Imagine how it is to live in Pakistan knowing that you can have all kinds of misfortune in a day whether natural or man made. A place where a day without any suicide bombing or drone attack can make a news and every moment the citizens have to deal with emotions like shock, rage, discomfort and a deep sense of helplessness.
In a recent morning, the first tweet that caught my eye, was one by a Pakistani columnist, Fasi Zaka:
fasi_zaka: The last moments of a suicide bomber who didn’t die from the blast immediately
One of his twitter followers’ replied to this tweet:
Suprah_: The kid is still alive! He is recovering at a local hospital and even did an interview for BBC later
Victims of the explosion at Rummy Club, Karachi are put in a morgue. Image by Syed Yasir Kazmi. Copyright Demotix (21/04/2011).
On an average day many Pakistanis would re-tweet or share in Facebook such news based on suicide bombers, NATO’s Drone attacks and the Taliban’s retaliation to them.
Ali Chishti at Pakistanpal's blog writes:
There have been a total of 234 drone attacks in Pakistan since 2004, according to the New America Foundation, including 22 in 2011. The estimated casualties are between 1,439 and 2,290 – of which 1,149 to 1,819 were described as militants in reliable press accounts. [..]
The Pakistani response has been full of confusion and contradictions. The military, after having come to an understanding with the United States in 2006, has allowed limited use of force inside Pakistan because of tough conditions in FATA purely for cost-benefit reasons. At the same time, it has constantly used Pakistani public opinion on the issue to pressure the US.
Acceptance of these drone attacks in Pakistan, have made the people of Pakistan an unwilling ally. However, regardless of which one-sided alliance is created, the people will still suffer. The sufferings will either be from, the drone attacks or from the attacks from the Tehrik-i-Taliban. Kathy Gannon, a former American correspondent of Afghan-Pak affairs during 1986-2005, states something similar in her article published in The Journal Gazette:
“Pakistan is frustrated by stepped up drone attacks and accusations it is weak against Islamic militants despite nearly 3,000 dead soldiers, a five-year war in its tribal areas and dozens of arrests of suspected al-Qaida operatives or affiliates.”
The Harfang is a reconnaissance drone, guided from a distance by experienced fighter pilots, transport pilots or a navigator. It is used by by the US army in Afghanistan on the Afghan – Pakistan border. Copyright Demotix (11/03/2010).
In my own blog I shared opinions of people I came across describing how lives in their cities had radically changed out of fear and frustrations.
Fahd Dar, a student from Lahore, says:
“Life's going on but it's definitely not the same. People have restricted their outings. Although the famous hang out spots still remain crowded, but the fear of the unknown is still there. With scanning apparatuses installed at almost every corner of the city, even at educational institutes, it naturally gives you a feeling of hesitancy and vulnerability. Lahore doesn't feel that safe now, to eat your favorite eatables late at night, or watch a nifty play at Al-Hamra. Still, our hopes are high, things would get better.”
Haris Hameed, a manager at an advertising agency in Islamabad:
“A drive from one end of Islamabad to the other meant you had two options. Take the scenic route running parallel to the majestic Margalla Hills or the one that ran through the heart of the business district, fondly dubbed Blue Area. However, that was then. Now, when planning out your route, only one thing is considered: ‘Which route has the least amount of security check posts?’[..]
Understanding that these security measures resembling an obstacle course for mice in a science experiment are a necessity in recent turbulent times, the people of Islamabad have taken everything in their stride. There is always remorse and empathy for victims when there is a bomb blast or terror attack in the city, but with a day or two of caution, the local venture back into their routines. I believe the common thread between the people of the capital (regardless of what section of society they belong to), is that they keep on living. To cower at home in fear and stop leading normal lives is exactly what the terrorists’ want us to do. If we were to do that, it would mean that the terrorists would be successful in their goals, and that they have won. We certainly can’t let that happen. So we live, one day at a time.”
We can only hope that soon things will normalize in Pakistan, but hope seems to be far away.
The object of this blog began as a display of a varied amount of writings, scribblings and rantings that can be easily analysed by technology today to present the users with a clearer picture of the state of their minds, based on tests run on their input and their uses of the technology we are advocating with
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Pakistan: The Fight Against The Taliban and The Drones · Global Voices
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