We all hear about Tourettes Syndrome and for most of us it’s a ‘complaint’ that causes swearing -right?
Well – to be honest – that’s pretty much what I thought – especially from watching Pete on Big Brother a few years back – shouting ‘fuck’ when Davina asked the Housemates not to swear.
I know someone on twitter and he also has Tourette’s. He is from Scotland and is an amazing chap to talk to , a devoted Grandfather and massive Fundraiser.
Today he held a Tourettes Tweetathon about the Facts of the Syndrome and with his kind permission I am blogging them because they are of interest to me and more importantly – They are EXPLANATORY!!!
- TS is known to affect 1/100 schoolchildren.(people?) – although the number could be higher as diagnostic rates are improving.
- Boys and men show the symptoms of TS more frequently than girls and women. The ratio is about 4:1.
- There can be other conditions associated with TS, in particular OCD, ADHD, and Sensory Processing Disorder
- TS is a tic disorder. It is a neurological condition. It is not emotional in origin but it may have psychological consequences and effects.
- A tic is an involuntary movement (motor tic) or sound (vocal tic). Tics can be ‘invisible’ – intrusive thoughts or compulsive behaviours.
- Movements may vary from minor (eye blinking) to severe (complex movements of the whole body).
- Sounds may vary, from throat clearing to whole phrases.
- Phrases can be repeated, from whole words to parts of sentences (Echolalia)
- Although the movements are involuntary, the person may be able to control them at times, although this takes a lot of concentration.
- People can ‘suppress’ the tics for a period of time, but they will always need to tic when they feel safe to do so.
- A child may control or suppress tics at school; however they may then tic constantly for a while as soon as they get home.
- A teacher wont realise a child has tics if they ‘suppress’, but it also means that the child will not be concentrating on school work.
- A child may only release the tics in the privacy of their own room, so that others, even parents, aren’t aware of their existence.
- Early multi-diagnosis, positive intervention, medication/alternative therapies may help someone living with TS.
- Someone living with TS – what may help – understanding from family, friends and public.
- Someone living with TS – what may help – understanding from Health, Education, Social Work, Employer.
- Someone living with TS – what may help – regular breaks/support for parents/carers/siblings.
- Someone living with TS – what may help – contact with others through Tourette Scotland.
- TS, which was once thought to be extremely rare, is in fact one of the most common genetic diseases affecting man and many people have it.
- Tics range from mild to severe and can change over time, ‘wax and wane’ so they don’t stay the same for life.
- People with TS are often of high intelligence, and are often creative or artistic.
- TS is genetic and can run in families, which may also include someone with Asperger’s or OCD, ADHD or similar conditions.
- Teachers can assist to make a positive learning experience for a student with TS, by creating a supportive environment in the classroom
- Awareness raising should include the personal experience of those with TS, which is helpful in explaining the varied aspects of the condition to others and in gaining empathy.
- Use of methods such as ‘Time Out’ and working with the student on their individual learning plans.
- The use of management tools, can assist the teacher and the student in smoothing the way for productive learning relationships.
More understanding, in that the condition has many facets, should be sought and teachers be made aware
of the particular traits and challenges facing the individuals in their care.
So – there you go – some amazing facts that I never knew and which I felt were worth a Blog Post! Hope you enjoyed it.
If you want to ask the Author of these facts more you can find Paul on Twitter – http://twitter.com/goldylookfleece
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Saturday, 15 January 2011
Tourette Syndrome – The Facts! By @goldylookfleece « Cliffsull's Blog
Women'S Movement News, Images and Videos | NewsCred
THE OBSERVER · 9 HRS, 31 MINS AGOTunisia protests: 'The fear has gone … I've been waiting 20 years for today'
Angelique Chrisafis in Tunis sees the protests that have forced out a dictator who ruled through repression for two decadesSome fled ...
Swiss banker who helped WikiLeaks faces trial - Yahoo! News
GENEVA – A Swiss banker whose actions caused a U.S. judge to briefly shut down WikiLeaks three years ago goes on trial next week for distributing confidential documents.
Rudolf Elmer has been ordered to appear before a Zurich regional court on Jan. 19 to answer charges of coercion and violating Switzerland's strict banking secrecy laws. If convicted, he could be sentenced to up to three years in prison and fined.
Elmer's release of files from the Swiss-based bank Julius Baer's offshore operations in the Cayman Islands prompted a U.S. judge to temporarily shut down WikiLeaks in 2008. The order was lifted following complaints from free speech groups and media organizations.
Friday, 14 January 2011
New Statesman - Exclusive interview: Julian Assange on Murdoch, Manning and the threat from China
Exclusive interview: Julian Assange on Murdoch, Manning and the threat from China
Posted by New Statesman - 12 January 2011 14:03
The WikiLeaks founder talks to John Pilger.
WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange. Photo: Getty Images.
In this week's New Statesman, the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange talks to John Pilger about Bradley Manning, his "insurance" files on Rupert Murdoch and News Corp – and which country is the real enemy of WikiLeaks.
To read the entire feature, pick up a copy of this week's New Statesman, available on news-stands from tomorrow. Some highlights of the piece are below:
The "technological enemy" of WikiLeaks is not the United States, but China, according to Assange.
"China is the worst offender" when it comes to censorship, says the controversial whistleblower. "China has aggressive and sophisticated interception technology that places itself between every reader inside China and every information source outside China. We've been fighting a running battle to make sure we can get information through, and there are now all sorts of ways Chinese readers can get on to our site."
On Bradley Manning, the US soldier accused of leaking diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks, Assange says: "I'd never heard his name before it was published in the press." He argues that the US is trying to use Manning – currently stuck in solitary confinement in the US – to build a case against the WikiLeaks founder:
"Cracking Bradley Manning is the first step," says the Australian hacker. "The aim clearly is to break him and force a confession that he somehow conspired with me to harm the national security of the United States."
Such conspiracy would be impossible, he says. "WikiLeaks technology was designed from the very beginning to make sure that we never knew the identities or names of people submitting material. We are as untraceable as we are uncensorable. That's the only way to assure sources they are protected."
Yesterday, Assange's lawyers warned that if he is extradited to America he could face the death penalty – for embarrassing the leaders of the US government. "They don't want the public to know these things and scapegoats must be found," Assange says.
And despite the pressure the website has been under, reports of trouble at WikiLeaks are greatly exaggerated, he claims.
"There is no 'fall'. We have never published as much as we are now. WikiLeaks is now mirrored on more than 2,000 websites. I can't keep track of the spin-off sites – those who are doing their own WikiLeaks . . . If something happens to me or to WikiLeaks, 'insurance' files will be released."
The contents of these files are unknown, but, according to Assange, "They speak more of the same truth to power." It is not just government that should be worried about the content of these files, however. "There are 504 US embassy cables on one broadcasting organisation and there are cables on Murdoch and News Corp," he says.
The attempts by Washington to indict him should worry the mainstream press, he adds.
"I think what's emerging in the mainstream media is the awareness that if I can be indicted, other journalists can, too," Assange says. "Even the New York Times is worried. This used not to be the case. If a whistleblower was prosecuted, publishers and reporters were protected by the First Amendment, which journalists took for granted. That's being lost."
More WikiLeaks coverage by the New Statesman:
– Protect Assange, don't abuse him
– Getting the Assange issue wrong
Tags: wikileaks Julian Assange John Pilger New Statesman
238 comments from readers
- Julian
12 January 2011 at 14:37Seriously, Julian...put up or shut up.
- Publisher
12 January 2011 at 14:42Well, it's fairly obvious that Julian has started the mandatory legwork for the forthcoming book press tour...
- Bob R
12 January 2011 at 14:46Julian,
Guess what? You are NOT a Journalist, never have been, never will be. You are an Activist and a common thief. You do not care about the lives of the people who died because of your actions, you can care less if a war breaks our because of what you are doing. In fact, you are trying your best to make it happen because then you will be the "Famous" Assange who got millins killed just so he can brag about it. You are arrogant and your ego makes you such an ass.
- Scott
12 January 2011 at 14:47It's a crying shame you're not on page one anymore, isn't it? I guess the black helicopters are really coming for you now!
Seriuously, though, thanks for releasing those documents, you just confirmed for most Americans what they already knew. Iran's a problem everyone knows it. north Korea's a problem, everyone knows it. China's a problem, everyone knows it.
Tada! It's like we've been saying that for a decade or something.
- Jason
12 January 2011 at 14:49Yet you probably support Wikileaks and what its doing. So stop trolling and grow up.
- Pi**sed off
12 January 2011 at 14:50America and Americans should accept its Government has been caught acting illegally by being corrupt. Shown as liars. in pub Fact is America, its time to clean what is a very dirty house.
Assange is guilty only of letting the World know what these megalomaniacs are all about, basically they were caught secretly scheming and plotting against everyone in order to steal everything for themselves. (Mwa haa haaa ha haaa, Bond villian material)
Few, if any at all, honest people in the World actually believe the rediculously massaged Hollywood version of America and its Government. The favoured American view is one where Americans are "there to help." followed swiftly by "But then we found this so its ours now" kinda view.
I know the everyday American IS an honourable and decent person and America as a nation has to be applauded for many charitable actions.
BUT American politicians are the lowest form of political scum ever crapped into existence, and that is low!
Just look at Bush, what a moronic cont.
The American people have a duty to put this right and take control of those politicians, not harrass Assange. They must hold their politicians to account long before any other country in the World would even barely trust their rhetoric.
Much the same as us in Britain.
But we dont try to enginner a Political murder for the whistle blower.
- Rick
12 January 2011 at 14:52I do not think he has leaked anything that specifically got or is going to hurt our troops. Having said that I honestly think that Assange needs to release everything including the "insurance". The people long for and want to hear the truth about their leaders. Even without this embarrassing info from Wiki we the people know they are lying and covering up things all the time. This is not right and they should be held accountable for their actions. If action is taken against assange by the US it will be akin to a witch hunt !!! Let him speak/release all of it. Time to take it on the chin Hillary and others. Americans are tired of the lies and deciet. We can handle truth but somehow our leaders cannot.
- Clara Kabalevsky
12 January 2011 at 14:57We should all be grateful that we still have characters in this world brave enough to stand up to the powers that be. Julian Assange may be arrogant etc. but that should not mire the important work that he does. The point is, that yes, perhaps you have been saying some of this stuff for a decade Scott but there are lots of people out there who actually trust their governments and these are the people that wikileaks must target. Governments must be held accountable in some way otherwise they will continue to be corrupt.
Think of how many people these governments kill by their actions (revealed by Assange) everyday, before blaming Assange for putting lives at risk.
- Hans Castorp
12 January 2011 at 15:00Not a word on Belarus then.
- Vo Reason
12 January 2011 at 15:06Assange is a murderer. He should face the death penalty. Just as the driver of a car involved in a fatal armed robbery is complicit, so is the publisher of material that facilitates a murder. You don't have to pull the trigger to be judged guilty.
- Ron
12 January 2011 at 15:08You guys are funny. When old Julie releases 250k secret momos of the Chinese, North Koreans, Iranians and Russians I'll be slightly more inclined to believe this is some altruistic world savior and not just another fame sick putz looking to get his face plastered on walls alongside Michael Jackson's. No agenda Julie? Then show us the goods you have on anyone but US and England, oh and all the corrupt people who don't like you of course.
- Maria
12 January 2011 at 15:10The mold hates light. The inborn serfs hate courage and decency.
- Sys_Config
12 January 2011 at 15:12Ditto Clara, and despite the hysteria the mainstream news here in the US and politcal and Gov leaders warned about would happen, never ever happened. What did happen was one of the greatest t smear campaigns against a man and his organization for doing the job true journalists should have been doing, and stiffle debate in this country by buring coverage and mention, and threatening federal employees and servicemen with punitive action. In effect, one big gag order.
They acted more like a ring of child molesters about to be exposed, and willing to do anything, threaten ex post facto action, ANYTHING, to bring wiki down.
It is not over. If we as a nation have the stomach for the truth, about the world not just us, we are all on the same ship, then our leaders should be able to take it on the chin. Instead they pass out the duct for us, to shut up, and cover our ears and eyes, like the proverbial monkeys see, hear, speak no evil.
We are a lot better and more resilient than that folx. Next time they ask your only child kid to go to war, you will make sure he asks and looks into , what for.
- Anonymous
12 January 2011 at 15:18The only comment I can make is,"The Truth Shall Set You Free"_no pun intended with this particular circumstance, however if this is PUBLIC information, then in my opinion we should all be made aware of this information.
- James H.
12 January 2011 at 15:22Assange is just another keyboard coward hiding behind his computer !
- Disable comments
12 January 2011 at 15:26Such stupidity, if some cmmenters above had *half* a brain, it'd be lonely.
Please die.
- jeffo
12 January 2011 at 15:29he's got NOTHING to show. all of the releases are in a word...dull. i havent seen ANYTHING controversial at this point. enough with the drama assange.
he's got NOTHING and he knows it. as another poster said ...put up or shut up.
- Ron
12 January 2011 at 15:34#Assange is a hero. Keep it up!
- Frank
12 January 2011 at 15:36It's amazing how pathetically stupid and misinformed the world really is. The government will never be our friend - they lie about everything, nor the bankers who steal openly and create money out of thin air, nor the paid legal murderers (AKA soldiers). You're more of a man Julian than anyone who criticizes you. The world will be shocked when you reveal the truth to the deception the world has known.
- Sys_Config
12 January 2011 at 15:36James H.
Thank you for your kind and inspiring and most insightful coment. Perhaps we should pass a law regulating the numbers of keyboards, and who gets them.Yes that horrible shameless coward, who spent time in jail, while arm chair monday morning quater backs attempt show us how they could have done better, or like in baseball, call the umpire a bum from the bleachers. But that's your right..allow him his .
Brilliant Concept.
- USAnchor
12 January 2011 at 15:38Wonders if the Vegas book makers have odds on him.
- Phil
12 January 2011 at 15:47Funny thing is the US came off looking pretty good in these leaked cables, unlike the rest of the world. Their diplomats were professional, insightful, balanced, and no evidence of any conspiracies were revealed.
- kamana kapu
12 January 2011 at 15:48Laws, in and of themselves, are lie's for they who write laws write such laws to their benefit AND! to the detriment of another or others.m The US Constitution was written by slaveowners and successful slave-ownership absolutely requires treachery, deceit, cowardice, violence and murder.
No one could be a successful slaveowner with only four of those elements. Slave-owning absolutely requires all five, especially violence and murder.
George Washington never freed his slaves because he was afraid those slaves would tell the truth about his serial raping of the slave women and his serial brutulizing and killing of his slaves.
- Shane
12 January 2011 at 15:48In Response to "Pi**sed Off":
Your rant about our Country's "Bond Villain" attitude taking over and controlling everything is just childish and absolutely ridiculous.
Thank goodness for people like you; you have a Government that is looking out for you. Otherwise you would be overrun with Real bad people, not the ones that you imagine are running America. You have been influenced by the media to believe that America is a horrible place that needs cleansing.
Before you continue your rant on America with others, try doing some research. Instead of general accusations that are obvious talking points from your television, tell me which country the United States has taken over after a victory in war other that this one after the Revolution. Tell me which country the United States has taken spoils of victory. Tell me the country that the United States, after war victory, has occupied and taken as its own. The answer "Pi**sed Off" is none. America’s “agenda” is to deliver freedom and liberty to all men.
If you study a few of the principals that this Country was founded on you'll find that one of those great ideals is "Manifest Destiny"; the belief that we were destined to spread democracy to all corners of the Earth and deliver freedom and liberty to all men who are "created equal". In that effort your government and its officers must endeavor to gather information to that end as well as for your general protection. To think that everything that is done by them is an above board, fair and nice exchange of information with wonderful and happy government figures around the world who love every one of us all the time is childish sir.
I believe you are confused about the country you live in. Head a little bit further north across the border and you will arrive to likeminded people who believe only in selfish existence. Our country was founded by Revolution and we spread it throughout the world were ever it is needed.
I am amazed at how many people take what we have for granted and don’t understand what it truly means to be an American.
Cowboy up my friend and be an American; willing to spread the message of democracy, freedom and liberty or head to the north if it is too big of a job for you to handle.
- letthesecretsout
12 January 2011 at 15:51Julian, you are supported by all the public. Keep up the good work. Let the words be known by all.
- Mark
12 January 2011 at 15:52Maybe, people should be far more concerned about the government's ability to protect its data. Not that we've spent a few trillion on security or anything. Failure to secure one's M16 in the military is punishable by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Failure to secure "secret" or even confidential data is itself a crime. This is more a case of failed responsibility on the behalf of the heads of government agencies than anything else. As usual, America is utterly incapable of assuming responsibility for its own failures. Wikileaks is only doing what mainstream news used to do. Wikileaks has shown plenty and hopefully will show plenty more. That America has become a nazi-like state... well, we know how that went for Germany.
- names warren
12 January 2011 at 15:55I say he should be "Times Man of the Year" or the "Novel Peace Prize"
- Galveston
12 January 2011 at 15:55If there were days I trusted my government, maybe secrets would be ok from them. But since I do not trust government and know it lies I am glad the truth is coming out. There has been no evidence of killings or murders from any wikileaks release thus far and the lives of innocent state department lives were put at risk when our government started taking these secret actions. Nothing is secret today. Our government above all should know this and I think they do and will use this to grab internet control. Same with Arizona shootings. The converstaion must be about the ineptness of our government to keep a secret and our entangled bullshit foreign policies which differ from moron to moron. No one knows what our government is doing- not even THE GOVERNMENT! Our government has exposed the American People and it should be known it is not competent and never will be. I love to hear the morons here go after assange and defend their immoral, incompetent government.LOL
12 January 2011 at 15:58Who are all these idiots who say the release of documents got people killed? There is no proof and not one shred of evidence of this. Why do they persist in perpetuating rumours & lies?
- ncyim
12 January 2011 at 16:14We need whistle blowers like Assange to keep our politicians and corporate leaders in a state of fear that their corrupt actions will be outed. If no one presents this sort of policing they will continue to be out of control and further destroy quality of life for the masses while enriching themselves.
- Vo Reason
12 January 2011 at 16:18It is interesting to note that most of Assange's defenders are the type of people who would be the first to scream if their private emails, library records or other personal behaviors were published. At what level of industry or government would they be willing to have their private communications revealed. And before answering, remember that the revelations affect not only them, but many people who are not the purported villains, but only innocent people, for example a teacher in Iraq who just wants to stand up to terrorists so that young girls can get an education. It is the indiscriminate nature of the leaks that is so despicabnle.
- Alexander
12 January 2011 at 16:21Regardless of whether Assange is guilty of anything, there are other warning signs that make up the bigger picture that indicate he is on to something. 9/11 and the following military escalation and the bailout of the financial system together indicates to me there is a program of theft and deception going on at the highest levels. I am just not positive whose side Assange is on yet.
- Jen
12 January 2011 at 16:22I actually hope he leaks some healthcare information. Bodies such as the CDC have been covering up things for too long, such as the rise in autism cases and the rapidly increasing vaccine schedule. I mean we have evidence of poorly done studies and bias but we don't have many people actually brave enough to admit to the hijinks from the inside. Bernadine Healy came close but I know their must be others who have come forth with information.
- IgNobel
12 January 2011 at 16:26How did anyone benefit from leaking the diplomatic cables?
- JW
12 January 2011 at 16:28keyboard coward?
behind his computer?
looks more like Jesus on the Cross to me ;-)
- John
12 January 2011 at 16:29Good work Wikileaks!!! I know Julian won't read this but Wikileaks please release any information on Murdoch/FOX as that man/corp is the enemy of my people and way of life.
- John
12 January 2011 at 16:32It is amazing how brainwashed Americans are. Some of them actually believe that their media tells the truth. Claiming that Assange is responsible for murder is a joke given that noone has died when the reality is that the US regime is responsible for genocide across the world and the US public who support that regime are complicit as tax payers and voters.
- JohnF
12 January 2011 at 16:34So now this waste of space has admitted that he is capable of blackmail, that he only releases information that he deems is unusable in the future for blackmail purposes.
Isn't blackmail a crime???
What a loser...
- JW
12 January 2011 at 16:34Answer :How we benefit from leaking the diplomatic cables?
Our current foreign policy is total BS.
It's based on [our need] to control [our puppet's] to feed [our OIL addiction].
[Don't be a COWARD, get a BIKE] or [OD and DIE].
Have a Nice Day ;-)
- Chris
12 January 2011 at 16:38North Korea and China have relationship issues. Companies are lying. Our Government isn't lying, but witholding information. I want the truth. I don't care which political party did what. We need to weed out the bad in this world and make it right.
This is no longer about politics. It's about something grander than that. If you dispute that, then you must be ok with being lied to. Our comfort zone is being threatened, but that is good. You can't grow as a person or a world without getting out of your comfort zone.
Quit whining and take it. This world is going to change one way or another.
- Raymond
12 January 2011 at 16:39BANK CABLES>>>BANK CABLES
- flat_com
12 January 2011 at 16:49kamana kapu Ranting about George Washington and slavery? how is that even remotely related to this fame seeking fool?
Seriously idiot what kind of made up bullshit will you rant about next?
- John
12 January 2011 at 16:52Sixty-plus years ago, American judges trekked to Nuremberg for the purpose of passing rightful judgment on Nazi Lawyers. Now the time has come for the arch of the moral universe to bend the other way across the Atlantic with charges being brought against the "Bush Six" in Spain for violating international law by creating a legal framework that aided and abetted the torture of suspected terrorists.
- Matt
12 January 2011 at 16:53All of these people calling Assange a "murderer"... Or saying that he has "blood on his hands", please be SPECIFIC, and state exactly whom has died due to his actions?! The answer is NO ONE. Not a single person has died due to Julian's actions, and the only person that may die is HIM. So if you're one of these people making false claims against the selfless actions of Assange, you are PART of the problem, and YOU need to be dealt with. You're probably illuminati.
- Foxy
12 January 2011 at 16:56I think what Julian Assange is doing is a benefit. And for those of you who think that important information hasn't been released, then you either know way more than I do (did) or you didn't grasp the significance. Your problem, not that for those of us who support WikiLeaks.
- STRDave
12 January 2011 at 16:57How's the view from up there on your cross loser?
- Matt
12 January 2011 at 16:57Also... To the people saying that Assange hasn't released any "useful" or "damning" leaks... What about the video of American troops in Afghanistan shooting innocent journalists and civilians from a helicopter? That's totally useless, huh? Stop being such sheep... Wake up morons.
- andyg
12 January 2011 at 17:02Ask any American or UK citizen (subject) who won the Vietnam war?
- William
12 January 2011 at 17:03Ok, lets say the USA did things wrong in the eyes of the worlds armchair generals. Fine, smack us for it. When we smacked the second time we didnt do anything to that man and said, fine. After the third or fourth time well thats plenty and its time to stop. If he had taken all the cables, bundled them up with other countries information and released them in such a way as to show a complete picture of the games our governments play than i would be ok with it. Now it just seems he hates the USA and will do anything to harm us. He claims China is worse but where are the cables from them or North Korea or Russia? Iran? No, his bitterness toward the USA has tainted his work and his mission. As for him being killed for embarrassing Obama, that is just plain crazy talk and shows how important he thinks he is in his own fantasy world.
- wholetruth
12 January 2011 at 17:06John and Matt Assange IS responsible for murder. The families and friends of the informants helping the international peacekeepers to end the Jihadist's self proclaimed war on everyone not spouting their flavor of radical insanity exposed by his release of classified documents may not have been in your drudge report but that doesn't make them any less dead.
For Matt the video is of men carrying weapons and equipment being blown up in insergent territory so what is the problem there again? Oh yes the problem [foryou] is that you want to make it seem someone did something wrong and get your panties in a wad when things turn out to be reasonable instead. What a loser go play with your story software the people at wiki will be happy to post your made up stories when they run out of stolen data I'm sure.
12 January 2011 at 17:06To Matt: Julian should start worrying. A case may be made that Wiki-Leaks is responsible for the death of John Wheeler. If I were you, I'd start distancing myself from Assange and stop defending him.
Specific enough for you? Are you going to DEAL with ME?
- Dave
12 January 2011 at 17:08Somehow I don't think it would be too hard to break Bradley Manning.
- Matt
12 January 2011 at 17:11I feel sorry for Shane because he actually believes that America has a decent government... He's either totally fallen for the BS, or he's part of the power elite who wants you to believe those in power actually have anyone's best interests at heart but their own.
I pity you Shane. Save the history lesson. I guarantee you I know more about the history of MY country than you. You're right that America USED TO stand for liberty, freedom and equality for all. But not anymore.
Look around you, stupid. Our government flushed the Constitution a long long time ago, but people like you are still around, and dense enough not to notice.
Real Americans are those that stand up to their government when they see it's not doing the right thing by it's people. Fake Americans are the ones who cling to "patriotism" and take it personally when Americans rightfully question the wrongdoing of our government.
You obviously paid attention in history class... Now you need to pay attention to the present. Look around you. Any logical American (or person in general) can SEE that we've hopelessly gone off course.
The quicker America FALLS, the quicker we can pick up the pieces and build a REAL nation that actually is run BY the people and FOR the people.
The ONLY reason America was great is because it followed the Constitution. Now that it doesn't, it's not great anymore. The sooner you come to terms with that, the sooner you can open your eyes and see what's really going on. Take off your red white and blue blinders and step into reality my friend.
- wholetruth
12 January 2011 at 17:11p.S. william is right about the whole thing being played out already. If this is such a vital bunch of information then why is it taking so long for wiki to finish with their attack on the US? could it be that they have an agenda? could it be that their true purpose is and has always been to support the attacking of the US? yeah I could see that and if you were honest with yourself at all you would too.
- Rich
12 January 2011 at 17:13I agree with many things said on this site, both against government and against Assange. I believe that most, if not all, governments are corrupt. I also believe that Assange is a criminal who should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
In addition he is paranoid and mentally imbalanced. His threats of "insurance" files sound like a cheap spy novel to me. My guess is that it is a bluff on his part in an attempt to save his own skin.
- von rader
12 January 2011 at 17:16You people who are calling him a murderer..... tell us who died because of him???????????? I know who is a murderer You are. You support your government who has killed people, directly or indirectly. so by your definition you are just as guilty as anyone.
Hows it feel to be called a murderer. We can prove the government has killed people, You cant prove any one has been killed because of wilileaks.
Any response?????
- Reality Check
12 January 2011 at 17:17Assange is a CIA asset. Look how Cass Sunstein, the man who debuted Assange in 2007, wrote a paper for the white house on how the US needs to create their own conspiracy group to distract the world from the real conspiracies the US and England is involved in: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1084585
That is why all of the leaks are weak and focus on countries other than US and England. Assange has also stated that the 9/11 (and im sure if you asked him about JFK) conspiracy was "false" and that he "has the ONLY true conspiracies"...
- Matt
12 January 2011 at 17:18"For Matt the video is of men carrying weapons and equipment being blown up in insergent territory so what is the problem there again? "
Um, they weren't carrying weapons imbecile, they were carrying cameras because they were JOURNALISTS.
If you really believe that the war in Afghanistan is anything but a power play by the American government to gain resources and control around the globe, then you're not even worth having a conversation with.
Pull your head out of your @ss.
"John and Matt Assange IS responsible for murder. The families and friends of the informants helping the international peacekeepers to end the Jihadist's self proclaimed war on everyone not spouting their flavor of radical insanity exposed by his release of classified documents may not have been in your drudge report but that doesn't make them any less dead. "
Let's see the documentation of these killings.... Oh, what? You don't have any? Exactly.
I repeat... No one has died due to Assange's activities, and the ONLY person who is in danger is Assange.
Transparency is a GOOD thing... No matter how it is acquired. I pity people too stupid to realize what's in their own best interests.
- Matt
12 January 2011 at 17:20"I agree with many things said on this site, both against government and against Assange. I believe that most, if not all, governments are corrupt. I also believe that Assange is a criminal who should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. "
That's impossible... If you think that governments are corrupt, then how can you believe that someone who exposes that corruption is a criminal?
You sound more like a coward to me. Typical.
- Dalton
12 January 2011 at 17:21Based on many of the inane comments here, it's obvious that there are many who just do not want to hear the "truth," and are content to believe what they want to be "true." The man is doing the same work as Daniel Ellsberg and his release of the Pentagon Papers...that in turn, saved thousands of lives.
- Matt
12 January 2011 at 17:23"Somehow I don't think it would be too hard to break Bradley Manning."
Bradley Manning cares more about your rights than you do, apparently.
Go ahead and defend the corrupt machine that is the American military and government.
Go ahead and attack the guy who's exposing the truth.
What's wrong with you people?
- John
12 January 2011 at 17:24This is about WikiLeaks and not about agruments ad hominum (Julian). WL and the internet changes everything. No more being held hostage by the "man". We the people can get the real information without the press filtering it for us. Julian is a hero and now the press is making him into a martyr. Reminds me of Martin Luther don't you agree?
- wholetruth
12 January 2011 at 17:27von radar "Any response" [you sound like a twelve year old there]
Try reading the posts above yours. Does the name John Wheeler make enough recognition for your needs?
And what part of Governments engaged in stopping the spreading war of forced islamic conversion being perpetrated by the Jihadists is a problem for you? Governments that allow these discussions are not the problem taliban and Islamic courts style governments are. If you don't want to fight the conversion by the sword why not go to the source and volunteer yourself for the Taliban program? I'm sure they will appreciate the increase in numbers and we will appreciate having you in the open.
So go ahead make a public decision Snake
- GerryOregon
12 January 2011 at 17:29ROCK ON ASSANGE! We appreciate truth tellers
- Reality Check
12 January 2011 at 17:29That is why all of the leaks are weak and focus on countries other than US and England. Assange has also stated that the 9/11 (and im sure if you asked him about JFK) conspiracy was "false" and that he "has the ONLY true conspiracies"...
- Reality Check
12 January 2011 at 17:30Assange is a CIA asset. Look how Cass Sunstein, the man who debuted Assange in 2007, wrote a paper for the white house on how the US needs to create their own conspiracy group to distract the world from the real conspiracies the US and England is involved in: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1084585
That is why all of the leaks are weak and focus on countries other than US and England. Assange has also stated that the 9/11 (and im sure if you asked him about JFK) conspiracy was "false" and that he "has the ONLY true conspiracies"...
- nygrump
12 January 2011 at 17:32He shoudl also have mentioned the Chinese have a staffof 40,000 to monitor the internet and post antihuman nonsense and I believe they contract out to the US. The anti Julian people above they sound like they are writing off a template. They always include key phrases, like the content was useless or he's a murderer
- GerryOregon
12 January 2011 at 17:33No "wholetruth", forced islamic conversion being perpetrated by the Jihadists is not the problem. No one is going to come after you in the night with a sword and try to convert you.
It is the liars in our government that are the real threat to this country.
- Matt
12 January 2011 at 17:33"That is why all of the leaks are weak and focus on countries other than US and England."
Again... US soldiers killing innocent journalists in Afghanistan is not "weak"... This is one of the biggest leaks, yet people here conveniently ignore it or sweep it under the rug.
I realize that Americans are generally so gullible that you could show them a video of our military raping babies and they'd find a way to defend it, and call it "patriotic".
Don't lower yourself to that standard.
- wholetruth
12 January 2011 at 17:34Matt the phrase "there are none so blind as those who will not see" applies to you so exactly that I now understand why no one will attempt to converse with you. You have successfully argued for your limitations and they are yours to cherish. I feel no further burden to attempt to enlighten you enjoy your darkness I'm out.
- John
12 January 2011 at 17:34The US treatment of Bradley Manning is comparable with the sociopathic way the Nazis and fascists treated their political prisoners. The LA times is the only mainstream US outlet who have come out saying Mannings treatment is "inhumane" and "indefensible". Other US media coverage is like Nazi propaganda nudging the government on with it's pre trial torture of a Us citizen. No wonder the public are so brainwashed when their media is little more than lapdogs to the regime stamping their jackboots ever harder.
- Not Naive
12 January 2011 at 17:36@Vo Reason: "Assange is a murderer."
Who has he murdered?
Assange is a modern day Paul Revere exposing the corruption of all gov't's. I don't have any recommendations for you to escape your naivety.
- Matt
12 January 2011 at 17:38"I feel no further burden to attempt to enlighten you"
You have nothing to enlighten me with, honey. Trust me on that. Peace.
- james fingleton wild
12 January 2011 at 17:41america you are decaying. you have fallen and are falling day by day. you dont need to blame anyone else but yourselves for you have 'shot yourself in the foot'. 22% of prisioners in the world are in u s a . murders crime all self induced. you are falling and nothing can help you.
- John
12 January 2011 at 17:45Look, all civilized countries have a side of their govt they are not proud of, or hides the truth. It is the citizens' responsibility to elect just representatives in their government. What Assange has done should be considered treason...not only to the US, but other countries he has cracked. He has put many counrties at risk, for personal gain. For the past half-century, predominant cold war era, actions similiar to Assange would have criminal charges executed. I hope he ends up at Guanatamo.
- Bobdog
12 January 2011 at 17:54"Assange, your my hero."
- Matt
12 January 2011 at 17:55"It is interesting to note that most of Assange's defenders are the type of people who would be the first to scream if their private emails, library records or other personal behaviors were published. At what level of industry or government would they be willing to have their private communications revealed."
You fail to grasp the VERY BASIC concept that government is to be TRANSPARENT. The government is to answer to the PEOPLE.
The government has absolutely no expectation of privacy because we the people FUND it. Just like you expect to know what your kids are up to at all times because you put a roof over their head.
The people, on the other hand, have every expectation of privacy because we are PRIVATE citizens.
You are not guaranteed safety. No government can do that... They will TRY to convince you of that, and you obviously fell for it, but it's a lie. YOU are in charge of your safety.
The governments of the world convince you that they need to keep secrets for your safety so that they can keep EVERYTHING a secret.
Get it now?
God, I hate that I have to post so much but I feel like some people here need to refamiliarize themselves with basic history and basic common sense.
Are we regressing or what?
- Wat Tyler
12 January 2011 at 17:55So Assange publishes information about how corrupt governments and corporations are lying, cheating, stealing and causing harm to the public for free and he is a villain. Zuckerberg sells all your private information to these same corrupt entities and he is man of the year.
- james fingleton wild
12 January 2011 at 17:58he is australian. treason? you americans only ever look inward the world picture is bigger than your minds. who elected u s a world leaders. what give you the right to militarily force your will on the world.
- Swiss
12 January 2011 at 17:59Go Wikileaks.Big steps for civilization don't come easy. Don't worry about the Fox News watchers and other whiners. They're just losers on the sideline.
Millions support you. Thousands will imitate you, and will even improve on what you have demonstrated.
- Rokko Brokko
12 January 2011 at 18:00As they are threatened, you can see how humans spew hateful talk. One idiot calls Assange a waste of space, a blackmailer, a loser. Some lower thinkers blame Assange for killing millions of people! How mean and low and stupid. These are the same types who crucified Jesus.
- Marina
12 January 2011 at 18:01Wikileaks could be kept busy full time leaking health "care" , medical science, and big pharma info. This would be immensely important. Beyond that, I find in posts around the media of those who are against wikileaks/assange come from a narrow, "black & white", insular and uneducated world views with knee jerk responses.
- Matt
12 January 2011 at 18:03"Look, all civilized countries have a side of their govt they are not proud of, or hides the truth. It is the citizens' responsibility to elect just representatives in their government. What Assange has done should be considered treason...not only to the US, but other countries he has cracked. He has put many counrties at risk, for personal gain. For the past half-century, predominant cold war era, actions similiar to Assange would have criminal charges executed. I hope he ends up at Guanatamo."
Well aren't you a good little fascist.
You ignorantly state:
"It is the citizens' responsibility to elect just representatives in their government."
Where are these "just representatives"? Where are these magical people who don't simply bow down to corporations? Where are these supposed 'just' people who can't be bought? Where are these politicians who actually represent the people? Where?
Look, if you think your vote is anything but a mark on a piece of paper, you've taken the bait. You've bought into this "two-party" BS.
Newsflash: Both parties are tightening control while fooling YOU into believing they have your best interests at heart.
How can you say Assange has done this for "personal gain" when HE is the one in danger?
Again, people like you are either PART of the government/military/corporation/cabal or sheeple. It has to be one or the other.
"For the past half-century, predominant cold war era, actions similiar to Assange would have criminal charges executed."
So that makes it right?
You hope Assange ends up in Guantanimo huh? HA! That's priceless.
If I thought like you did, I'd probably end up in an American Concentration Camp. Seems like just the place for you.
- John
12 January 2011 at 18:05Activating rather than abolishing the Espionage Act is an act of profound aggression against the American people. Under similar laws in Germany in the early thirties, it became a form of 'espionage' and 'treason' to criticize the Nazi party, to listen to British radio programs, to joke about the fuhrer, or to read cartoons that mocked the government. If they can use it against Assange they can use it to terrorize anyone who would otherwise speak out.
- BornIn TheUSA AndCanProveIt
12 January 2011 at 18:06Americans who love our Constitution love people with the courage to reveal the truth about anything, like the lawyer who walked away from his job at the Dept of Justice unit that is headed by a female, because she ordered her underling lawyers that no case be brought against a black perp if the victim is white. We aren't forgetting that brave American lawyer, or that female. Assange is also a hero to us. He is on the same stage as our Founders. Brave, Fights for Freedom Truth and Honor. People who belong to the covert "Elitist Movement" are working hard to stop him. One thing, his mention re journalists might be worried that if the sneaks and thugs come for him, they will do the same to them. His expectation is unrealistic. It's too late... we do not have any brave or investigative journalists anymore. They are all "the cowards of the county" pay- check drawing types. They can't even effectively investigate missing child situations like Kyron Horman in Oregon. Everybody now sees how Americans have been dumbed down and dumped on for years, and that this man alone stands to publish truth today that has been hidden from us. There are forces of Americans who won't take any bulls*it against him. Line is drawn. Note to Willie: Thugs in USA have caused the necessity of his focus on our liars in govt. The guy supports our Constitution more than many thugs who have wormed their way into our govt positions. Some showed their hatred even in their stumble to the podium and anger in having to read the aloud the Constitution at the opening of the 112th Congress. We laughed at them and will vote them out next go-around.
- Basil Marceaux.com
12 January 2011 at 18:06i want to read the entire article, but i never buy mags =DDDD john pilger is cool he does some very informative docs. whoever thinks such information should be kept "confidential" or that it's "irrelevant", must not be willing to think for themselves... informed people make better decisions... peace out and if anyone cares watch "wikirebels", pretty cool doc.
have a nice day.
- JUStbob
12 January 2011 at 18:10THis dude is the biggest wuss yet.
Just get rid of this pile of SH*T
End Wikileaks NOW!
- George
12 January 2011 at 18:10The American government has become the enemy of its people as any thinking person already knows.
& Julian & Manning are some of the few heros alive today.
To both of them and to all the unseen people who are working and battling to keep some kind of real information flowing,
Thank You,
An American citizen.
- Dorian
12 January 2011 at 18:19Assange is a hero. Freedom is a staple of a good society.
- Po
12 January 2011 at 18:28From what I have read so far the US Foreign Service looks clean, honest and doing their job. If fact many journals only print the titillation along with the normal Hollywood gossip. Sure notifying the entire world as to what sites the US Government thinks are sensitive to national security could be construed as espionage, but hey this a freedom of the press issue. Now some US politicians may have overreacted on the first release of this story but after a couple of days no one really cared about WikiLeaks and Julian.
At that point we see the emphasis shift from the benign documents to the "persecution of Julian" as the story. Assange as the martyr! When some companies decided that it wasn't in their corporate best interest to appear to support the hosting and financing of this controversial material a lot of loons got their knicker in a twist. OMG Censorship! Come on this is the Internet only China/Iran/North Korea are masters of that technique. Lets be frank, the contents just aren't that interesting since most items in them any person following world affairs would have already know long ago. So I'll wait for the summary from the papers.
Lets get it straight, in America no long cares or is interested in Assange, not the government and not the people. As for Manning a trusted person in the US Military serving in a war zone, allegedly leaking "secret" information, we will see what a jury of his peers have to say.
- John
12 January 2011 at 18:41Matt..I'm so proud to make your day. Call me a fascist. It doesn't affect me whatsoever. I'm an American and able to speak my peace...as you are. Resorting to personal attacks, that's fine. I'll sit here in my concentration camp of fascism...well done by the way. As for you, I wish nothing but the best. Kinda like my feelings towards Nancy Pelosi and your pal Obama. It's people like you that spit nothing but propoganda. You are a henchman to the present day media.
- Len
12 January 2011 at 18:42Julian Assange is a criminal, not a journalist.
- Tim in Charlotte
12 January 2011 at 18:53I don't know why some special ops team from any number of countries haven't waxed this guy already.
- james wombat
12 January 2011 at 18:54I would appreciate getting more hard information, particularly when it comes to issues such as Diego Garcia. What these memos reveal is that the taxpayers of many countries are shelling out big cash for so-called diplomats to shmooze and gossip about who is doing things the Americans don't like
- Cyber Secure
12 January 2011 at 18:56How is this guy still breathing???
- dmw
12 January 2011 at 18:59Yes it's simple writing a comment against Assange but he's the one out there putting his butt on the line, what are you doing about ensuring we remain a country that is free to get access to information? Yes he could be egotistical. So what? But by giving the government and the press support here instead of the ones who are defending your right to know is plain idiocy. You think he's responsible for killing people (who, what people?) but GWB is responsible for killing our very own people, young people, for WMD they only fantasized about. Ordinary people need to understand that what Assange stands for is us.
- Mannie
12 January 2011 at 19:00Assange is a dead man talking. He's written his own death warrant, and we don't even have to pay the cost of a cartridge. One of our enemies will kill him to ensure the release of the files. Or the enemies of one of his supposed targets.
He's entered a game where the players play for keeps, and where he has no friends. Right now, the list of state and non-state actors lining up to kill him would be long indeed.
His best bet would be a quick guilty plea in a Federal court for espionage, and life in an ad-seg box.
Have a nice life Julian boy, It's not been particularly nice knowing you.
- John
12 January 2011 at 19:04So it turns out from the leaks that the US created a list of "targets" for "retaliation" in France and the EU. The US diplomat was referring to ">our< considerable planting seed business in Europe". No wonder Obama is sucking up to France as fascism has come to America and they even consider Monsanto to be part of their government.
Nothing to see in the cables:)
- 1984
12 January 2011 at 19:05The world needs tons more transparency. It's devastatingly ridiculous to hear so many wishing for blood and at the same time wanting to keep themselves in the dark. Pentagon: "Public Apathy Enables Leaders to Ignore Voters,"
Leak baby leak.
- kiltie
12 January 2011 at 19:12Assange is scum, useful scum, but scum. He is now blackmailing bad guys he has the goods on that in order to protect his pitiful life he won't divulge what he knows. If he dies, it gets released. If he were really serving the public, he would reveal all on everyone.
- LibelFreeZone
12 January 2011 at 19:14Keep the faith, Julian. Whatever you can do to put Rupert Murdoch on the hot seat, I'm with you all the way.
- GeeOD
12 January 2011 at 19:29I just want the x-files. The rest is all re-runs!
- Timothy
12 January 2011 at 19:29We need crazy guys like you Assante.
You got the monkey by the tail and not know how to let it go now, but still, you made a good service.
Bad luck that you'll be sent the Mossad in trade for Obama applauding West Bank construction.
I personally hope they miss.
- Sion2
12 January 2011 at 19:31I predict that historians will look back on Mr. Assange and see a courageous man, a heroic man. Incredible that the Dating Police are charging him with rape!
- socialtrap.org
12 January 2011 at 19:45Forget Assange. What we need is more information on the crimes going on. These leaks are information of crimes being commited by Pfizer, the Australian govt, The Swedish civil service etc.
For all those faithful little SS stormtroopers who want rid of him, there are millions more where he came from... Sorry, but the world is changing.
- WastedForHim
12 January 2011 at 19:48Assange, is right you know. He has no reason to bluff. Information is power. Why the heck do you think we have major media networks? Does anyone here know the definition of journalism--that's what Julian Assange is...a journalist. Just because you say he is not, does not mean that his actions cannot speak for themselves. Of course the US is irate, we look completely ignorant and arrogant. Not only that some of the information is pretty damning according to those who had no idea.
If Assange gets 'taken out,' it will only create more of an information revolution, and it will all be free, and online. I myself would like to see what happens if he does get 'taken out.'
The only solution to the problem is to control and censor the internet. Period! But how do you do that? Well, the FCC is trying with Julius Genachowski.
- Shawn
12 January 2011 at 19:50Wanted: Docs on the ICE trust, the
International Swaps and Derivatives Association and anything from Markit. Why should hedgers and investors spend billions for inefficient compensation packages when a better open electronic derivatives exchange can be used?
Systemically dangerous actors like Goldman, JPM and BoA exists only because they collude to maintain asymetrical market pricing information.
- Really?!
12 January 2011 at 19:53To all you people who keep calling Assange a murderer, show me deaths that have resulted form the leak. I've read over some of the documents. The censorship removes names of various people, and for the most part contains banter about foreign power players. Regardless, transparency is important in this day and age. Assange made comments on the ability of China to censor what those within its borders can access. Do we want that kind of state, or would we prefer to at least know the opinions of other nations on those "problem children" like Iran and N Korea? The internet and its free exchange of info has made the world a better place. We should laud Assange and others who use it to the fullest.
12 January 2011 at 19:58I hope Judge Napolitano is reading this. He was defending the guy not a week ago.
- Curt
12 January 2011 at 19:59It is sad how a large majority of Americans are being dupped.
Stop making Assange the story. That is what the MEDIA wants you to do. Focus on him instead of the leaks. It seems very similar to past historical events like the Jews letting go Barabus over Jesus and the Romans killing the Christians. A nations people logic tens to go right before the country falls.
We, in America, have become so security focused that you have given away all your rights. Just as Ben Franklin warned log ago. Stop being Liberal with War and using security as an excuse...
- ECho
12 January 2011 at 20:01Leaks of secret or repressed information is and has always been part of journalism. The MSM reacts the way it does simply because he is better at it than they are. Further, you will find the loudest voices are closest to the problem.
- Andrea
12 January 2011 at 20:07Julian,
You are our hero. There are some negative comments but I understand they are made by dogs praying to abolish First and Second Amendment. Nobody logically thinking believes in those rape accusations. You are a hero for billions of people on this planet.
- Steve
12 January 2011 at 20:11What Assange is seeking is akin to wanting the US to play blind man's poker while everyone else is hiding their cards.
- annarose
12 January 2011 at 20:12it looks like that half of the comments are written by Palin.
„Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten, habe ich geschwiegen; ich war ja kein Kommunist.
Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten, habe ich geschwiegen; ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat.
Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten, habe ich nicht protestiert;
ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter.
Als sie mich holten, gab es keinen mehr, der protestieren konnte.“ (Emil Gustav Friedrich Martin Niemöller) Greetings from Germany.
- amerika
12 January 2011 at 20:12I don't know about you, but I would personally like to be left in the dark and have that man burtally murdered for trying to tell people about stuff. Seems right somehow. I doubt the government would lie to me. You maybe, but not me.
- Winniethepooh
12 January 2011 at 20:14Vo Reason, one of those brave Iraqi girls was raped and then her whole family were murdered by the paedo terrorist 'braves' of the US Army (no death sentences or anything like that fo them, but for a whisteblower - my God). Wikileaks has shown that that case was by no means untypical - don't come the high horse. What has been revealed shows the banality and moral vacuousness of US policy.
- Kali Shimtay
12 January 2011 at 20:15Seriously Kamana Kapu? George Washington was a rapist? Wrong forum buddy.
- Liberty
12 January 2011 at 20:20How exactly is releasing information that the governments of the world should have given us amount to being anything less than a hero? How can people actually sit there and whine about being told the truth? Why are people demanding that we be lied to and anyone who tells the truth be punished? ARE PEOPLE REALLY THAT BRAINWASHED? Do your own research and stop being a sheepie.
- BornIn TheUSA AndCanProveIt
12 January 2011 at 20:24Was reading ABC Political Punch by Jake Tapper. One comment popped in apparently just as I opened the site. It mentioned never knowing that Congress-woman Giffords who was shot in AZ was Jewish. The article stated that Pres. O had called several victims' friends and families including Giffords' Rabbi. The commenter asked Why we were not told Giffords' religion before. I closed and surfed elsewhere then wondered about that comment because i too couldn't remember seeing any mention of her religion and thought it strange, since the Pastor or Priest or congregation of a victim would be speaking out and mentioned in articles as usual. Nothing for Giffords. Went back to that ABC article to see exactly what was said, and found it had been rather "archived" and hard to find. Then saw that the comment had been deleted. Now I ask what's going on with this???? Clearly our news reporters and agencies have agendas and they are NOT NOT NOT American in any sense, refusing to provide information that Giffords is Arizona's first Jewish Congresswoman. If this type of bland information is denied to us, what else is being hidden? Thank you Assange, for making people WAKE UP.
- jandeen
12 January 2011 at 20:27it is refreshing to see the line drawn so clearly in an issue between idiots and true patriots who see the erosion of what made us proud to be born in America. you can feel the rat brain squeal in their dark little bitterbrains.
- John
12 January 2011 at 20:29"the war you don't see" is available on you tube. Really exposes the complicity of the media. Don't think it was aired by any US tv surprisingly enough. Great john Pilger!
- Reality Check
12 January 2011 at 20:49Assange is a CIA asset. Look how Cass Sunstein, the man who debuted Assange in 2007, wrote a paper for the white house on how the US needs to create their own conspiracy group to distract the world from the real conspiracies the US and England is involved in: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1084585
That is why all of the leaks are weak and focus on countries other than US and England. Assange has also stated that the 9/11 (and im sure if you asked him about JFK) conspiracy was "false" and that he "has the ONLY true conspiracies"...
- CorruptionEverywhere
12 January 2011 at 20:51John,
You liberal fool. The cables on Murdoch are likely this CORRUPT ADMINISTRATIONS attempt at stifling free speech. Yes, please leak those cables on Fox News so we can see what all idiotic, yet conniving liberals want to do by eliminating speech they disagree with.
- Gerry
12 January 2011 at 20:53@ Shane. No fan of Wikileaks, and big fan of America, but to answer your questions, " tell me which country the United States has taken over after a victory in war other that this one after the Revolution. Tell me which country the United States has taken spoils of victory. Tell me the country that the United States, after war victory, has occupied and taken as its own."
Well, after the Mexican war we took the entire Southwest of the United States. I think that is a spoil of war. Country: Mexico.
After the Spanish American War, we took Puerto Rico, still have it, and Cuba and the Philippines (Cuba given independence pretty quickly, Philippines, not so much). Also spoils of War. Country: Spain
And we sure took over a lot of Indian Nations.
I am no bleeding heart and don't have real issues with these moves, but we should be as accurate as possible....
- scott
12 January 2011 at 20:53Government actions which can't hold up to public scrutiny, probably shouldn't happen. To those of us who actually BELIEVE in democracy (look it up), this guy is a hero. Sadly, since victors write the history books, he will likely go down as a villain.
- Matt
12 January 2011 at 21:01"Matt..I'm so proud to make your day. Call me a fascist. It doesn't affect me whatsoever. I'm an American and able to speak my peace...as you are. Resorting to personal attacks, that's fine. I'll sit here in my concentration camp of fascism...well done by the way. As for you, I wish nothing but the best. Kinda like my feelings towards Nancy Pelosi and your pal Obama. It's people like you that spit nothing but propoganda. You are a henchman to the present day media."
Can you refute even a SINGLE point I made? Didn't think so.
Remember everyone... Those who hate the truth LOVE tyranny.
So if you're arguing against the actions of Assange, you're on the wrong side of history. It's been proven time and time again. It'll be no different this time.
12 January 2011 at 21:03Go Assange!
You are a hero to me.
Stay safe and hidden as they are out to get you.
- cwhite
12 January 2011 at 21:05Stop referring to him as a "Hacker". He didn't hack anything. It's as accurate as saying "Julian Assange, black guy".
- Tom
12 January 2011 at 21:09This guy hasn't released anything that damaging... mostly just embarrassing stuff. The American political sector is making this guy out to be a martyr that he shouldn't be but desperately wants to be. In my opinion he's a joke and we should let him go about his business because quite frankly I don't give a damn if Fidel Castro is obsessed with Obama.... I always knew Castro was an idiot and this just further solidifies it. Liberals suck.
- Matt
12 January 2011 at 21:10Since RealityCheck thinks it's cute to post the same misinformation over and over, I will post my rebuttal again... for the sake of consistency.
RealityCheck says:
"That is why all of the leaks are weak and focus on countries other than US and England."
Again... US soldiers killing innocent journalists in Afghanistan is not "weak"... This is one of the biggest leaks, yet people here conveniently ignore it or sweep it under the rug.
I realize that Americans are generally so gullible that you could show them a video of our military raping babies and they'd find a way to defend it, and call it "patriotic".
Don't lower yourself to that standard.
- Matt
12 January 2011 at 21:11"This guy hasn't released anything that damaging..."
So, let's be clear:
American troops killing unarmed journalists from a helicopter in Afghanistan isn't damaging?
Interesting take.
So, what WOULD you consider "damaging"?
- AnneP
12 January 2011 at 21:12This guy has an enormous personality disorder. Ever hear of narcissim? Julian should get the reward for 2011, and considerin the contenders around the world - including Hollywood, that's saying something.
- Maria
12 January 2011 at 21:33Vo Reason: “It is interesting to note that most of Assange's defenders are the type of people who would be the first to scream if their private emails, library records or other personal behaviors were published.
To clarify the matter for Vo Reason: “… it is an axiom of democratic society that the workings of government should be transparent and those who act in the name of the state should be accountable for misconduct and abuse, whereas the private affairs of individual citizens should be shielded from unreasonable intrusion from government view,” Scott Horton
- Capt. Hypocrite
12 January 2011 at 21:38As leader of the hypocritical society of America, I personally hated everything he did, said, wrote, or leaked! That is at first, while I maintain that I really dont care for the American cables that were released, I find all of it very interesting.
Do Americans really believe that we are not behind secret bombings in our national interest? Do we really believe everyone in our government gets along like some "Leave it to Beaver" marathon? What I really loved was the outrage over how people reacted when they found out that politicians dont really like the people and foreigners even less.
I like everyone else wanted to believe in our government and that politicians always wanted what was best for us, the people. However, the "shocker" was they had an selfish agenda!
In conclusion, Capt. Hypocrite, wishes wiki would stick to other countries and not mine. In actuality if they could decode China's cables, I would pay to see that! I hope they do, because until then the US is by far the most sexy target for exploitation.
- Tom
12 January 2011 at 21:39Matt: I love how you throw the unarmed in there. Thank you for informing me... I was always under the impression journalists carried weapons. As for the disclosure of that information... I completely agree that those documents should be disclosed. it's unfortunate that reporters were killed while in a war zone. as for the rest of the bumbling, idiotic amount of useless information... WHO CARES? This guy has accomplished nothing in his life, let him be.
- Dutra
12 January 2011 at 21:44Dear Julie,
End your frustration, move to San Francisco and get a boyfriend.
- Shine
12 January 2011 at 21:46Tom, couldn't agree with you more. Most of the information is inconsequential. Matt, realistically take a step back.... why would anyone kill an unarmed journalist unless they were uninformed about the identify of who they were going to engage with? The information was disclosed thanks to Assange's 'heroism'....... congratulations and unless you have information other than gossip and the relationship between world leaders no one cares.
- Bob H.
12 January 2011 at 21:53Julian, you have officially graduated from "international incident" to espionage orchestrator and collaborator to all-out blackmailer and political extortionist. Looking forward to seeing you fry. I'll personally foot the bill for the electricity. The one thing you have NEVER been is a "journalist".
- steve
12 January 2011 at 21:55worldreports.org.
christopher story.
watch his talk on bbc5, then hit the www.
whatever wikileaks agenda it was nice to read the monsanto leak, the global warming leak of emails just goes to prove what a crock it was.
as to what happens in an illegal war, based on base lies, we know over a million died in iraq and 400,000 olus in afganistan.
watch johns films on his www pages, what the uk and americans have done in indonesia is a crime against humanity.
- Buckskins
12 January 2011 at 22:06What's all the fuss about? Assange has released mostly a bunch of boring junk. The documents that stupid kid downloaded have the lowest classification (Confidential) of information in the system. At worst it will embarrass a few politicians and who does not enjoy that. I'm sure the lack of dirt has irritated more than a few. Sorry about that.
- niet
12 January 2011 at 22:14Typical American cowards just want to shoot the messenger when their delusions are shattered by the truth.
- kingharvest
12 January 2011 at 22:23Why the animosity toward this guy? In a world where only Cuba has stood up to the US and survived, I would think that Assange would be classified a hero, not an enemy. At least outside the US. In the US his name is like shorthand for people who want to talk to the adults but are too dense to really know the issues.
- Robbie D
12 January 2011 at 22:31Freedom of Speach! He did nothing wrong. He did not steal the files they were given to him by a unnamed man. Hang Him! The US cannot accept it was their own fault for the leak. It may not of been moral to release the info but he is an activist.
12 January 2011 at 22:43Bottom line, the documents are not his to give out or make public, It is private communications that were illegaly given to him, he knows that info was not meant for publication,he knows it was stolen. (I believe receiving stolen stuff is a crime)
- Joan
12 January 2011 at 22:45I starting to believe this guy is working with the approval of various liberals. This current US administration doesn't seem concerned with WikiLeaks and now Murdocks health records. Why not George Soro's records or some celebrity or the Queen of England. There is an agenda here and it appears to be on the side of the liberals.
- Angry Voter
12 January 2011 at 22:47The truth shall set you free.
- barry1817
12 January 2011 at 22:55Really get upset when people talk about American imperialism.
We saved Europe. Don't see America having taken over Europe, but we did take land to bury the dead soldiers that saved Europe from Hitler.
We defeated Japan. Don't see Ameria running Japan.
We are still in Korea, but last I looked Korea has its own government.
Took over Kuwait, when we stopped Saddam Hussein. Seems that Kuwait is still an Arab sovereign country.
As to leaking documents. There is a distinction between leaking the documents and publishing them.
But there are laws that state that if a person publicizes classified documents they can be held accountable in a court of law. Maybe not for treason, but for other laws that were broken.
Let him have his day in court.
- Jexie
12 January 2011 at 22:56Governments have no right whatsoever to operate behind it's citizens backs. Secrets are going to be necessary but the governments of the world have stepped far over the line with that they withhold and deserved this. And just think, only a small fraction of the leaks are even out!
Julian Assange is a true hero the likes of which the US can no longer understand and hasn't experienced since the days of it's founding fathers.
- remixedphoenix
12 January 2011 at 23:05@Bob R, 3rd reply.
And anyone else here who thinks likewise.
You refer to people who got killed, or died, as a result of what Wikileaks does.
Who? How many? Name them please.
- V
12 January 2011 at 23:06I think some of you need to read what was said below by Shane, good points.
I personally don’t think anything Julian published was that surprising and we already knew a lot of what was released. I commend those in the diplomatic Corps. for doing a job well done. Everything leaked is what a responsible country should be doing to keep other countries in check. Yes, some of the information was embarrassing for us and a lot of other countries, petty things! So all of you that keep mentioning that our government is somehow conspiring against us…your absurd!! And yes the Truth sets us FREE as some have said in this blog, but when is the last time gossip set anyone free? These leaked cables are equivalent to GOSSIP. Do you go telling everyone your friend’s secrets because they should be known to all? NO! If Julian is guilty for anything, its for creating a lot of needless drama on petty items that probably should have never been released in the first place. Now if he was releasing some outstanding secret conspiracies of wrong doings, than I’m all for it. Until then Julian, be quiet.
12 January 2011 at 15:48
In Response to "Pi**sed Off":
Your rant about our Country's "Bond Villain" attitude taking over and controlling everything is just childish and absolutely ridiculous.
Thank goodness for people like you; you have a Government that is looking out for you. Otherwise you would be overrun with Real bad people, not the ones that you imagine are running America. You have been influenced by the media to believe that America is a horrible place that needs cleansing.
Before you continue your rant on America with others, try doing some research. Instead of general accusations that are obvious talking points from your television, tell me which country the United States has taken over after a victory in war other that this one after the Revolution. Tell me which country the United States has taken spoils of victory. Tell me the country that the United States, after war victory, has occupied and taken as its own. The answer "Pi**sed Off" is none. America’s “agenda” is to deliver freedom and liberty to all men.
If you study a few of the principals that this Country was founded on you'll find that one of those great ideals is "Manifest Destiny"; the belief that we were destined to spread democracy to all corners of the Earth and deliver freedom and liberty to all men who are "created equal". In that effort your government and its officers must endeavor to gather information to that end as well as for your general protection. To think that everything that is done by them is an above board, fair and nice exchange of information with wonderful and happy government figures around the world who love every one of us all the time is childish sir.
I believe you are confused about the country you live in. Head a little bit further north across the border and you will arrive to likeminded people who believe only in selfish existence. Our country was founded by Revolution and we spread it throughout the world were ever it is needed.
I am amazed at how many people take what we have for granted and don’t understand what it truly means to be an American.
Cowboy up my friend and be an American; willing to spread the message of democracy, freedom and liberty or head to the north if it is too big of a job for you to handle.
- Andy
12 January 2011 at 23:08Im a conservative who thinks Julian is a Hero. I believe he's doing what he believes in. Shedding light and forcing transparency .
- LadyGodiva
12 January 2011 at 23:14Julian, you are my hero! What a brave person you are. Although, those weak will try and condemn what you are doing, please know that there are those of us who understand you are just the messenger trying to help uncover the truth. You have been accused of killing? but, in reality, you're probably saving lives. Be strong and may God bless you and keep you safe!
- Brutus Beefcake
12 January 2011 at 23:29Mr. Assange is a modern day hero to many working class citizens who see those in power as corrupt and massively incompetent which he has exposed with great effect so many times.
BTW, Julian deservingly has a multi-million dollar book deal. This is how he rolls. The rest of you must learn how to deal with it.
- JpMartin
12 January 2011 at 23:36Assange is a radical - people who follow him and the 9/11 truth movement have no idea what kind of danger they are creating by their 'activism' - revolutions do not work... show me a country where a revolution occured, and I will show you that it is merely a dictator ship.
America may be full of scum, but the world is no better. I can't believe people try to 'glorify' the world why some of the third world nations leaders are the most corrupt and wealthiest individuals on earth. Yet no one draws that connection.
If you don't like America - pack your bags and GTFO, for real. I'm sick of all you people parroting what Alex Jones or David Icke says.
They are false profits (sic) taking your hard earned captial for a pipe dream.
The world can never be 'free' because humans exist... it is our impulsive nature to control what we cannot - including our own fate along with others.
Stop being so naive. It grows old and tiresome after a while.
- Jake
13 January 2011 at 00:03So Assange's commitment to transparency is so firm he decided to hold back an "insurance" file. He's just a self-aggrandizing punk. Should the US get their hands on him few other than über-radicals will come to his defence.
- Reality Check
13 January 2011 at 00:26Assange is a CIA asset. Look how Cass Sunstein, the man who debuted Assange in 2007, wrote a paper for the white house on how the US needs to create their own conspiracy group to distract the world from the real conspiracies the US and England is involved in: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1084585
That is why all of the leaks are weak and focus on countries other than US and England. Assange has also stated that the 9/11 (and im sure if you asked him about JFK) conspiracy was "false" and that he "has the ONLY true conspiracies"...
- Ass-ange
13 January 2011 at 00:30Interesting how Assange protects the thugs in China by redacting names of Chinese leaders but leaves names of any and all Americans, dissidents and others exposed, regardless of the danger to their lives this creates. He may even have documents which would aid freedom activists in China, but because his desire is to pull down democracies and leave untouched dictatorships, he'll never release docs which expose China's regime. Assange, the game's up!
- roxanne
13 January 2011 at 00:35He's playing with the big boys (China) now and they don't fool around. He's scared? He should have thought of that before he meddled with them.
- Callum
13 January 2011 at 00:46Don't kid yourselves...The american government is the ones responsable for the leak cables not Julian.
By persucting Assange you are only reinforcing the lack of accountability of which Julian accuses your great nation.
The more you unjustly attack the more inspratian Julian provides other Journilist to stand up against croption and for the rule of law.
- Cleary
13 January 2011 at 01:00Aw punkin. Are you a wittle bit intimidated? Why don't you go back to your college professors and see if they have some kind of dialectical solution that you can apply. You know like stupid=stupid.
- Shark
13 January 2011 at 01:04The only real journalist,without fear.
- Lisa
13 January 2011 at 01:06Really, all this guy has done is give the anti-American putz another reason to spew their hate. It is interesting their only focus is America and its people. It is pretty obvious that they don't read beyond the headlines and make accusations without any facts to back them up.
Oh but it is America spreading all the hate.....
- socialtrap.org
13 January 2011 at 01:07JpMartin - you say
"show me a country where a revolution occured, and I will show you that it is merely a dictator ship"
How about... the USA? Ever heard of the war of independence? Throwing out the English Rulers because they were Tyrants?
Ever read a book?
- Jim
13 January 2011 at 01:30One of the greatest problems the USA faces is the horrible ignorance of its population. Most people have no idea of the dirty secret wars going on all around the world, both within and without the country. These wars have many sides and the sides have many motives, factions and goals. All that we can do is pray that our governing body remains mostly on our side.
When we spill our secrets, people die. People that helped us because they think we are doing the right thing, people that we bribed, people that we blackmail, our agents that we sent to obtain the information and our soldiers that no longer get the vital information. Ignorant little plebs can rant all day about their disdain for the government keeping secrets but their standard of living depends on those secret wars being won. Someone from Saudi Arabia or Pakistan could have whispered in our ear before 9-11 and there would have been no attack and no economic collapse. They didn't, so millions are out of work. Why didn't they? Because a Democrat congress banned the CIA from dealing with 'bad people.' They did this because they wanted to appease the ignorant voters that can't tell the real world from TV. Just read some of the posts here to see the paeans of ignorance. Each of these posters would cheerfully throw a valiant spy to the wolves for the most fleeting domestic political advantage. Don't expect politicians to stand up to them.
13 January 2011 at 01:42Is any one else amazed with how susceptible American are to their government's authoritarianism? It would appear that US government policies have bankrupted the country, the judicial system is immoral and the military attacks country after country. Americans will ride their dysfunctional government to their demise.
- WilliamPenn
13 January 2011 at 02:03Why is this turd still alive? Same for Manning?
- Bob
13 January 2011 at 02:15People don't keep secrets about what good things they do, they only keep secrets about the bad things they do. Government shouldn't have secrets. Openess and inclusiveness. Let's lead by example. Clean house and start over.
- Frodo19v
13 January 2011 at 02:16Assange, Wikileaks, Manning, and others like him should be praised, not vilified. Assange is a journalist par excellence - I wish him well.
- Kerry
13 January 2011 at 02:17People don't die from exposed secrets unless they are doing something very wrong. In that case, they desserve what they get. It doesn't matter what nationality they are.
- anti-Kerry
13 January 2011 at 02:20B.S. If a US operative is doing something for his country, it can NEVER be a "wrong" thing. Of course, if a foreign operative is doing something wrong, then he should be exposed, caught, and shot.
13 January 2011 at 02:21As others have pointed out, if Assange had released leaked documents on everyone, then it would provide a fair view of the world. However, he's focused entirely on the US, to the exclusion of many infinitely worse regimes. What's more, he didn't bother to have some of the documents redacted before publishing. From a legal standpoint, he's a traitor and deserves anything up to life imprisonment or execution, at least in my opinion.
A one-sided view of the "truth" is not truth, it's propaganda.
- UncleSam101
13 January 2011 at 02:24Assange should not worry about the legal system.
- UncleSam101
13 January 2011 at 02:26Threatening to release files if something happens to himself? How silly.
- John
13 January 2011 at 02:28Wikileaks tells a bit of truth that many do not want to hear.
- Cracklier the Aussie.
13 January 2011 at 02:31I dont think it was Julian Assange who made America fight their ridiculous , un-winnable wars for oil , or who made America that indebted to other countries that they will never be able to pay their debts (perhaps try paying your debts first like honest people do?!)....but many of you carry on as if it was him who started your "empires" downfall. I suppose it's easy for billionaires like Murdoch to keep telling the ignorant that it's all about liberal VS conservative.....hilarious stuff!These blog comments do show again ; That there are Americans in the world & then there are the rest of us who actually prefer the truth over 'comforting' lies. Keep cussing the liberals & the left if thats was does it for you but I can assure you it wont fix America.
- Cracklier the Aussie.
13 January 2011 at 02:35So TJP - Who is he a traitor to ?? He is not American.
I realise much of your country still thinks it owns the world but geez I think it may be time to grow up & smell the Chinese roses !!
- Pete Nole
13 January 2011 at 03:00This is the text book classic example of a 'narcissistic personality disorder.' Look it up (and not on some form of Wiki site)
- v
13 January 2011 at 03:12who cares,... this guy is still in the news... ?I would rather hear about the scientists who lied about " warming that will kill the world" or how about the autism lie that turned out to be a lie because the reports were false and those kids already had issues.. or the deet bull ...this guy sadly has a right to release this because the people who wrote it should have done a better job at securing it... nothing to see here...
- v
13 January 2011 at 03:15hey aussie boy- you are a fool and product of the communist left. We have more oil then you can imagine.. why would we fight war with the allah mafia for oil you fool? I can go on and on but really am just so tired of idiots like you
- v
13 January 2011 at 03:19our communist party just loves the animals more then people so they will not drill... but they are a cancer and we will beat that cancer... once again
- NadePaulKuciGravMcKi
13 January 2011 at 03:49it's an eminence front
it's an eminence front
Israel first
9/11 scam
- photoking
13 January 2011 at 04:06A lot of US government employees have clearly been paid for many hours work writing disparaging remarks here about Wikileaks. Get on with some REAL work.
America might think they run the world thank goodness they do not. They don't have the brains to.
- Scotty
13 January 2011 at 04:11the average american posting on here isnt very smart ... so much vitriol towards Assange... you talk of him being complicit in murder, yet your own goverment and mine( the british) are complicit in state sanctioned murders everyday. You have been brain washed by your poiticians and thier protectionist USA first in everything agenda. You should know when push comes to shove we will always side with you, but you guys really do need to wake up and start smelling the coffee. Washington is a filthy corrupt place that needs a serious clean up. Assange has just confirmed what we have all suspected for years. And before you say it, of course we would rather have your corruption instead of china's or iran's, but thats not really the point no is it.
- Scotty
13 January 2011 at 04:11the average american posting on here isnt very smart ... so much vitriol towards Assange... you talk of him being complicit in murder, yet your own goverment and mine( the british) are complicit in state sanctioned murders everyday. You have been brain washed by your poiticians and thier protectionist USA first in everything agenda. You should know when push comes to shove we will always side with you, but you guys really do need to wake up and start smelling the coffee. Washington is a filthy corrupt place that needs a serious clean up. Assange has just confirmed what we have all suspected for years. And before you say it, of course we would rather have your corruption instead of china's or iran's, but thats not really the point now is it.
- Bob
13 January 2011 at 04:37The man is not stupid. He knows full well if he crosses the line with Russia, China and a half dozen other countrys he will be a dead man.
He knows the US, England will follow the law.
So what has he published, not much really that most Americans did not already figure out on their own.
- Aunt Bee
13 January 2011 at 04:51"No matter how cynical you become, it's never enough to keep up." ~ Lily Tomlin
- NsurgNt
13 January 2011 at 05:11Thanks Scotty or being one of the few who doesn't have to go to see the wizard to get a brain.
- research-it
13 January 2011 at 05:54for all those with vitriolic voices against this man, I say do yourselves a favor: Go to http://mirror.wikileaks.info/ and have a look for yourself. Don't just read about it from someone else- inform yourself, and take your time, take time to think and contemplate what this all really about, what it could be about. Did I already say "inform yourself"? Then think some more about it. Now maybe you can form an opinion, for yourself, intelligently.
- Spaceman69
13 January 2011 at 06:43I respect what Julian is doing, and find it sad that he is not receiving more support from Free Speech advocates. What I mean by that is, is anyone who believes in free speech should at least not be condemning his actions...which I find many on here doing. "When you begin to censor, the first thing that goes is the truth."
- dotus
13 January 2011 at 06:43assange is cia
- Joh Nichols
13 January 2011 at 07:14Assange is a hero, I for one support him. To those who say that everything he has posted is dull then I direct you to the Apachie Helicoptor video showing Americans shooting unarmed innocents and journalists then shooting a van with children in it who were attempting to help the injured. Then covering it up. The truth is Americans are killing innocent people in in Afghanistan and the CIA's proxy war with Pakistan via Blackwater mercenaries, are killing women and children by the thousands. This information was hidden from the American public by our leaders in Washington and exposed to the world by wikileaks. Many of you will condemn me and wikileaks because you can't handle the truth. Do you condone the murder of innocents? I will not support any government that supports this disgrace, nor did our founding fathers. The bulwark of a free country is a free press.
- DispatchThis
13 January 2011 at 09:25If ever there was any doubt as to the effectiveness of the past decades' right-wing onslaught to dumb down Americans and turn them into blindly obedient servants of authoritarian rule, the prattle on here completely removes it.
- Petlock
13 January 2011 at 09:48This man is a vain twat
- ManoDestra
13 January 2011 at 09:49
Anyone who thinks what Assange has done is wrong in any way should watch this first. Then you shall see who the real villains are with their internationally shameful, gung-ho, "cowboy up" attitudes.
- Mr. Divine
13 January 2011 at 10:13@Jon Nicholas: can you us a link to this video so we can assess it ourselves.
- Joe Brownbag
13 January 2011 at 10:22Well put - Pi**sed off
If the American Uglies continue to get their way, truth will be declared a terrorist org, and America's Poli Corp Masters will thoroughly destroy what the delusional suicidal sad enablers of poli scum think they are standing up for.
- gordy
13 January 2011 at 10:29Good on you Julian, stick to your guns, and stick it up the bastards!!
- Frasse
13 January 2011 at 10:32The cables don't tell us anything we didn't know before, you say. But you also say Assange should be killed for helping murderers. And this despite the fact that no-one has been murdered, except the people murdered by the US government (shown in the Iraq film).
In short, your opinions make no sense. Use the internet to try to orient yourself about the rest of the world, don't be so lazy to just look at that Fox crap.
- EhtchTee
13 January 2011 at 10:51The third paragraph is interesing.
So, all this wikileaks business is to get at China. The US surely can't be bothered by that? Hmmm.....
- moronamid
13 January 2011 at 11:02Bradley Manning... "he is able to make them stand"
Bradley has friends in high places... and low.
The USA will be smashed and broken Bradley will not.
- SysRq
13 January 2011 at 11:36Dear American friends.
Once your country was a shining light to those many of us who grew up outside the USA.
Like the most popular kid at school you had money, charm, nice teeth, and most of all you were kind to your little friends overseas.
I think you still have the teeth.
- Hh
13 January 2011 at 11:46I am a realist who hopes there will be revelations about the Chicago mob and Obama that would open the eyes of also ordinary citizens around the globe.
- Allen
13 January 2011 at 12:14Forget Assange and his $1,500,000 corporate book deal (some rebel, what a sell-out), instead read a book that’s really been BANNED like “America Deceived II” by E.A. Blayre III.
Last link (before Google Books bans it also]:
- PaulM
13 January 2011 at 12:16There is some shocking ignorance in some of these posts.
Wikileaks is not responsible for any deaths. Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell has said that there was no evidence that anyone had been killed because of the leaks. http://bit.ly/gGKYfj
Wikileaks does not have an anti-US agenda. They have been around for 4 years or so, and has been responsible for other important leaks such as exposing industrial espionage originating from China, government corruption in Kenya (helping to bring about a change of government in that country) as well as documents revealing the inner workings of Scientology amongst thousands of others. http://bit.ly/P2CZ8
For those that think the cables show that Arabs want to attack Iran - I think you'll find that its actually only a small group of despotic rulers that want that. http://bit.ly/dTj0RV
Wikileaks stated aim:
"Wikileaks is an organization committed to transparency and accountability, and allowing whistleblowers to hold governments and corporations to account."
They can only release what brave people send them!
More information on Wikileaks myths:
- @ShapedbyShakeeb
13 January 2011 at 12:19Julian! You have put all wikileaks followers in jeopardy, US wants to track down all wikileaks followers. Are we in trouble??
- PaulM
13 January 2011 at 12:31@ShapedbyShakeeb
Yes. The US authorities are going to round up all 650,000 Wikileaks twitter followers using only their IP or email addresses to locate them.
They are then going to arrange extradition (or rendition if you are in the middle-east and some parts of europe) for us all to the US to stand trial for some heinous crime they are yet to make up.
You will probably be top of the list now!
- Ellen
13 January 2011 at 12:33Someone here wrote that "Manifest Destiny" refers to America's obligation to be a model of freedom to the world. Or somesuch.
BUT - "Manifest Destiny" was the 19th century American belief that the United States (or, specifically "Anglo-Saxons") was destined to expand across the North American continent, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean - "from sea to shining sea" (which should ring a bell...)
- RippedOff
13 January 2011 at 12:46What gives him the right to with hold that information from the world? By his own rules he must release it!
- Alex
13 January 2011 at 12:47I'm really shocked with reactions I see here - some angry amercian patriots that behind their own patriotism can't see commom sense. Where the world goes? Shocking ignorance... World needs more people like Assange...
@Allen, please don't say something you don't know. Assange didn't get 1.5m book deal - he got (as far as I remember) half of it... and he get get 1.5m in total after couple of years IF book we be sold good... so? please, get your facts straight before you're writting something!
- ct
13 January 2011 at 14:03The murder of innocent news photographers and children by the US Army is a matter of national security?
HAHAHA!! Go Bradley!
- Paul
13 January 2011 at 14:25@ Matt – Well said Matt, I agree with all your posts.
The naivety of some people is unbelievable, the information is out there if people wish to educate themselves.
Julian Assange should be commended for what he is doing. He is risking his life to educate people about what really goes on in the world of Politics, Media & Finance.
The Iraq invasion was about the Petrodollar, it was concerned more about the US’s superpower status than oil. Iraq had started trading oil in EUR’s. That’s why the invasion occurred. It was a warning to other Middle East countries that if they follow suit the same fate will happen. Only thing is Iran now has China and Russia as its friends. If an invasion occurs expect WW3.
The occupation of Afghanistan has nothing to do about democracy or the Taliban. It’s all related to the vast natural resources the country has, which were identified by Russia back in the 60’s. The country is worth Trillions of USD’s and now has a puppet government to dance to the west’s tune. The US and UK can’t afford for Russia or China to get there hands on it.
Power corrupts; Governments all over the world are as crooked as they come. The most powerful man here in the UK is not David Cameron but an Australian with US citizenship. Rupert Murdoch calls the shots over here, Cameron sold out to him to get in office.
Read about the “New World Order” & “One world Government”. If you control education the media and the financial system the elites of this world can do as they please. Trust me, that is exactly what they intend to do.
- Rupp
13 January 2011 at 14:26Go assange!!
- Erik Larson
13 January 2011 at 14:27"If something happens to me or to WikiLeaks, 'insurance' files will be released."
"They speak more of the same truth to power."
So all the corporate-establishment criminals have to do to get Assange/wikileaks to keep this stuff secret forever is not arrest or kill Assange?
What kind of BS 'journalism' is that??? People have leaked stuff to media for centuries- when have these media published stories saying 'we have embarrassing info on such and such, but we're not going to publish anything on it, unless we're arrested or killed.' Answer - they haven't; they publish it, and the governments deal w/ the fall out. Thousands of journalists have been killed all over the globe for speaking truth to power.
So far, most of what Assange has released- or at least what the MSM have chosen to cover- amounts to titillating gossip, or has been used by corporate-establishment criminal propaganda rags (like the NY Times) to boost the bogus war on terror.
Anyone taking exception to my comment; please cite the subjects or post links to those dox which contain evidence of malfeasance by US POLICY MAKERS or CORPORATE EXECS. There's been a couple sort-of ones, like the pressure on Spain not to prosecute Bushco torturers- that's a start; anything else? Has anything like the Pentagon Papers been released yet? The answer to that is 'No'.
Assange may have been used, if he's not part of a psyop.
- DR Tobin
13 January 2011 at 14:58One should stand back and take an exceptionally clear-headed look at Julian Assange and WonkiLeaks Inc. The take one derives should not be a simple choice between 'good or bad' - between important truths revealed or damage to national interests. The third possibility (probability) is that this is a (very light Grey) psychological operation (PSYOP) on behalf of 'the powers that be'.
The material revealed has done little to dent the US Administration/Military/CIA (or their one true highly influencing comrade). Nothing of significance has been publicly revealed that has not already been clearly understood by anyone with a hint of an enquiring mind. Much of the US (NeoCon style) 'world view' has, yet again, been unequivocally delineated in a very public arena by this campaign. The playground bully dominance of the US is instead asserted.
Other national parties interests have been damaged or slapped-down. Other parties are no-doubt in fear of what about them could yet be revealed. Does that really include Rupert Murdoch and his 'News Corporation'. Give me a break!
Black and Maxwell may have strayed from the path and paid a heavy price. Rupert Murdoch is in another dimension to those fellows - they were backstreet traders comparison.
If Julian Assange had one ounce of bona-fide independent-media, truth revealing, legitimacy and could really dig the dirt on Rupert Murdoch he should not hesitate to publish immediately; he would not hesitate to publish immediately.
Instead this threat can be no more than a sham from a patsy. A feeble assertion to attempt to separate WackiLumps from the corporate/politically controlled and manipulated mainstream-media of which it (on the balance of probability) is nothing but an intrinsic part - only conducting a specialist function but disseminating propaganda nonetheless.
The further damage to the already deeply limited ability of our mainstream media to publish real but uncomfortable truths is asserted. And the warning to independent news providers can not be ignored either. This is the prime objective I am reluctantly sure.
Instead Assange continues to fake his independence and pretends he can hold to ransom the most enduringly powerful (known) man in the world. Ha ha ha!
- llen
13 January 2011 at 15:47The primary thing to remember is that Julian is not a journalist...period end of report. He is as some have called nothing more than a whistle blower, who is afraid therefore is using extortion to try and guarantee his saftety from the "Death Penalty" in the US...get real Julian
- Peter RV
13 January 2011 at 15:49Some of the comments here confirm the American patriotism is in a state of advanced decomposition. Frankly, it stinks.
After having gotten used to gradual raping of our Constitution by legalizing torture,illegal wars, concentration camps,government's murders and a total espionage (under the name of 'national security'), we seem now hellbent to kill the truth about it- itself. Hence these vitriolic attacks on Assange. This man reminds us of the irreparable damage we have done to our own country.
And this is what is intolerable.
- Nulla è reale, tutto è lecito
13 January 2011 at 16:08Assange has done nothing wrong. No one has died due to his actions. I'm convinced that the rape allegations are 100% false as well. One can also notice the intellectual difference between responses on this entire column: "ASSANGE IS THE DEVIL" are the fools of our time, complete with gramatical, punctuation and spelling errors. The more learned folk are praising Assange and those involved with Wikileaks. Has no one else noticed this?
Obviously, the intelligence of our society is allied with Assange. This should tell you something.
If Assange is executed, it will do nothing but confirm the iniquitous nature of our government.
- Morbus
13 January 2011 at 16:09@ Shane : Actually, read the history of Hawaii, for a start. Or our relations with the Phillipines.
Technically, right now, we're occupying Iraq and Afghanistan.
Just an aside, really.
As for Assange . Well. Whether he's a glory-hound or not, he's put out information that was desperately needed.
Something I have been wanting to say for DECADES : "If you aren't doing anything wrong, then what are you so worried about?"
- Snertly
13 January 2011 at 17:30On one hand Mr Assange has all the suaveness with the ladies that one might rightfully expect of a cryptogeek, which is not a plus.
On the other hand, he does seem to be walking the walk he talks. All he can really do at this point is stare his accusations in the face until they wither away, which they will.
13 January 2011 at 18:28US TV Media ONLY protects those politicians & reporters who say what WH wants them to say (or be fired).
American viewers don't get the news i.e. reported in Europe re: Julian Assange.
Sarah Palin Mike Huckabee Joe Lieberman and others call for Assange to be "illegally murdered" or "illegally assassinated" & "assassination is too lenient for him".
Palin with her "cross-hairs target for election opponents and message "don't retreat - just RELOAD!"
Freedom of Speech in America is only for congress & their friends of "controlled media" and if OUT-OF-CONTROL they are FIRED.
13 January 2011 at 18:31What is "Freedom of Speech" like in UK and elsewhere in Europe and Australia?
13 January 2011 at 18:36What is Freedom of Speech like in Sweden and what Swedish newspapers can I read in English?
Do people of Sweden agree with their government succumbing to politician for extradition of Assange from England when already there exists an agreement that Sweden prosecutor MAY go to UK for interview w/Assange?
the charge (not formally made as far as I know) is a trumped-up charge betwn USA and Sweden politician.
- Peter RV
13 January 2011 at 19:02For American patriots worrying about possible (American, of course) victims of Lassange's disclosures,I'd use their own moral standard on this matter. Acceptable 'colateral damage' in pusuit of the truth.
- F U to all the haters
13 January 2011 at 19:14Assange has done NOTHING criminal and being nothing more than a distributor of information shouldn't get him the kind of flack he's getting. To all you blind backwards ass thinking patriot sh-t for brains tools, governments lie. L I E lie and if you're shocked about it you need to first grow the hell up and second do some real research into who controls your dumb asses.
- trevorgleet
13 January 2011 at 19:43So these 'insurance' cables will be released if - and by implication only if - 'something happens' to Assange or Wikileaks. So it's OK to release or withhold information to further a cause.
I have no problem with that. But let's not hear any more simplistic claptrap about the wickedness of ever trying to keep anything confidential. Wikileaks has good reason to keep some material in this way. So have our governments.
A lot of what Wikileaks has released hasn't really mattered either way. Some of it has definitely been in the public interest. But that doesn't mean that releasing everything is automatically a good thing.
- swedish erik
13 January 2011 at 20:34This is a message from Sweden.
You may wonder why I am not adressing the Swedish debate directly, but frankly, and strictly between us of course things are as follows:
A bit more than 66 years ago I was beamed down to planet Earth as a part of the STI (Search for Terrestrial Intelligence) project. I was assigned (not Assanged) to Sweden. To this day I haven't been able to find a single trace of what I am looking for. My colleagues in Great Britain, however, have reported quite a few findings.
At the moment the little swedish dog is yapping to get Julian extradited. You people in Britain can't just kick it and tell it to be quiet, since that would ruin Your reputation as pet lovers. To let him have his way would be most unbritish and unfortunate- it would spoil him and ruin his digestion.
However, there is another way out.
As You know, Sweden is a very feministic and equal contry. If You lived in Sweden - especially as a male - You would know that in Sweden all sexes are equal, but some sexes are more equal than others. As people outside of Sweden, You know of course that all people are equal, but swedes are more equal than others.
So it is time to satisfy the little doggie by being even more equal, fully acknowledging the the swedish respect for women.
The only way to do this properly would be to let Julians mother take him by the ear and fly him back to Australia, while scolding him for going aboad without mothers consent.
This way the swedish people could rest assured that Britain indeed takes matters most seriously, and are quite happy to leave it all to the women involved.
If the swedish women want more sex with Julian, there is no problem for them to go to Australia and ask for permission from his mother, and everybody will be happy.
- God Almighty
13 January 2011 at 20:54Alex: I'm really shocked with reactions I see here - some angry amercian patriots that behind their own patriotism can't see commom sense.
Agreed. Some of the comments on here are absolutely shocking.
- serna
14 January 2011 at 00:32truthiness is next to sexyness :) to those of you who are speaking out AGAINST truth, i gotta ask... 'umm is what youre saying even true cause... u seem to be opposed to that sort of idea, im not sure i can trust you' :D
- A fellow citizen
14 January 2011 at 02:21Why has my post not appeared ? It was more polite than many
- Jeffrey Dillon
14 January 2011 at 04:09How sad that people would convict and sentence Assange for leaking private emails and other docs......would you apply the same justice to people across the spectrum, civilian, military...I mean, would those who say Assange is conspirator to murders vote to jail Bush, Rumsfield, and their own leaders for conspiring to kill?
- Jeffrey Dillon
14 January 2011 at 04:14Shane, but we in America and England live in the spoils of war, but hard for you to see....can't see the forest through the trees.....By the way...The name of a country engaged in war with USA and we took spoils...1) Afghanisthan, 2) Iraq, 3) Germany ....goes on forever....the paint on the car you drive might be made with the spoils of war...
- The emperor has no clothes
14 January 2011 at 12:48Which organisation has killed, wounded and destroyed more: Assange and Wikileaks or the USA and its Government?
- EhtchTee
14 January 2011 at 12:56The emperor - I reckon the US went a bit barking in the 1860's, with that civil war of theirs. They have never been the same since, always have since possessed an edge of nuttiness.
A right nasty affair that was, loads died.
- Jackob
14 January 2011 at 13:49Julian Assange who protects the world from disaster is my hero. All of these are believable. Health Insurance Quote
- Hershl
14 January 2011 at 14:55Manning is a traitor to the USA and will be dealt with as such.
The UK would treat him as such, too, if he were a British citizen.
Assange is having his moment of glory.
There is no way in hell that either of these criminals will ever end up without proper punishment.
In the meantime, have your fun.
- beth saunders
14 January 2011 at 16:03Thanks Assange. It's heartening to witness democracy at work, detractors as well as supporters. Christ made his views clear when he told us if we're neither hot nor cold we'll be vomited from his mouth. Let's look at the discomfiting Assange as the kid who blew the whistle on the unclad emperor, and you can imagine the annoyed and embarrassed initial reponse to THAT.
- OzCro
14 January 2011 at 17:05I just love the pea-brained responses of the neanderthals with their plastic sense of patriotism.
Go about your merry ignorance & accept that those in high office are pure-of-heart & would never undermine You for self gain.
- You are what makes (political) profiteering so easy.
No doubt Julian is an instigator, but the truth sometimes hurts.
- Bryan Light
14 January 2011 at 18:00Let's not criticize Julian Assange for making a book deal. He has huge legal fees to pay, courtesy of the Swedish authorities and the money for these fees are coming out of his pocket not from donations, made by concerned citizens of planet earth, to Wikileaks!
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