Netease Offers Attitudes on Drugs
Inmates peer out of a barred window near the Chinese character "Drug" at the Chengdu Compulsory Drug Rehabilitation Center in Chengdu, southwestern China's Sichuan province. (AP File PHoto)
The Netease microblog (网易微博) calls itself “The microblog with an attitude.” This is very true of its latest topic: Drugs.
The issue is being discussed a lot recently because the son of the famous actor Zhang Guoli (张国立) has been caught up in a marijuana scandal.
The son, Zhang Mo (张默), is an actor himself. On January 31, microblogs exploded because of the news that he had been taken into custody for 13 days after being found smoking pot at home.
Marijuana, along with substances such as heroin, cocaine, are lumped together and called “drugs” or “dupin” (毒品).
Drugs have brought down other famous people in the past. Zhang Yuan (张元), the famous director of East Palace West Palace (东宫西宫), was arrested in 2008 for doing ketamine and ice.
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Saturday, 11 February 2012
Netease Offers Attitudes on Drugs « China Wangre
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