberts
Living with Dementia (LWD) team member, Heather was an IT consultant then moved into teaching. She was forced to stop working two years ago. She's been participating in a dementia trial at University College Hospital looking at the early stages of dementia, tracking how the condition progresses.
Tony Robinson
Actor, presenter and writer Tony Robinson, best known for television's Blackadder and Time Team, filmed the final days of his mother's life in a powerfully moving documentary Me And My Mum. Both of his parents had dementia.
Robert Scott
Son of the modern artist William Scott, who died of dementia, the Scott family supports the Society's research programme through the William Scott estate.
Mike Tobin
Mike is CEO of the TelecityRedbus Group, the London Docklands-based European data centre network that provides the online lifeblood for over 2000 of the UK and Europe's largest brands.
Kevin Whately
Actor Kevin appeared in the Comic Relief drama, DAD, highlighting elder abuse. His many other credits include Auf Wiedersehen Pet, Peak Practice, Inspector Morse and most recently Lewis. Kevin's mother has Alzheimer's disease.
Bill Wilson
Living with Dementia (LWD) team member Bill is Coventry born and bred. He says he hasn't got Alzheimer's; it's got him. An ex Royal Marine, he also worked in the motor industry in Coventry when there was one and he spent many years coaching young people in athletics. Bill is in his late 50s and is active in the local Alzheimer's Society in Coventry and nationally with LWD.
Prof Bob Woods
Prof Woods has been practising clinical psychology working with older people for over 30 years. He is co-Director of the Dementia Services Development Centre Wales and a member of the Medical and Scientific Advisory Panels of Alzheimer's Europe and Alzheimer's Disease International.
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