Series: April fools
The magic of the monarchy: The royal moment has come
Prince William has shown he can be a new kind of king. It is time to put away the cynicism and pledge our full-throated support
- Editorial
- The Guardian, Friday 1 April 2011
- Article history
A few short weeks from now, with the world looking on, William Arthur Philip Louis Windsor will exchange rings with Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, and much of Britain will rejoice. Yet, at such moments, certain voices – this newspaper's included – have long expressed dissent. All this mawkish celebration, they maintain, merely bolsters an anti-democratic institution based on privilege and patronage, a costly anachronism that ought to be abolished. That view is understandable. But it is time for them – for us – to reconsider. A decade ago, the Guardian prominently announced its commitment to republicanism. But Prince William has shown that he can be a new kind of king. That is why, in a significant change of course, we today pledge our full-throated support for the British monarchy.
Let's face it: the current crop of world leaders is far from inspiring. Across the Arab world, dictators battle their own people; at home, attitudes towards Cameron and Clegg alternate between apathy and outrage. In America, the hope that greeted Barack Obama has long since faded. As The King's Speech so vividly reminded us, there are times when only the calming leadership of a hereditary monarch will do; and as the MPs' expenses scandal illustrates, it can be dangerous to trust power-hungry elected officials, who lack the security provided by land ownership and immense wealth. Amid all this, William in particular stands out as something unique: a bastion of tradition with a deeply modern sensibility – not to mention a helicopter pilot's licence. When the time comes, we urge Prince Charles to redouble his focus on his important work in the field of alternative medicine, and to pass the mantle of head of state to his son.
For too long, a hair-shirt tendency on the left has insisted that a commitment to progressive values is incompatible with an appreciation for the magic and wonder of royalty. But in this era of austerity, couldn't we all do with being a bit more "happy and glorious"? Few things, after all, are as likely to lift the spirits of Britain's embattled public sector workers or benefit claimants than the sight of Kate Middleton's sure-to-be-spectacular wedding dress.
The couple themselves, meanwhile, reflect values close to this paper's own. William encapsulates our spirit of internationalism, thanks to his Greek and German heritage on his father's side, and his gap year in Chile. Kate embodies our commitment to gender equality in the way in which she has faced work-life challenges common to many women today, juggling such roles as accessories buyer for Jigsaw and being one of Tatler magazine's top 10 fashion icons. Other royals, too, are surely deserving of recognition: belatedly, for example, we have come to appreciate the crucial work done by Prince Andrew, using his personal connections to plant the seeds of democracy in repressive regimes worldwide.
Beginning today, the Guardian announces a raft of changes designed to ensure that our royal coverage is unrivalled by any other media organisation. We begin an unprecedented month-long, 24-hour royal wedding live blog, offering minute-by-minute coverage of the preparations. We will be recalling correspondents from some less newsworthy parts of the globe, such as north Africa and south-east Asia, so they can focus on palace matters instead. And we will shortly be making available to readers a range of attractive commemorative crockery.
The marriage of a prince to a commoner – a true bridging of class divides, if ever there was one – represents the perfect moment for progressives to commit again to the promise of hereditary monarchy. Great philosophers, from Burke to Andrew Morton, have argued powerfully for the institution's value. In any case, it would be churlish to fight the tide of excitement and optimism currently flooding the nation. It is time to put away the cynicism, and get out the union jacks.
Royal wedding cartoons show William and Kate are lucky it's 2011
Kew Palace exhibition reveals Georgian era satirists' cruel depiction of newlywed princes and princesses
See also
6 Apr 2011
5 Apr 2011
Masters 2011: Tiger Woods drawn with Graeme McDowell and Robert Allenby
5 Apr 2011
5 Apr 2011
5 Apr 2011
Royal wedding app to showcase marriages back to Queen Victoria
16 Nov 2010
17 Nov 2010
3 Apr 2011
's comment
Comments in chronological order (Total 346 comments)
Well, at least it isn't Labour (much to Toynbee's dismay) ;)
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Hahahaha - April Fool
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Lol, bad April Fool's joke Graun, try the other one.
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As if backing the quisling Lib Dems wasn't enough of a faux pas, the Graun has now decided to reinvent itself as Hello!
How very sad.
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April Fools suckers!
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Hahahaha - April Fool
Oh shit ....
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Has the President of San Serriffe been invited to the wedding?
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Please, that was very good, very funny infact.
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Oy vey.
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Ha didn't realise the date for a minute, then got down to the second paragraph and all became clear. Very well done!
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haha! I almost fell for it right up until Wills' gap year in Chile was cited as a way in which he "encapsulates our spirit of internationalism". Brilliant
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oh dear
Its April the 1stnice try
but not many people care about the Royals anymore
- Recommend? (29)
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This must be the April Fool - or maybe Julian Glover's been let loose again.
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The first thing that came into my head reading this was Glover's been let loose on the editorials again, phew had me worried there!! April bloody fool eh!!
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Beautiful. God save the Guardian.
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Hands up. I fell for it.
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Persian you beat me to it!!! Grrrr...
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Quite so Guardian.
I, for one, have been totaly won around. Indeed I have become so enamoured of the fragrant Kate, that I have already hand-made my own wedding advent calendar and placed a little rose petal behind each door. When I wake up each morning I shall open a door, sniff the sweet aroma, revel in the thrill of knowing the big event is one day closer, and then thank God our sweet saviour that I was born British.
Definitely your best editorial since the one where you told us to vote Lib-Dem.
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A bit too obvious, but I did enjoy
William encapsulates our spirit of internationalism, thanks to his Greek and German heritage on his father's side, and his gap year in Chile.
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Way it goes - I think the Prince Andrew line could be one of his.
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Ha ha! Caught me for a few paragraphs. A litle too close to the truth to be truly funny though.
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The Guardian would have gone up in my estimation if this had been true.
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If I'd read this in the Daily Express, I would've believed it.
However, if I was reading the Daily Express, I'd probably seek psychological help.
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OK so...I'm confused...this IS an April Fool, isn't it?? Because otherwise it would be the most cringe-worthy editorial in the world ever...
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Nice one Guardian.
It passes the test for the perfect April Fool - for the first few paragraphs my jaw was steadily dropping, and then the penny dropped.
If you had put in the bit about Andrew Morton as a great philosopher in the first or second paragraph it just wouldn't have worked.
Well done.
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Can't believe it took me till the bit about prince Andrew to get the joke...
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Definitely your best editorial since the one where you told us to vote Lib-Dem.
I'll bet that was published on April 1st too.
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I predict this debate will get very heated very quickly.
I'm a monarchist yet I think trying to praise Prince Andrew was a step too far. Even though he does go good work on the whole and he simply goes were he is instructed, he's very much not a model Royal.
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Tip top fooling!
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If this is an April Fool I may end up with egg on my face after my comment...
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Great philosophers, from Burke to Andrew Morton
Got a chuckle out of me. Nice.
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The Daily Express is the paper for those who aspire to read the Daily Mail.
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If only the Guardian had had this much welcomed change of heart earlier, we could have had a regular column by the Prince himself documenting his gap year in Chile.
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"we have come to appreciate the crucial work done by Prince Andrew, using his personal connections to plant the seeds of democracy in repressive regimes worldwide..."
I think this is my favourite bit. Probably because I can imagine David Cameron uttering these very words, but with a straight face and no twinkle in his eye. A bit like a shiny-faced robot, in fact.
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I think it is despicable that during a time of immense cuts the monarchy are staging an elaborate and exceptionally costly royal wedding paid for by the taxpayer.
That is reason enough to abolish them.
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Well I did buy "Knit Your Own Royal Wedding" and I'm an ardent republican. But I need some occupational therapy and knitting may do the trick. And I can always behead them after I have knitted them.
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Second to last paragraph gave it away, really. Also the bit about Prince Andrew.
Nice try, though.
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Oh god, I almost thought it was real.
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"Prince William has shown he can be a new kind of king. It is time to put away the cynicism and pledge our full-throated support"
Bloody hell, pass the sick bucket.
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I totally choked on my alfalfa and tofu sandwich (I am a guardian reader after all), when reading the title, and it actually took me at least a paragraph to realise this was a wind up.
Please don't do that again. Scary stuff.
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That they are asking for donations to charities instead of stupid gifts ... (1) is a GREAT step (2) which will make pasty-faced Rule Britannia types go nutz
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Should have read it before giving my opinion. Good one Guardian
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The silliest thing about the Guardian is its tinpot republicanism.
It is amusing if the paper can only say sensible things on April Fool's Day.
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Whether April fool, or not ....
Vive la republique!!!
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is he planning to emulate Rufus, Sailor Bill or the dutchman? No need for another bastard, enough of those in power already.
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Please !
Please !
I am on my fucking knees !
Tell me this is an April Fools Joke !
Why can I not trust the Guardian any more - why this doubt ?
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The Prince's recent visit to Christchurch was a wonderful gesture of support and he showed a genuine care for those he met. A great success.
No joke.
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"It is time to put away the cynicism and pledge our full-throated support"
That's right. Read these the other day:
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Wednesday, 6 April 2011
The magic of the monarchy: The royal moment has come | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian
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