I want to say thanks on behalf of everyone here behind the scenes – to everyone who tweeted , commented , retweeted and Shared during todays maiden #Tweetstorm4gary. YOU are the Storm! You are AMAZING.
Although the official number is still not in -( its going to be a long night) – We currently estimate that there were over 500,000 tweets bandied about during the #TweetStorm.
There were a lot of new faces too and thats really encouraging – because the aim of the TweetStorm was to show Gary and @janissharp that we have not forgotten about them and that ‘we’ are still here – shoulder to shoulder -ready to take on the Home Office, the Government and next the WHITEHOUSE!!!
We certainly got the attention of the Home Office -because a few hours into the #TweetsStorm – This appeared :
http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/ Screen clipping taken: 11/5/2010, 9:47 PM
On November 11th – #tweetStorm4Gary invite you to do it all again and help us to remind Barack Obama and his Administration of their Public Statement -given beside Dave Cameron a while back.
The full text of the Home Office page can be found below
Latest on Gary McKinnon case | Home Office http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/media-centre/news/mckinnon-case / Screen clipping taken: 11/5/2010, 9:48 PM
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