Monday, 28 February 2011


February 26, 2011

How do we extend the political reforms in North Africa to Nigeria

(submitted by Adewole Akinwale - you can also submit your post on

Nigeria is one of the most populous nations in the world; endowed in Natural resource, the main cause of subversion and remote control by better organized polities, but whose fortunes are not very different from those in the ARAB world.

With the existence of high mobile phone density but poor internet penetration, how does HackDemocracy assist in the spontaneous reform of the Nigerian society.

Filed under startup hack africa debate analysis diplomacy leak opendata submission

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February 11, 2011

Third Brussels Meetup: February 23rd 2011

HackDemocracy’s 3rd Brussels meetup will take place on February 23rd and will tacke three topics: using the internet to mobilize citizens, online voting platforms, and how technology can improve school enrollment policies.

Our guests:

  • Simon Vanderecken, one of the organizers of the 40,000 people-strong SHAME demonstration, will share insights about mobilizing citizens online and the role of (social) media by analyzing website trafic to
  • Olivier de Marneffe, code-contributor to Helios Voting, will introduce the online-voting platform. He will describe the use of Helios Voting for the University of Louvain rector election of 2009 and help us envision the future of verifiable voting
  • Estelle Cantillon will talk about public school enrollment problems (matching pupils to schools, waiting lists, …) and explain how technology will help make school enrollment fairer and more efficient. She has carried out simulations for LOP Brussel.

HackDemocracy will also say a few words about, which led to the publication of Vande Lanotte’s negotiation note earlier this month.

Detailed programme 

As usual, time-slots will be split 50/50 between presentation time and Q&A.

6.30 Welcome

7.00 Introduction and a few words about, Jonathan Van Parys

7.15 Mobilizing citizens online and the role of (social) media: insights from website trafic to, Simon Vanderecken

7.30 Online voting platforms and the future of voting, Olivier de Marneffe

7.45 Using technology to improve public school enrollment policy, Estelle Cantillon

8.00 Networking

9.00 Everyone out :)


Please RSVP on

Filed under hack europe debate analysis submission

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February 1, 2011

First HackDemocracy in Brussels, December 2010.

We had some issues with the recording so there is only the second part. 

Thanks @ramonsuarez for the recording.

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January 29, 2011

Video of the first HackDemocracy meetup in San Francisco, January 24th 2011

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January 19, 2011

Second Meetup: Understanding Wikileaks

Understanding Wikileaks: how it works, how it’s being used and what it means for the world. 

For its 2nd meetup, HackDemocracy, in collaboration withHacks/Hackers-Brussels (“when journalists meet developers”), invites you for an in-depth focus on Wikileaks: how it works, how journalists have made innovative use of the leaks, and what Wikileaks means for society at large.

We will kick-off with a presentation by UCLouvain cryptographer Jean-Jacques Quisquater about the way in which organizations like Wikileaks can use technology to insure leakers remain anonymous.

Joining us next will be, who have worked closely with Wikileaks and whose award-winning data-journalism applications have been widely applauded. Owni also have a very particular organizational model: the team is composed of 1/3 journalists, 1/3 developers and 1/3 graphic designers… and is ad free! Nicolas Voisin (CEO), Nicolas Kaiser-Brill & Olivier Tesquet (data-journalists) will be on stage to talk about their work on Wikileaks, the future of journalism, and answer your questions.

We will close off the evening with a presentation by ULB-Researcher Sidney Leclercq about Wikileaks’ implications for international relations and diplomacy, and what aspects of the leaks could lead to greater transparancy in our democracies.

Detailed Program

6.30 Welcome

7.00 Introduction, by Jonathan Van Parys (HackDemocracy) and Damien Van Achter (Hacks/Hackers)

7.10 Presentations:

5’ + 5’ QA How organizations like Wikileaks can use technology to insure leakers remain anonymous, Jean-Jacques Quisquater (UCLouvain)

30’ + 30’ QA, about their work on Wikileaks and the future of journalism

5’ + 5’ QA Wikileaks’ implications for international relations and diplomacy, Sidney Leclercq (ULB)

8.30 Discussion

Filed under hack us debate diplomacy leak submission

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December 12, 2010
First meetup this Thursday 16th of December in Brussels 6:30pm.(at the Betagroup Coworking Space - Rue des Peres Blancs 4, metro station Petillon)Please register on <a href=

First meetup this Thursday 16th of December in Brussels 6:30pm.
(at the Betagroup Coworking Space - Rue des Peres Blancs 4, metro station Petillon)
Please register on - open to hackers and to people who work in any public institution who want to contribute to build the future of our democracies.

The goal of this first meetup is to get together and discuss about how we can develop this community of people working in public institutions and hackers.

There will be a few presentations of interesting projects/hacks, among them:

  • “Pirate Party, Wikileaks & the Anonymous”
    By @jurgenvoltaren

  • “Open data in public-private partnerships: how citizens can become true watchdogs” 
    By @jonvanparys from @WheresMyVillo

  • “ Connecting citizens to MEPs all over Europe”
    By @acoomans

  • “Democracy-hacking and TEDx”
    By @mishachellam

  • iRail: using openData to provide a better service to SNCB/MMBS commuters
    By @pietercolpaert 

(format: 5mn presentation + 5mn Q&A in English)

Followed by drinks and networking.

At 9pm there will be a hackathon (for the courageous hackers out there!). Goal: hack in teams and come up with an app before the sun rises!

Please help us spread the word on Twitter, Facebook and offline by printing this poster.

Filed under hackdemocracy meetup betagroup

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December 11, 2010

WikiRebels – The Documentary | SVT Play

1h documentary on Wikileaks with interviews of key participants.

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December 11, 2010


 Hi there,

Welcome to #HackDemocracy, the community of hackers and workers in public institutions who care about the future of our democracies.

We try to get together once a month to get to know each other and to better understand what are the challenges for our democracies in this new digital age. 
We welcome people who work in public institutions at the heart of our democracies. You have probably ideas of things you would love to do to make your job easier and more efficient. Maybe you also have access to data that wait to be publicly available in a useful format for citizen or for journalists and bloggers.  

We welcome Hackers who are willing to devote some of their time to do things that matter: expose more data, foster citizen participation, share the knowledge and work all together to find solutions to the biggest challenges our society face today.

This blog is the blog of the community. It will feature links, videos, analysis, howtos, … on everything related to the hacking culture and democracy. Please join us and contribute by submitting tips or posts on or simply by adding the hashtag #HackDemocracy to your tweets.

Filed under hackdemocracy welcome democracy technology

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