Monday 10 January 2011

Know The Story | Santa Is Real

There are some among you who may say, and may believe, the story I am about to tell is but a myth. A fanciful legend. A tall tale full of wishful imaginings. That no soul so steeped in pain or so lost and inconsequential as a snowflake on a mountain drift could ever have chanced to rekindle hope in a life that seemed so endlessly beyond control.

Yet I am here to comfort you. To tell you this tale with great earnestness and confidence. And to assure you it is true. For this is more than a story of pain and suffering, of helplessness and fear, of confusion and endless wanderings, of separation and loss. This is a story of hope. A story of transformation. A story of great passion and forgiveness. Of mystery and magic. Of beauty and wonder. And of the Majesty of the world.

Yes, my children, you can believe me when I tell you this story is true, for it is a story long known and long told. It is a story from my heart. And I know that it is true. For it is my story. I am Kris and this is my gift to you.


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