Monday, 28 February 2011

A lesson about promises that I finally learned

I grew up in a religious family

I grew up knowing that if you promised to do something, or not say something, then breaking that promise was the same as loosing all trust of that person you promised to


time and time again I kept promising and, because of one reason or another, I kept 'having' to break those promises

I got married for the first time and promised so many things


because I was a complete head fuck (someone who had many problems in their head that they could not sort out, did not even know what those problems were many times) I ended up breaking those promises

Because I broke those promises I lost the woman that I dearly loved.

I cried my tears for a few years and then met another wonderful woman and eventually married her, promising again many things that, because I was still a head fuck, I could not keep.

We had three wonderful children.

I kept promising and breaking my promises to my new wife and even my children


I realised that promising was stupid unless you knew that you really could keep those promises

So I stopped promising and started trying to find answers to all the head fucks that were in my head. I lost that love and nearly lost my children

It took me years and years of self examination and questioning. 

and still I won't say I promise

If I am going to do something for someone then I don't promise

I just do it.

If I can't do it or am not sure whether I can do it

I leave it till the time when it needs to be done then do it if I possibly can.


I don't promise

Nick Clegg, David Cameron and all you other politicians

Take note

I think they call it growing up

and you lot have had good enough educations to know when you are lying or not

when you say

"I promise"

Grow up

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