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Profiles in Courage - John F. Kennedy
The "Profiles in Courage" audiobook by John F. Kennedy as read by John F. Kennedy Junior. This podcast will have four installments, each being one side of the two tapes provided in this audiobook.
Keywords: Profiles in Courage
Downloads: 479
Average rating:(2 reviews)
State of the Union Addresses of John F. Kennedy - John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 163Ask not - John F Kennedy
History-John F Kennedy - Ask not what you
Keywords: History
Downloads: 558John F. Kennedy Dictabelt Recording, Tape A - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy Dictabelt Recording. Please refer to the John F. Kennedy Dictabelt finding aid for more information.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 27,743
Average rating:(2 reviews)
John F. Kennedy Dictabelt Recording, Tape B - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy Dictabelt Recording. Please refer to the John F. Kennedy Dictabelt finding aid for more information.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 16,213
Average rating:(1 review)
John F. Kennedy Dictabelt Recording, Tape C - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy Dictabelt Recording. Please refer to the John F. Kennedy Dictabelt finding aid for more information.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 2,507
Average rating:(1 review)
John F. Kennedy Dictabelt Recording, Tape D - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy Dictabelt Recording. Please refer to the John F. Kennedy Dictabelt finding aid for more information.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 2,079
Average rating:(1 review)
John F. Kennedy Meeting Tape 001 - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy secret White House recording. Tape 1. Topics include Brazil, Peru, Common Market, Berlin, and Canada.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 923
Average rating:(0 review)
John F. Kennedy Meeting Tape 002 - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy secret White House recording. Tape 2. Topics include Economy and the Test Ban Treaty.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 415
Average rating:(0 review)
John F. Kennedy Meeting Tape 003 - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy secret White House recording. Tape 3. Topics include Test Ban Treaty.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 465
Average rating:(0 review)
John F. Kennedy Meeting Tape 004 - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy secret White House recording. Tape 4. Topics include Test Ban Treaty.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 485
Average rating:(0 review)
John F. Kennedy Meeting Tape 005 - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy secret White House recording. Tape 5. Topics include Test Ban Treaty.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 380
Average rating:(0 review)
John F. Kennedy Meeting Tape 005a - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy secret White House recording. Tape 5a. Topics include Meeting of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 524
Average rating:(0 review)
John F. Kennedy Meeting Tape 006 - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy secret White House recording. Tape 6. Topics include Test Ban Treaty and Berlin.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 437
Average rating:(0 review)
John F. Kennedy Meeting Tape 007 - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy secret White House recording. Tape 7. Topics include Economy and Tax Cut.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 469
Average rating:(0 review)
John F. Kennedy Meeting Tape 008 - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy secret White House recording. Tape 8. Topics include the USSR, China, Haiti, and Berlin.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 1,253
Average rating:(0 review)
John F. Kennedy Meeting Tape 009 - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy secret White House recording. Tape 9. Topics include Berlin and the Economy.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 912
Average rating:(0 review)
John F. Kennedy Meeting Tape 012 - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy secret White House recording. Tape 12. Conversation between Kennedy and General Douglas MacArthur.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 2,610
Average rating:(0 review)
John F. Kennedy Meeting Tape 014 - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy secret White House recording. Tape 14. Topics include the International Monetary Situation.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 464
Average rating:(0 review)
John F. Kennedy Meeting Tape 015A - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy secret White House recording. Tape 15A. Topics China and Cuba.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 3,184
Average rating:(1 review)
John F. Kennedy Meeting Tape 026 - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy secret White House recording. Tape 26. Topics include Mississippi Crisis and James Meredith.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 677
Average rating:(0 review)
John F. Kennedy Meeting Tape 026A - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy secret White House recording. Tape 26A. Topics include Mississippi Crisis and James Meredith.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 553
Average rating:(0 review)
John F. Kennedy Speech, September 26, 1963 - John F. Kennedy
Address at the Mormon Tabernacle. Salt Lake City, UT.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 4,481
Average rating:(3 reviews)
JFK dictabelt 02A1 - John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy Presidential Recording, Dictabelt Collection, Item 2A.1 Participants: Evelyn Lincoln, Operator Topic: Gromyko Public Statement
Keywords: Spoken Word
Downloads: 1,753
Average rating:(0 review)
The President and the Press - President John F. Kennedy
"I want to talk about our common responsibilities in the face of a common danger. The events of recent weeks may have helped to illuminate that challenge for some; but the dimensions of its threat have loomed large on the horizon for many years. Whatever our hopes may be for the future--for reducing this threat or living with it--there is no escaping either the gravity or the totality of its challenge to our survival and to our security--a challenge that confronts us in unaccustomed ways in ever...
Downloads: 242
Average rating:(0 review)
John F. Kennedy Speech, July 15, 1960 - John F. Kennedy
Address Accepting the Democratic Party Nomination for the Presidency. Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles, California.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 2,026
Average rating:(1 review)
John F. Kennedy Speech, September 12, 1960 - John F. Kennedy
Address to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association. Rice Hotel, Houston, Texas. Discusses religious freedom, specifically Kennedy's Catholicism.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 2,937
Average rating:(2 reviews)
John F. Kennedy Speech, January 9, 1961 - John F. Kennedy
City Upon a Hill Speech. Address before the Massachusetts General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Massachusetts State House, Boston, MA.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 1,379
Average rating:(1 review)
John F. Kennedy Speech, January 20, 1961 - John F. Kennedy
Inaugural Address. Washington, DC.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 7,037
Average rating:(2 reviews)
John F. Kennedy Speech, March 1, 1961 - John F. Kennedy
Establishment of the Peace Corps from a News Conference, Washington, DC.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 932
Average rating:(1 review)
John F. Kennedy Speech, April 27, 1961 - John F. Kennedy
"The President and the Press" American Newspaper Publishers Association. Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, NY.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 21,183
Average rating:(7 reviews)
John F. Kennedy Speech, May 25, 1961 - John F. Kennedy
Establishing the goal of sending a man to the moon. U.S. Capitol. Washington, DC.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 13,562
Average rating:(4 reviews)
John F. Kennedy Speech, November 16, 1961 - John F. Kennedy
Address in Seattle at the University of Washington's 100th Anniversary Program. Edmundson Pavilion, Seattle, WA.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 1,549
Average rating:(3 reviews)
John F. Kennedy Speech, June 6, 1962 - John F. Kennedy
Commencement Address at Yale University. New Haven, CT.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 1,057
Average rating:(2 reviews)
John F. Kennedy Speech, September 12, 1962 - John F. Kennedy
Address at Rice University on Space Effort. Rice University Stadium, Houston, TX.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 4,068
Average rating:(1 review)
John F. Kennedy Speech, October 22, 1962 - John F. Kennedy
Address to American People on the Soviet Arms Buildup in Cuba. Oval Office. Washington, DC.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 5,822
Average rating:(1 review)
John F. Kennedy Speech, May 18, 1963 - John F. Kennedy
90th Anniversary Convocation of Vanderbilt University. Vanderbilt University Stadium, Nashville, TN.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 843
Average rating:(1 review)
John F. Kennedy Speech, June 10, 1963 - John F. Kennedy
Commencement Address at American University. John M. Reeves Athletic Field, American University. Washington, DC.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 7,484
Average rating:(5 reviews)
John F. Kennedy Speech, June 11, 1963 - John F. Kennedy
Address to the American People on Civil Rights. Oval Office, Washington, DC.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 4,850
Average rating:(5 reviews)
John F. Kennedy Speech, June 26, 1963 - John F. Kennedy
"Ich bin ein Berliner" speech. Berlin, Germany.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 13,216
Average rating:(1 review)
John F. Kennedy Speech, July 26, 1963 - John F. Kennedy
Address to the American People on the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Oval Office, Washington, DC.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 1,292
Average rating:(1 review)
John F. Kennedy Speech, October 26, 1963 - John F. Kennedy
Remarks at Amherst College.
Keywords: John F. Kennedy
Downloads: 2,053
Average rating:(2 reviews)
John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library
Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961, United States Capitol, Washington, D.C. Date: January 20, 1961, Copyright: Public domain. Credit: John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum, Boston, Massachusetts Details: Audio file of President John Fitzgerald Kennedyâs Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961. Running time 14 minutes. UPLOADED by Sookietex
Keywords: John F. Kennedy; Inaugural Address
Downloads: 857presidential debate - John f kennedy and richard m nixon
history-John f kennedy and richard m nixon - presidential debate
Keywords: History
Downloads: 11960 US Presidential Debate (#1) on Domestic Policy - John F. Kennedy, Richard M. Nixon
Republican candidate, Vice President Richard M. Nixon, and Democratic candidate, Senator John F. Kennedy hold their first debate on the topic of domestic policy. The candidates answer, or comment upon answers to questions put by a panel of correspondents from the major news networks.
Keywords: Debates
Downloads: 3,267
Average rating:(2 reviews)
1960 US Presidential Debate (#4) on Foreign Policy - John F. Kennedy, Richard M. Nixon
Republican candidate, Vice President Richard M. Nixon, and Democratic candidate, Senator John F. Kennedy hold their fourth and final debate on the topic of foreign policy. The candidates answer, or comment upon answers to questions put by a panel of correspondents from the major news networks. Each answer was limited to 2 1/2 minutes. Each rebuttal to 1 1/2 minutes.
Keywords: Debates
Downloads: 2,081
Average rating:(1 review)
1960 US Presidential Debate (#2) on Any Topic - John F. Kennedy, Richard M. Nixon
Republican candidate, Vice President Richard M. Nixon, and Democratic candidate, Senator John F. Kennedy hold their second debate. The candidates answer, or comment upon answers to questions put by a panel of correspondents: Paul Niven of CBS. Edward P. Morgan of ABC. Alvin Spivak of United Press International, and Harold R. Levy of Newsday.
Keywords: Debates
Downloads: 1,760
Average rating:(1 review)
1960 US Presidential Debate (#3) on Any Topics - John F. Kennedy, Richard M. Nixon
Republican candidate, Vice President Richard M. Nixon, and Democratic candidate, Senator John F. Kennedy hold their third debate. The candidates answer, or comment upon answers to questions put by a panel of correspondents. For this debate John F. Kennedy was in New York and Richard M. Nixon was in Los Angeles, the correspondants were in a third studio.
Keywords: Debates
Downloads: 2,374
Average rating:(2 reviews)
Proposal outline for a comprehensive education, health and television program for Charlestown under title iii of esea by the john f. Kennedy family service center, inc - John F. Kennedy Family Service Center, Inc
...this copy, which was in the BRA collection, is incomplete; it starts with section 3 which concerns a detailed proposal for a day care center for Boston's Charlestown neighborhood; it also discusses a future Head Start program and presents a plan addressing the community's health needs; this item was in the BRA collection.
Keywords: Project Head Start (U.S.); Children; Child care services; Medical care
Downloads: 146Redevelopment of the Boston waterfront. (draft) - John F. Kennedy School of Government a brief history of Boston waterfront development; includes section on Mayor Collins and Edward Logue's role in the early stages of urban renewal planning for the "New Boston"; discusses the federal government's role, the Boston Redevelopment Authority, plans for the waterfront, tidelands licensing, relocation of food dealers (meat, produce and fish), traffic changes, housing developments, commercial developments, role of Robert Kenney (BRA Director), Parcel C-2 and other waterfront deve...
Keywords: White, Kevin; Boston Redevelopment Authority; Political participation; Collins, John and Logue, Edward; Development Projects; Housing and Hotels; Kenney, Robert; Urban renewal; Waterfront Project Restudy Committee, Boston (Mass.); Wholesale Food Industry; Zuckerman, Mortimer
Downloads: 29