Thursday, 17 February 2011

Weed in a can? Is Mary Jane’s Relaxing Soda, which promises marijuana-like effects, a sign that Americans have grown more comfortable with drug use? « rolledtootight. - marijuana cannabis | legalization | weed | marijuana | cannabis


Weed in a can? Is Mary Jane’s Relaxing Soda, which promises marijuana-like effects, a sign that Americans have grown more comfortable with drug use?

Mary Jane's soda drink promises effects like that of cannabis

Mary Jane's Relaxing Soda alludes to marijuana with its branding, but the "active" ingredient is a medicinal root.

A new beverage called Mary Jane's Relaxing Soda -- billed by some as "weed in a can" -- is selling briskly in Los Angeles, yet another sign of pot culture going mainstream in America's largest state. The beverage, part of a emerging category of so-called "anti-energy drinks," doesn't actually contain cannabis, but promises similar effects of calm and relaxation from its "active" ingredient, a medicinal root from the South Pacific called kava. The FDA doesn't consider kava a drug, but "if there were not therapeutic effects, it would not be a 1,000-year-old folk medicine," says Boston University pharmaceuticals chemist Michael Pollastri. By making pot-like effects available from convenience store coolers, is Mary Jane's Relaxing Soda part of trend toward marijuana becoming a more acceptable part of everyday life in the U.S.?

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