Otto anni addietro appresi dai Media di Tecnonucleo l’incredibile vicenda umana di Gary McKinnon disabile, hacker e cittadino britannico.
Gary era un giovane disabile mentale affetto dalla Sindrome di Asperger: una forma particolare di autismo, che compromette gravemente la capacità di socializzazione dell’individuo, lasciandone intatte le qualità mentali di carattere tecnico.
Una persona affetta dalla Sindrome di Asperger è una sorta di “idiota sapiente”, come Gary, che era assolutamente incapace di una normale vita di relazione, ma estremamente versato nella programmazione.
Che aveva combinato il nostro amico? Semplice Gary appassionato di UFO, aveva hackerato alcune roccaforti di Tecnonucleo (tra cui il Pentagono) alla ricerca di prove sull’esistenza dei marzianetti.
Il vostro caro dr. Jovanz, essendo un amante dell’irrazionale lesse la notizia con divertito compiacimento, anzi per un po’ fantasticò di questo simpatico mentecatto che magari aveva fatto il download del database di Area 51 (il supposto impianto di ricerca del governo USA per lo studio degli UFO del c.d. Incidente di Roswell).
Chiusi i giornali, le riviste, le pagine web e i programmi televisivi convinto che magari avrebbero mandato Gary in qualche Centro per aiutarlo coi suoi disturbi.
Dopo otto anni apprendo questa mattina da due Direct Messages carbonari di @ezekiel e @franki_kuka che non solo Gary è tuttora soggetto a una pena detentiva, ma sta per essere estradato in America, per scontare la condanna a 70 anni di carcere comminatagli dalla giustizia USA per il suo atto di “cyber terrorismo”.
Per carità in Italia abbiamo cose più importanti a cui pensare (bunga bunga, Ruby Rubacuori, Avetrana Peaks, escort, monolocali monegaschi, Papy), l’agenda di Tecnonucleo prevede che ci trastulliamo un altro po’ con queste cose, mentre fa a pezzi gli Umani.
Però alcune cose le dico lo stesso, poi le Macchine mi vaporizzassero pure.
Gary ha compiuto la massima espressione dell’animo umano, ha fatto ciò che per una Macchina è impossibile: ha distrutto la sua vita per un sogno, si è scaraventato in una colossale cazzata autodistruttiva non al fine di acquisire denaro, potere o visibilità, ma per apprendere una Verità per lui talmente fondamentale da sacrificare tutto. Questo le Macchine biologiche di Tecnonucleo, le appendici a base di carbonio dei computer e degli smartphone non lo fanno.
Una Civiltà, incapace di provare compassione per un caso umano come Gary, ha smarrito sé stessa.
Si può sanzionare con l’ergastolo l’errore di un pazzo, solo perché ha osato violare le Vestali di Tecnonucleo? Può un crimine informatico compiuto da un cittadino europeo essere sanzionato dalle autorità USA allo stesso livello di un attentato in cui siano stati uccisi civili innocenti? A quale livello si spinge il servilismo dell’Europa se si arriva a calpestare principi fondamentali come la tutela degli incapaci e la gradazione della pena? Un disabile mentale può essere punito come una persona capace di intendere e di volere? Si può comminare la stessa pena di chi ha sterminato vite umane a chi ha violato un computer?
Cari Ricercatori le domande di cui sopra purtroppo non sono stupide e dalla risposta dipende il nostro futuro.
Scusate se vi ho distolto per un po’ dal palinsesto di Tecnonucleo, tra poco inizia “just another show with sex & violence”.
Se volete manifestare il vostro sostegno a Gary Mc Kinnon di seguito trovate tutte le informazioni, per le quali ringraziamo sentitamente @Asphodelia:
Intervista a Cameron e Obama su Gary McKinnon
Intervista a Gary McKinnon di Project Camelot
Hasta la Vida Loca!
Free Gary now!!!
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The object of this blog began as a display of a varied amount of writings, scribblings and rantings that can be easily analysed by technology today to present the users with a clearer picture of the state of their minds, based on tests run on their input and their uses of the technology we are advocating with
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Il ragazzo che giocava con gli UFO « Gilda35
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What a beautiful car!
Amazing condition
If I had the money I would come and pay it now - it must be good to drive - slow and thirsty compared to modern cars but a beautiful ride and fun round corners flat out
I used to look after a couple or so of these including my own.
If anyone wants to buy it for me please do (-:
The village drowned to give another nation water - This Britain, UK - The Independent
The village drowned to give another nation water
Welsh protest, 45 years on: Former residents of Capel Celyn call for removal of the dam that flooded their homes to create a reservoir for Liverpool.
By Victoria Richards
Sunday, 17 October 2010
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Some 45 years ago, a village in north Wales was drowned in the name of progress and the city of Liverpool. A new reservoir was needed, and Capel Celyn, its school, chapel, post office, farms and 12 houses would be subsumed to provide it. Nearly 50 people and a way of life in the Tryweryn valley which had lasted centuries were replaced by nearly 70 billion litres of water.
Homes were found for the displaced, but, to their families and Welsh patriots, the memories and resentment at what they saw as high-handed colonial treatment lingered, and lingers still. Its most vivid sign is the stark white lettering against a blood-red backdrop on a weathered piece of rock on the side of the A487, overlooking Llanrhystud, near Aberystwyth, bearing the slogan "Cofiwch Dryweryn" – Remember Tryweryn. First scrawled in the 1960s, it has been maintained and repainted every time it fades.
This week, there will be a new manifestation of the seismic event in 1965 that changed the emotional and political landscape of Wales for ever, giving growing power to the nationalist party Plaid Cymru. The last remaining members of the dispersed families whose schoolbooks still lie at the bottom of the Llyn Celyn reservoir will march through the Welsh-speaking town of Bala to call for the removal of the dam, so that the valley can be returned as a lasting memorial to the people of Tryweryn.
Llandderfel county councillor Elwyn Edwards, 67, saw his mother's family "lose everything" during the drowning. "I remember the water coming out in a huge gush. There was nothing left – not a tree, a hedge, no sheep, cattle, or birds singing. It was deathly quiet, like a funeral. My family couldn't bring themselves to watch it. They'd carried stones from the chapel themselves to protect it. They were rehoused, but were scattered all over the place. We lost our heritage; we lost everything. I used to play in the cemetery at the chapel where some of the early Quakers were buried. There's nothing left of them."
He and the Plaid Cymru heritage minister Alun Ffred Jones also witnessed the sabotaging of the opening ceremony by local residents. "They'd drowned this village and driven people from their homes, and they were suddenly arriving to have a tea party," Mr Jones, 60, Assembly Member for Arfon, said. "That really riled people."
"They were driving the dignitaries from Liverpool across the dam," Mr Edwards added. "Each time a car went past we'd lift it off the road and rock it. We ran down to the marquee and I saw a man pick up a brick and throw it. I even witnessed a woman who was anti-Welsh tearing down the Red Dragon and stamping on it. They beat her by the side of the road. After that, we cut the microphone wires and they couldn't carry on with the speeches. The drowning was a wake-up call."
Many, stung by the betrayal of one of the last remaining heartlands of Welsh culture and Welsh language, reacted politically, raising Plaid Cymru's share of the vote from 0.7 per cent in the 1951 general election to 5.2 per cent in 1959 – two years after a Bill authorising the flooding was passed without the backing of a single Welsh MP. Others, incensed by the lack of consultation, turned to violence.
Owain Williams, 75, was part of a trio of teenage "freedom fighters". The Clynnog county councillor was arrested and sent to prison for a year for blowing up a pylon; months later, one of his accomplices, Emyr Llywelyn Jones, was sent down for destroying the transformer that supplied electricity to the dam. "We used force to repel force," he said. "As Tryweryn was submerged, it stuck out as a symbol of what was happening to us nationally. It was the 1960s – a time of protest against imperialism."
In 2005, Liverpool officially apologised for the flooding of Capel Celyn and 800 acres of farmland, but they're still waiting for a memorial – a bronze sculpture of a phoenix rising from the ashes by Welsh artist John Meirion Morris. "We've raised £15,000 over the past 10 years," Mr Edwards said. "We need £300,000. We need to make sure people never forget."
Yet the graffiti-daubed rock at Llanrhystud is itself under threat. In 2008 it was defaced, and is slowly falling victim to the ravages of time and erosion. Llanrhystud county councillor Rowland Rees-Evans has launched an £80,000 fundraising campaign to safeguard its future, to recognise its "national significance to the contemporary political life of Wales".
Wales Loses .cym Domain Battle To Cayman Islands
Wales has lost its battle with the Cayman Islands to secure the “.cym” domain name for Welsh internet addresses.
After four years of trying to secure the “.cym” domain name, Welsh hopes were thwarted after the United Nations ruled that, as the Cayman Islands are a recognised state and Wales is a part of the UK, the tiny British Overseas Territory should have precedence.
The Cayman Islands already have registered the “.ky” suffix for its internet addresses.
The campaign to secure the letters “cym” - short for Cymru - was headed by dotCYM in support of promoting the Welsh language and culture.
DotCYM managing director Siôn Jobbins has since asked supporters to come up with alternatives to “.cym”.
"We'd like to hear the views of people on which domain they'd like to use, for instance .cymru .cwl (Cymru Wales) or .wales,” he said. "We are still going ahead with the bid and that isn't affected. Not being able to use .cym is a shame, but it's not a problem."
Jobbins added that the bid itself is not in jeopardy because of the decision, the BBC reports.
"It looks increasingly likely that Icann will open the application process in 2011 so we need to decide on the Welsh domain by the end of this year," he said.
Tags: UK / United Kingdom, domain names
Burmese defector reveals truth about junta's nuclear ambitions - Asia, World - The Independent
A senior missile scientist who defected from Burma after leaking secrets about the junta's suspected nuclear programme has revealed how senior generals were personally involved in plans to develop a weapons system.
In his first in-depth newspaper interview since defecting seven months ago, Sai Thein Win, a major in the Burmese army, said he attended four presentations where the nation's nuclear ambitions were revealed. He gives a rare insight into the shambolic, demoralising conditions imposed on scientists, and reflects on the consequences of his flight on the family he has left behind. The interview was conducted just days before Burma holds its first elections for 20 years, which have been condemned as rigged by rights groups and the international community.
Sai Thein Win now lives in a small flat on the outskirts of a large European city. There is no name on the door and the curtains are closed. The location of his home can not be revealed because he fears that Burma's generals will send someone to try to kill him. "I'm not really here," he said. His room is sparsely decorated, with a table, a computer and a large, sharp dagger.
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Sai Thein Win's revelations since he left the country have been described by a former International Atomic Energy Agency head as "truly extraordinary information". Burma's army is closed to the outside world and Sai Thein Win is the main source, and in some cases the only source, for a case with major political implications. Can he be trusted?
International observers fear that the junta has tried to obtain nuclear weaponry as part of its strategy to retain power. But evidence from Sai Thein Win suggests that the programme is so mired in incompetence, corruption and delays that it would take years to develop a nuclear programme.
Sai Thein Win – who has been compared to Mordechai Vanunu, who in 1986 exposed Israel's nuclear weapons programme – said he spent three years working in a factory in the hot desert of western Burma. He said the regime installed machinery for their programme but virtually nothing was made, and employees were bored waiting for designs. At night, they sat drinking whisky and watching TV.
"When we were alone, we sometimes talked about how stupid this was," said Sai Thein Win. "We called ourselves Nato – No Action, Talking Only. We wasted our lives. I'm not a politician, I'm proud to be an engineer and an officer. I would be proud to be the first rocket scientist of Burma but I had no chance to apply what I had learned. It made me upset." The
Burmese authorities have denied that they are developing nuclear weaponry and called Sai Thein Win a deserter and criminal. The country's Foreign Ministry said that it lacked the "infrastructure, technology and finance to develop nuclear weapons".
But in Sai Thein Win's evidence he claims senior leaders of the junta were keen to try. As one of 72 young engineers sent to Moscow for further study in 2001, he said they were waved off by a senior general, Maung Aye. Sai Thein Win said a senior general told them Burma needed nuclear weapons for its protection.
He specialised in missile technology but interrupted his doctorate studies in Moscow. He was appointed production manger to make components for the Burma's missile and nuclear weapons programme. He said he was in a trusted position and had access to confidential material.
On two occasions, he says, he attended presentations of the so-called nuclear battalion at another installation at Thabeikkyin, in central Burma. At one of them, Than Shwe – the leader of the junta – arrived in a car and was led to a room filled with other generals. He sat on a sofa and watched a female scientist give a presentation related to their work. Apparently, Than Shwe was impressed, gave a short comment and encouraged them to continue with their work, said Sai Thein Win.
The scientist said he did not doubt that the intention of the so-called nuclear battalion was to construct a reactor, enrich uranium and build a nuclear bomb. He said he saw documents that proved this but did not steal any to prove his claim.
"Everyone asks me, 'Did I get an order from the generals to create a nuclear bomb?' But I never got my hands on those documents. I had the chance to steal them, but I didn't."
He emphasised that his frustration with problems at the factory was a major reason why he started leaking the information. He said when machines broke, they could not fix them themselves but had to call the German manufacturer, who thought they were for civil use and had to be deceived. "If things went well, I would have still been there," he said. "If they did very professional work, I would be proud to be there. I would be proud to be part of that."
Another factor behind his defection was the suicide of his sister while he was in Moscow. She had worked at a school and earned one-seventieth of what he as a privileged army officer could earn. "The regime gives privileges to the officers, but condemns other public workers," he said. "For me, the pay was good enough, but not for my sister. In that way, the regime was partly responsible for her suicide."
In 2009, he saw a television show from the Oslo-based television channel, the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), which spoke of rumours of a nuclear weapons programme, and showed a picture of the factory where he worked. He said he went and bought a camera and took pictures at the factory. A security guard saw him but did not say anything.
So he went to the office, uploaded a picture and sent it to a contact. "After sending the pictures, it was like my thoughts kept circling around this, 'I'm in danger, I'm in danger, I'm in danger!'" He continued to collect pictures, get documents and upload them. "I had to rely on strangers. I felt stupid. If the pictures were publicised before I was out of the country, I would be killed."
He sat in his office during work hours and uploaded pictures to Facebook. DVB, which he was now in contact with, asked for more. He replied that he could give them everything, but that he would have to get out quickly afterwards. He had a fake passport and paid a $400 (£246) bribe for a visa. "If they got me on just one thing, they would find everything," he said. "I wrote nothing down, it was too dangerous. Everything was spinning around in my head."
He managed to get a flight to Thailand where he was met by a representative from DVB. His documents were sent to the former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Robert Kelly, for analysis. He has described Sai Thein Win as a "source with truly extraordinary information". The defector revealed hundreds of photographs from inside a factory that show machines and constructions, as well as technical documents that suggest attempts to develop nuclear technology, according to experts. The defector's evidence "correlates well with information from other published and unpublished sources", said Mr Kelly's report.
In his analysis, Nuclear Related Activities in Burma, he wrote: "Our assessment of multiple sources is that Burma is really developing nuclear technology, that it has built specialised equipment and facilities, and it has issued orders to a cadre to build a programme." Mr Kelly has also said: "This is not a good programme, it is not successful and it is not professionally managed."
Sai Thein Win said his email and Facebook page were hacked and he was tipped-off that he had been traced in Thailand. After he left the country, his mother and family were visited by the secret police, put under surveillance and had to inform the authorities if they were planning to leave Rangoon, he said. The Burmese authorities have called the accusations about the nuclear programme "unfounded" and said that Burma "only wants peace and has no ambition to become a nuclear-power state".
If Burma's nuclear ambitions are substantiated, it will raise questions about whether the junta – which has run the country since 1962 – is receiving help from rogue nations such as North Korea. Finally, when asked what he wanted to tell those who suspected he had made up his story, Sai Thein Win said: "Go and see for yourself. And wait for more to escape with evidence. I've done my best. I've done everything I could."
Sai Thein Win: Life in brief
Sai Thein Win grew up in the village of Kyaukme in Shan state in north-eastern Burma with mountains on all sides. His father was a clerk; his mother stayed at home. He went swimming, boxing and played the guitar – but one interest had his special attention: weapons.
He created traps, caught birds and studied guns and missiles. At 18, he applied for the military. Because of his good grades, he was one of 100 accepted on a defence engineering course. He studied subjects including electronics, mechanics and weaponry. He got up to work at 5am every day, and he says that he was proud to wear the uniform.
Still, the life he dreamed of was as a student, a life he was finally able to enjoy when sent to Moscow by the Burmese government in 2001. Later he returned to Burma as a production manager for the national nuclear weapons programme – his last job before he fled from the country for good.
A version of this article appears in the Norwegian newspaper 'Morgenbladet' today
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Friday, 5 November 2010
A million thanks to everyone ! YOU are the #tweetstorm …. | #TweetsStorm's in support of Gary Mckinnon
I want to say thanks on behalf of everyone here behind the scenes – to everyone who tweeted , commented , retweeted and Shared during todays maiden #Tweetstorm4gary. YOU are the Storm! You are AMAZING.
Although the official number is still not in -( its going to be a long night) – We currently estimate that there were over 500,000 tweets bandied about during the #TweetStorm.
There were a lot of new faces too and thats really encouraging – because the aim of the TweetStorm was to show Gary and @janissharp that we have not forgotten about them and that ‘we’ are still here – shoulder to shoulder -ready to take on the Home Office, the Government and next the WHITEHOUSE!!!
We certainly got the attention of the Home Office -because a few hours into the #TweetsStorm – This appeared : Screen clipping taken: 11/5/2010, 9:47 PM
On November 11th – #tweetStorm4Gary invite you to do it all again and help us to remind Barack Obama and his Administration of their Public Statement -given beside Dave Cameron a while back.
The full text of the Home Office page can be found below
Latest on Gary McKinnon case | Home Office / Screen clipping taken: 11/5/2010, 9:48 PM
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FAMAGUSTA, North Cyprus | Essential Cyprus
You're browsing: Home » Famagusta, Regions » FAMAGUSTA, North CyprusFAMAGUSTA, North Cyprus
January 21, 2009 by Essential Ed
Filed under Famagusta, Regions
Famagusta, situated on the south east coast of Northern Cyprus, is a place where you can really feel the magic of Cyprus’ colourful past; so much so that when you visit you feel as if you can almost reach out and touch the island’s rich history.
You will also hear and see Famagusta being referred to as Mağosa, Mağusa or Gazimağusa (Gazi meaning unconquered).
Once one of the world’s most famous and richest cities under the rule of the Lusignans, Famagusta is also rich in architecture from the Venetian period when it was fortified against the invading Turks.
It is now the second largest city in North Cyprus next to Lefkoşa, and has the largest port which trades internationally in the export of Turkish Cypriot produce. It is also used for the importation of various goods such as cars and electrical items. The city’s modern road network makes it easily accessible from other major towns and cities on the island.
It has been said that Famagusta has a feel of the forgotten, or that it is a city where time has stood still, and this could be due to the area of Maraş (pronounced Marash), also known as Varosha (meaning suburb in Turkish). This is the part of the city often referred to as the Ghost City, it’s an area of sandy beach where derelict and decaying hotels now stand, fenced off in a no man’s land which divides
the north from the south of the island. Maraş/Varosha used to be a bustling area with a large port and a prosperous tourism scene, but now it has been left to decay.
Thankfully today visitors are again making their way to the fascinating city of Famagusta to see its historical buildings, Venetian city walls, Othello’s Tower, ruined buildings, mosques and museums. If you do visit the town – and we thoroughly recommend you do – you will get one of the warmest welcomes in Cyprus…and you will need a whole day or possibly more to fully explore the old town and really appreciate it.
Hotel accommodation in Famagusta is limited in availability and choice, most people choose to stay at one of the lovely
beach resorts just outside the city and travel in for a day trip. There are plenty of small cafes and restaurants in the town to offer refreshments, and there are many sites and places of interest to keep the historically and culturally focused fully engaged!
Please visit our Famagusta Region section detailing more of the towns in the area, as well as region sections on Lefkoşa, Kyrenia, Karpaz and Güzelyurt.
Wunder Blog : Weather Underground
Display: 0, 50, 100, 200 Sort: Newest First - Order Posted
1. jasoniscoolman2010xo 2:00 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 some snow in the northeast today winter its here for now but a big warm up soon by tuseday..
Member Since: September 19, 2010 Posts: 0 Comments: 971
2. CyclonicVoyage 2:04 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Thanks for the update Dr. MastersFrom the previous blog. Looks like the NOAA jets are headed home after next task is complete. And future Air Force jets are being discussed in conference call today.
1002. CyclonicVoyage 2:02 PM GMT on November 05, 2010
Friday November 5
NOAA-43: Down day as storm proximity is too close islandsNOAA-42: Scheduled for a tasked mission in T.S. Tomas, scheduled takeoff at 20:00 UTC (4:00 PM local) from St Croix, landing at MacDill AFB/Tampa.
Saturday November 6
NOAA-43: scheduled for a tasked mission in T.S. Tomas, takeoff will be at 8:00 UTC (4:00 AM local) from St. Croix, landing in MacDill AFB/Tampa around 12:30 pm local.
Thursday November 4
NOAA-49: flew a tasked synoptic mission into TD Tomas. Takeoff was at 05:30 UTC (1:30 AM EDT) from St. Croix, recovering at MacDill AFB/Tampa. No further flights are planned.
An HRD Conference call is scheduled for tomorrow, Friday November 5 at 10:30 AM to discuss the further missions in TD Tomas.
Action: Quote | Modify CommentMember Since: January 30, 2010 Posts: 0 Comments: 2684
3. surfmom 2:05 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 giving this a read & then out for a while -- need to change the brain channel -- I keep thinking of Haitian babies, children, suffering & the frustration of watching this unfold w/ no ability --short of donations and prayer to make a differenceMember Since: July 18, 2007 Posts: 30 Comments: 25337
4. jasoniscoolman2010xo 2:06 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Once Tomas pushes north of the islands on Sunday, the storm should weaken quickly, as wind shear is expected to rise to a very high 50 knots. wow!!!!maybe wind shear up to 70 knots after 92 hours from now..Member Since: September 19, 2010 Posts: 0 Comments: 971
5. TampaSpin 2:06 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Quoting Chucktown:NOAA still has to get advanced permission from the Cuban government to fly over the island. What I meant was they just can't freely go wherever they want and whenever they want.
That is exactly i just stated also .....advanced request must be given in advance to get permission.. Orca is wrong that can't just fly in there as they please.
Member Since: September 2, 2007 Posts: 147 Comments: 16416
6. cat5hurricane 2:07 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Thanks for update, Doc.Member Since: August 17, 2010 Posts: 15 Comments: 3767
7. Buhdog 2:07 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Good luck Haiti....imagine how scared young children are.
Member Since: July 30, 2005 Posts: 1 Comments: 665
8. Neapolitan 2:08 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Quoting Orcasystems:No foreign aircraft can overfly another sovereign nations airspace without permission. That includes civilian and military aircraft.
True, but the NOAA was granted special exception to the rule by Cuba because it's in that nation's best interest to allow HH recon; they allow the overflights, and in return their mets receive nearly complete access to HH data, which they use for their own needs. Seems like a fair deal, if you ask me...Member Since: November 8, 2009 Posts: 3 Comments: 1931
9. Orcasystems 2:08 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Quoting surfmom:
giving this a read & then out for a while -- need to change the brain channel -- I keep thinking of Haitian babies, children, suffering & the frustration of watching this unfold w/ no ability --short of donations and prayer to make a differenceNot a good thought for the day..but its a fact and its happening.
Go read these website SM, people are helping :)
Haiti Hope FundMember Since: October 1, 2007 Posts: 43 Comments: 18555
10. unruly 2:09 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 after careful consideration, Tomas will bring alot of rain to Haiti. He will then move out to the atlantic and regain strength. Tomas will land in the Bahamas as a cat3, and may turn left and hit Hampton Beach, NH as a cat 5, causing billions in damage and millions in lives lost...this is all brought to you by the JJHPM.....Member Since: October 10, 2009 Posts: 0 Comments: 897
11. Orcasystems 2:10 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Quoting TampaSpin:That is exactly i just stated also .....advanced request must be given in advance to get permission.. Orca is wrong that can't just fly in there as they please.
I'm sorry princess, could you post the comment where I said that?
look at comment #8
Member Since: October 1, 2007 Posts: 43 Comments: 18555
12. hydrus 2:11 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Quoting TampaSpin:The NAM model has Tomas meandering over Haiti...Not a likely scenario..LinkThat is exactly i just stated also .....advanced request must be given in advance to get permission.. Orca is wrong that can't just fly in there as they please.
Member Since: September 27, 2007 Posts: 1 Comments: 5616
13. sunlinepr 2:13 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Member Since: August 2, 2010 Posts: 5 Comments: 1529
14. Orcasystems 2:14 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Member Since: October 1, 2007 Posts: 43 Comments: 18555
15. sunlinepr 2:14 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Member Since: August 2, 2010 Posts: 5 Comments: 1529
16. TampaSpin 2:15 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Quoting Orcasystems:I'm sorry princess, could you post the comment where I said that?
Admin. if you don't do something about this, OH THE KING FISH HAS SPOKEN
Quoting Orcasystems:
BS, they overfly Cuba all the time doing active Hurricanes, in the areaMember Since: September 2, 2007 Posts: 147 Comments: 16416
17. hydrus 2:16 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Quoting Neapolitan:Fair indeed..In 1963 the Cuban government accused the U.S. of seeding Hurricane Flora, causing the prodigious rainfall amounts and huge death toll...They disallowed over Cuba. The U.S. denied all accusations of seeding hurricanes over Cuba.
True, but the NOAA was granted special exception to the rule by Cuba because it's in that nation's best interest to allow HH recon; they allow the overflights, and in return their mets receive nearly complete access to HH data, which they use for their own needs. Seems like a fair deal, if you ask me...Member Since: September 27, 2007 Posts: 1 Comments: 5616
18. hurricanejunky 2:17 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Tomas sure looks STRONG this AM. It's a bad scenario for Haiti, a strengthening hurricane approaching them. UGH! For those interested:Member Since: August 28, 2006 Posts: 6 Comments: 1815
19. stormwatcherCI 2:17 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Quoting TampaSpin:Sorry TS, gotta side with Orca on this one. That post was a reply to someone who said they CANNOT fly in Cuban airspace. Not saying they don't need authorization.Admin. if you don't do something about this, OH THE KING FISH HAS SPOKEN
Quoting Orcasystems:
BS, they overfly Cuba all the time doing active Hurricanes, in the areaMember Since: October 9, 2008 Posts: 0 Comments: 5530
20. CBJeff 2:18 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 I think you'll fins the HH's reticence to fly Tomas as he threads his way through the Windward Passage is less about sovereign airspace and more about topography. Guantanamo Province is pretty rugged.Member Since: October 29, 2007 Posts: 0 Comments: 15
21. TampaSpin 2:19 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 After everyone pointed out you was made a retraction.......LOLMember Since: September 2, 2007 Posts: 147 Comments: 16416
22. Quadrantid 2:21 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Quoting Neapolitan:
True, but the NOAA was granted special exception to the rule by Cuba because it's in that nation's best interest to allow HH recon; they allow the overflights, and in return their mets receive nearly complete access to HH data, which they use for their own needs. Seems like a fair deal, if you ask me...As an admittedly drunken brit about to hit the sack in Australia (so I won't see replies), I feel compelled to point out that a truly fair deal would be to give them all the HH data, rather than just "nearly complete" access. As a scientist, the idea of witholding data in a collaboration is both alien and disgusting to me, and I really hope it doesn't happen in actuality.
NN folks, and good luck to Haiti. Hope the mighty Tomas spares you as much as possible... YNWA...
Member Since: June 13, 2009 Posts: 0 Comments: 53
23. 1900hurricane 2:22 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 How about a look under the hood of Tomas?
Member Since: August 2, 2006 Posts: 39 Comments: 7417
24. reedzone 2:22 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 I was finally right on with the intensity scheme last night and I think it could clinch category 2 force winds before weakening. There is a very slim chance it rapidly intensifies to a major Hurricane, but the possibility is there. A strengthening Hurricane is not good for Haiti, but it could have been worse. Thank God these prayers were answered in some way.Member Since: July 1, 2008 Posts: 13 Comments: 5238
25. Orcasystems 2:22 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Quoting CBJeff:
I think you'll fins the HH's reticence to fly Tomas as he threads his way through the Windward Passage is less about sovereign airspace and more about topography. Guantanamo Province is pretty rugged.I was reading some other pages..and I can't find it again... their biggest concern with flying over land during a hurricane is tornadoes, and I would assume (although I did not see it posted) rock filled clouds.
Member Since: October 1, 2007 Posts: 43 Comments: 18555
26. TampaSpin 2:25 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Quoting stormwatcherCI:
Sorry TS, gotta side with Orca on this one. That post was a reply to someone who said they CANNOT fly in Cuban airspace. Not saying they don't need authorization.Someone posted the HH flew around Cuba. The next person said they could not because of Cuba. Then Orca said this, BS, they overfly Cuba all the time doing active Hurricanes, in the area
Which suggest they can fly in anytime they want. Then some of said they can only fly over Cuba once a request is asked and permission is given. The Orca posted his retraction of:No foreign aircraft can overfly another sovereign nations airspace without permission. That includes civilian and military aircraft.
I'm over this God on this Blog. YOu all have fun with this Nut case that thinks he is GOD!
Member Since: September 2, 2007 Posts: 147 Comments: 16416
27. Neapolitan 2:26 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Quoting Quadrantid:As an admittedly drunken brit about to hit the sack in Australia (so I won't see replies), I feel compelled to point out that a truly fair deal would be to give them all the HH data, rather than just "nearly complete" access. As a scientist, the idea of witholding data in a collaboration is both alien and disgusting to me, and I really hope it doesn't happen in actuality.
NN folks, and good luck to Haiti. Hope the mighty Tomas spares you as much as possible... YNWA...
I didn't mean to insinuate any science- or weather-related data was being withheld; I merely meant that, being USAF/NOAA planes, there are certain military-related data that are not being openly transmitted to Cuban officials, and rightly so.Member Since: November 8, 2009 Posts: 3 Comments: 1931
28. Quadrantid 2:28 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Quoting Neapolitan:
I didn't mean to insinuate any science- or weather-related data was being withheld; I merely meant that, being USAF/NOAA planes, there are certain military-related data that are not being openly transmitted to Cuban officials, and rightly so.Ah -- that's fair enough -- it just sounded scary that weather info could be withheld even though they granted airspace.
I'm piddled and puddled -- so no offence meant -- but I'm glad scientific sense holds sway even if military arguments go on :)
Member Since: June 13, 2009 Posts: 0 Comments: 53
29. lordhuracan01 2:29 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 We have alot of rain here in azua from early this morning..... azua is on the red spot of this map
Member Since: August 11, 2009 Posts: 0 Comments: 128
30. Gustavike 2:29 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Pilon's radar just lost sight of the eye wall TomasMember Since: January 16, 2009 Posts: 1 Comments: 60
31. NEwxguy 2:30 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 10. unruly 2:09 PM GMT on November 05, 2010Poof!!!!
Member Since: September 6, 2007 Posts: 348 Comments: 8692
32. CBJeff 2:31 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Little-known Cuban overflight fact:A few years before HH was granted overflight, US military aircraft were (very quietly) granted overflight for medical evacuation flights from Guantanamo Bay.
Member Since: October 29, 2007 Posts: 0 Comments: 15
33. AstroHurricane001 2:36 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 I have updated my latest blog entry on Tomas. Please take a look at it and make any relavent comments.Member Since: August 30, 2008 Posts: 1 Comments: 2148
34. dealsbeachdia 2:39 PM GMT on November 05, 2010
Hi Everyone: I have been to Haiti 13 times with these people and used to run the office, and I KNOW almiost EVERY dollar goes to the people. This couple are the hardest working and most dedicated people I have ever met. They have schools in l"artibonite where the cholera outbreak started and schools in the southern mountains that will be severely threatened by Tomas.
Please help and thank you LinkMember Since: June 26, 2005 Posts: 0 Comments: 9
35. GOLSUTIGERS 2:40 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 received a twitter from my nephew in Leogane. water is rising in the streets. the city buses are picking up people that do not have shelter and moving them to higher ground.His comment was "at leasr govt works sometimes", also the UN is patroling the streets.Member Since: June 25, 2008 Posts: 0 Comments: 10
36. Thundercloud01221991 2:43 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 with such a large eye could this become annular before reaching the shearMember Since: August 1, 2006 Posts: 28 Comments: 3192
37. stormwatcherCI 2:45 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Quoting GOLSUTIGERS:Glad to hear something is being done although I can't help but say it should have been done much sooner. God be with them.
received a twitter from my nephew in Leogane. water is rising in the streets. the city buses are picking up people that do not have shelter and moving them to higher ground.His comment was "at leasr govt works sometimes", also the UN is patroling the streets.Member Since: October 9, 2008 Posts: 0 Comments: 5530
38. weathermanwannabe 2:49 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Quoting CBJeff:
Little-known Cuban overflight fact:A few years before HH was granted overflight, US military aircraft were (very quietly) granted overflight for medical evacuation flights from Guantanamo Bay.
My Cuban Father worked for the CIA in the 60's and they overflew Cuba all the time without any permission.........:)
Member Since: August 8, 2006 Posts: 0 Comments: 4363
39. Cat5Hurricane250 2:50 PM GMT on November 05, 2010 Tomas now forecasted to reach 90 knotsESTIMATED MINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE 987 MB
64 KT....... 15NE 15SE 15SW 15NW.
50 KT....... 45NE 30SE 30SW 30NW.
34 KT.......120NE 120SE 50SW 50NW.
12 FT SEAS..150NE 210SE 90SW 90NW.
AT 05/1200Z CENTER WAS LOCATED NEAR 18.7N 74.7WFORECAST VALID 06/0000Z 20.8N 73.4W
64 KT... 20NE 20SE 15SW 15NW.
50 KT... 45NE 45SE 30SW 30NW.
34 KT...120NE 120SE 50SW 70NW.FORECAST VALID 06/1200Z 23.1N 72.1W
64 KT... 25NE 25SE 20SW 20NW.
50 KT... 50NE 50SE 40SW 40NW.
34 KT...120NE 120SE 80SW 80NW.Member Since: August 4, 2010 Posts: 0 Comments: 68Viewing: 1 - 39
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