Send Your Santa Letters To The Bankers. They Can Make Miracles Happen.
Posted by Robin HoodSuper Hero ThiefThis year bankers were paid over £10billion in bonuses. At the same time jobs and public services are at risk in the UK while many other developed and developing countries face a similar struggle. Across the world ordinary people are paying the price for a crisis they did nothing to cause.
We know there are a few ‘wise’ men in the banks who have the power to perform miracles and this festive season we want everybody to send them our Christmas wish list.
We don't want a new X-box and you can forgetthe socks - we want University fees kept down, we want our local libraries to be kept open and we want to end poverty in the UK.
This year has been a tough one for all of us and we need a break. It's time these 'wise' men and their institutions were made to pay their fair share and make poverty in the UK and overseas a ghost of Christmas past.
The Robin Hood Tax is a simple idea that could change our world, not just for Christmas but for life.
All of your letters will be delivered to one of the big banks in person by Sherwood's Santa. We’ll let you know how it goes.Add a comment below and we'll make it into a letter we deliver to Santa. We'll be featuring a slection on Facebook every day>>
Want the personal touch? Print out our letter and post it to:
Robin Hood
232-242 Vauxhall Bridge Road | London | SW1V 1AU
#2 Bonuses vs People
Submitted by Jess Bale (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:01.Dear Banka
Most people in this country are going to have fewer services and be generally worse off as a result of the what this government is doing. If the banks and bankers would forgo some of their bonuses then this could all be avoided. Are you one of the few who could change the lives of so many?
With love and warmest wishes at this festive, family time
#3 Last Christmas We Gave Them Our money....
Submitted by Catherine (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:03.Dear Bankers,
I want you to start the new year on the high. I want you to feel good about yourselves. And I know what would help that...
Start by making amends for your mess. 2 million children will die as a result of the crisis. Give a little bit in tax, it will go a long way.
#4 Robin Hood Tax
Submitted by Jon Piper (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:08.Please, please take action on this. Tax the rich to put food in the mouths of the UK's poorer children.
#5 Poverty
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:08.I am a 47 single british woman, and believe it or not living on living on the bread line, literally, I am actually concerned about whether I can find another five pounds to top up my gas card in the next 24 hours.
I would suggest that you dont have a clue what its like for the majority of us, my wish is that you very wealthy people take on board what is happening and start playing fair.
Merry Xmas
#6 Educate Everyone
Submitted by Emily (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:11.I would like to finish my degree without asking my parents for the financial support they can't provide, or accumulating a loan I can't pay back, or being forced to accept a part time job that I will later be ashamed of.
I would love for my little sister to go to university without any of these fears.
I wish that education is really for everybody, regardless of their wealth, class, race or location.
#7 Dear Banker
Submitted by Andy (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:12.For christmas, I would like
Debts of below 30000 when I leave university (or none at all, but dont want to be greedy...)
An education system that doesnt leave the poorest behind
Funds to help us stop climate change and mitigate its effects
Funds to stop poverty in this country and abroad
#8 Merry Christmas.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:16.Dear Bankers.
This Christmas I have very little money. Sadly I made some errors a few years ago and coupled with a spell of long term health problems I now owe your employers several thousand pounds. I do accept that it was my fault that this happened and ultimately I have no one to blame but myself. I am paying my debts off slowly and will eventually hold my head high and be proud that I will then be debt free.
You too seem to have made some errors over many years and got the whole of the UK, and the World in general into debt with figures of money that boggle my imagination. With your bonuses maybe you too are paying these debts off and soon your heads will be head high just like mine will be. . . . . . . . .
Merry Christmas to you all and all the very best for a prosperous New Year.
Love and peace, TGM.
#9 Dear Banksters, I'd have
Submitted by Sorrel (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:19.Dear Banksters,
I'd have thought by now that you all realise that your mismanagement of our money has not made you terribly popular. How's about redressing the balance this Christmas by cancelling Third World Debt, or by donating your bonuses to Charity? This might go a long way to improving your tarnished image! Or how's about NOT making people homeless because they can't afford their mortgage payments? I'm sure you could all think of ways of helping to redress the incredible imbalance between the Haves & the Have-nots this Festive Season! Go on, you've got the power to do this!
#10 Decisions for life
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:21.Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am writing to ask you to rethink your attitudes. This current all-pervading desire for money above everything else is unhealthy for yourself and for society. It is undeniably clear that innocent people are paying the price for mistakes that you or your company made and it's time to make recompense. If you choose to ignore the situation and turn away from the suffering that your company's greed has caused, you personally will have to live with the consequences of that decision for the rest of your life. Your company will not be able to protect you from the guilt you will feel one day.
Be brave, be pragmatic, there are worse solutions than to accept the Robin Hood Tax - there is much worse damage that can be done to all parties, if the banking sector remains unresponsive, unrepentant. People swallow a lot of the corruption and scandal that goes on in society and we have incredibly short memories when it comes to remembering wrongs that were done by governments and other institutions - but this problem will not be swallowed; it will not be forgotten. This situation will fester and the longer it goes on, the harder the solution will be.
Act now, make your contribution to society and accept a small sacrifice to put right the banking sector's wrongs. By doing this, you will be doing the best thing to ensure your own peaceful future, your own good night's sleep, as well as turning from a villan to a hero and rescuing the vulnerable in our society, instead of profiting from them.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and please accept my sincerest compliments of the festive season and the new year ahead.
#11 Money in their stockings
Submitted by Michelle (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:21.Children, the sick, the disabled and the poorest people in society are paying the cost of your errors and greed. Why not put your money to work for the common good instead of personal gain?
#12 Dear Bankers It's not too
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:24.Dear Bankers
It's not too late to make amends for your selfish destructive actions - your concsience must be eating away at you - somewhere. You have the power to turn things around and help the vulnerable, the poor and ordinary working people. You have profited greatly from student loans - put something back and step in to help with tuition fees.
Merry Christmas
#13 I'd like - to be able to
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:27.I'd like - to be able to afford the extra few pounds a week to give my child swimming lessons, - if me and a number of others could afford this we'd keep a swimming teacher in a job.
I'd like to be able to afford the few pence more it costs to buy from my local shop - so we can keep local shops open for those who have no transport.
I'd like to start saving now for my sons extras at uni in 14 years time. As it is I can't even afford to save for the necessaries.
I'd like my son to be able to choose a degree (if he wants one) not based on how much debt he will be in and if he can afford to pay it off but based on his desires to study.
I'd like my son's peers (parents) to be able to afford the new shoes they need, replace the trousers that are torn, let alone christmas presents.
I'm not asking for the world I'm asking that the people who are responsible for the debts to our country, to repay them at the same kinds of rate these friends of mine are paying the banks on their loans/debts. So the nation can afford a little more this year.
#14 Scrooge Bankers
Submitted by Carer of the Elderly (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:28.Dear Over rich bankers,
Why not spare a thought for those of us living on or below the breadline. I work 5/6 days a week working unsociable hours caring for those whose families can't or don't want to care for them. I earn just over £7 an hour cleaning up urine and faeces and comforting those who feel unloved and unwanted.
You have neither earned nor deserve your huge bonuses. You got us into this financial mess so you should get us out. Foregoe your bonuses, give your money to deserving causes and spread some Christmas spirit.
In hope
#15 Dear Bankers I know it's a
Submitted by Jake (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:31.Dear Bankers
I know it's a lot to ask for you to not get your unneeded unearned bonuses but all across the country people are struggling to find the money to pay for heating, to buy presents for their loved ones to enjoy the festive spirit. Students could be faced with debts of more than £50 grand, and the NHS has not enough to save even nearly every life. Meanwhile you sit there behind your desks, growing fat on the wealth of others, not caring that in doing so you are not giving others their right to a comfortable life. You caused this crisis, yet now you pretend you had nothing to do with it. That is what young children do before they have learnt to take responsibility for their actions. Evidently that was something you were never taught.
You would feel better and less insecure about yourselves if you gave money to end poverty and inequality. So why not try it?#16 Dear Banker-Claws
Submitted by The Urban Harridan (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:32.I send sincere warmest wishes for you and yours this Festive Season. As they say ‘tis the season to be jolly’ I imagine it is, if you are indeed a banker.
Whilst your gulping down your vintage Cristal, that I paid for, in your luxury pad, that I paid for. Take a moment to thank me and all the people that are forced to use your banks. We pay extortionate charges for being overdrawn even a tiny amount, receive an absolute pittance in interest yet it is the banks who needs us to deposit our money lest they would cease to exist! and should you be in an unfortunate position you need a loan, are then crippled by interest charges.
Therefore, in the season of good will and giving I appeal to you all. Pay your taxes, forego your bonuses and play fair because like Mr Scrooge, one Christmas, Karma will come a knocking and change will be forced upon you whether you like it or not.
Best Wishes
#17 Dear big fishes
Submitted by Lucia (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:38.For this year it would be lovely if you would become decent people instead of keep being the bunch of robbers you are. It would be really nice, as a christmas present to understand why some of your charges are just an excuse to make more money of the poor. I would also like to know how you can look at your self everyday on the mirror and not feel ashame for the bonuses you get after we have to bailed out your accounts and clear up the mess you made. People is waking up and getting together as a force against unjustice and poverty.... Be aware, you may be one big fish... but with the time you will be facing enough small fishes to eat you up with no mercy... as you do with us today.
#18 Dear Bankers I believe the
Submitted by David (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:40.Dear Bankers
I believe the banks have moral obligations to help society as much as possible. After all society has given you a privileged position within it. Furthermore ordinary people were willing to bail you out, when your reckless behaviour caused this crisis. It is my belief that how you respond to this situation will determine the fate of the free market and democratic relations between countries.
Kind Regards
David Cowie
#19 Spread the joy.
Submitted by Martin Brant (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:46.I'm very pleased to see that the banks are doing well enough to pay some huge bonuses to their employees and it must be great for them to look forward to a bright and comfortable future. However, there are others in society who aren't going to have such a great time in the coming years and in large part this is down to the governments decision to support the banks in their hour of need.
It would go a long way to restoring the public's faith in the banks if those people who are now doing very well again could find it in their hearts to support those less fortunate. Gestures from individuals are great and would support some very deserving local charities. However, the baking institutions themselves could make some huge gestures of goodwill at this time and maybe help to reduce the burden of student fees for future generations, or make sure that good quality health services are available to all in the UK regardless of postcode, or even to help reduce the environmental impact of UK plc.
Please, please, please, and particularly at this time of year, do something for everyone and make us all think much more highly of you as a result.
In hope and anticipation,
#20 Dear Satan's Little Helpers
Submitted by Consumer #116755390 (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:47.Sorry, bankers.
Since you clearly don't care about anyone except yourselves and your kind, please keep on robbing us blind until we have nothing left for you to take. I was stupid to believe that I could earn money from money in the first place. Luckily, money can be created out of thin air whenever something goes wrong so that saved my blushes! Amazing what they can do these days, isn't it?
Keep crunching those numbers! I don't know where I'd be without you.
Consumer #116755390
#21 Visa, Mastercard, Paypal and Wikileaks Xmas gifts
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 12:55.Dear Mr Banka
I don't want a present for myself but...
Please tell your friends at Visa, Mastercard and Paypal that Wikileaks has not told any lies this year (unlike some!) and ask them if I can be allowed to send Wikileaks a present...
#22 Dear Banker
Submitted by Pauline (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 13:04.I know it never feels like you've got enough money. Everybody feels that. But for some it's more real than others. Some don't have enough to heat their homes properly (some don't even have homes!), some just don't have the £10 or so to cover the cut in their Housing Benefit, despite working hard in full-time jobs, some will not be able to keep their teenagers in full-time education once the EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance - heard of it?) is abolished. I could go on. Poverty, real poverty, exists in Britain. Try to get your head round that, and do something about it. You have the means - do you have the heart?
Merry xmas and a happy new year, in which you feel good about yourself.
#23 Dear Banker
Submitted by Pauline (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 13:05.I know it never feels like you've got enough money. Everybody feels that. But for some it's more real than others. Some don't have enough to heat their homes properly (some don't even have homes!), some just don't have the £10 or so to cover the cut in their Housing Benefit, despite working hard in full-time jobs, some will not be able to keep their teenagers in full-time education once the EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance - heard of it?) is abolished. I could go on. Poverty, real poverty, exists in Britain. Try to get your head round that, and do something about it. You have the means - do you have the heart?
Merry xmas and a happy new year, in which you feel good about yourself.
#24 Dear Banker
Submitted by Pauline (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 13:05.I know it never feels like you've got enough money. Everybody feels that. But for some it's more real than others. Some don't have enough to heat their homes properly (some don't even have homes!), some just don't have the £10 or so to cover the cut in their Housing Benefit, despite working hard in full-time jobs, some will not be able to keep their teenagers in full-time education once the EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance - heard of it?) is abolished. I could go on. Poverty, real poverty, exists in Britain. Try to get your head round that, and do something about it. You have the means - do you have the heart?
Merry xmas and a happy new year, in which you feel good about yourself.
#25 A tale of University...
Submitted by A Yorkshirewoman (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 13:05.My daughter bright, my son discerning,
both of whom are fond of learning
would like to go to University
without financial adversity.
But living costs, and extra fees
will be a most apalling squeeze,
and in dark moments we all dread
will cost the roof over our head!
And meanwhile those who run the banks
and trashed our future, get the thanks!
Why, just because we're middle-class
do bankers kick us in the... assets??
#26 People are waking up. They
Submitted by Mikey (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 13:06.People are waking up. They are seeing the current consumer & monetary systems for what they are; out dated and useless in the betterment of humanity. The systems' days are numbered, and so are yours. Now you must choose a side. Fight for corruption or fight for people. All empires have fallen. Yours will inevitably fall; sooner or later.
P.S. Have a pleasant christmas.
#27 Dear Bankers, I'm not sure
Submitted by Dave McDave (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 13:14.Dear Bankers,
I'm not sure who it was that told you I was willing to pay for YOUR mistakes. But I can assure you I am NOT.
I pay my own way in the world, I pay more than my fair share of taxes and I DO NOT take anything that I don't need from the world.
Isn't about time you lot did the same?
If we really are 'All in this together' then it's high time that YOU joined in with paying your fair share.
We've not asking for much. You'll still be able to have big fat bonuses, and pay huge dividends to your share holders. And every penny you give will go towards saving lives. Is it really too much to ask?
Season Greetings
From McDave
#28 Robin Hood Tax doesn't go anywhere like far enough
Submitted by Josef Davies-Coates (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 13:19.I fully support the idea of a Robin Hood Tax on the banks. But that will never be enough. We need full on reform of the banking system if we are to have any hope for peace, justice and sustainabiliy. I strongly encourgae everyone to join nef (the new economics foundation) and Positive Money in their campaign to reform the banks. Check out their reports and proposals here:
#29 Dear Bankers, Now that
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 13:33.Dear Bankers,
Now that you're in the red, can you please tell us, the tax payers, when you intend to payback our 800 billion we lent you , to stop you from going under? You're showing profit, so it's not an unfair ask, me thinks.
In a year, months, when?
#30 Natwest overdrawal fees
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 13:37.Do you know that Natwest have scrapped their unauthorized overdraft interest rate? Sounds nice eh? They have replaced it with a £6 a day flat fee. That is almost £2,000 a year. Imagine someone accidently going overdrawn without knowing and not realising until their statement comes in. They could have been charged £200 by then... it may be such that they can't even get out of that predicament. It is literally loan sharking by NatWest. And they are getting away with it.
#31 We are all human.
Submitted by Rose (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 13:52.I had a conversation with a fellow student last year. He was studying for a MBA and worked for his father's company. He had led a very privileged upbringing and came from a country I consider to be one of the most tolerant and liberal in the world. I and another friend had been chatting about the Middle East, the human rights abuses in Dubai and in particular British ex-pats who tolerate behaviour they would be ashamed to encounter at home. My fellow student said he didn't see a problem - business was business and he needed to make a profit. In an attempt to appeal to his humanity, I asked him what he would do if his brother or sister was in one of the labour camps, in unsanitary conditions and their passport had been confiscated. He looked at me and shrugged, "I'd pay to get them out."
At the age of twenty four, after an expensive education that included two of the best universities in the world, he didn't understand that someone in that hypothetical position would not have the money to get their brother or sister out. He didn't understand that some people were radically less well off than him - he didn't understand his privilege.
I ask you to please understand that there are people for whom your bonuses are an unimaginable amount of money, for whom only a fraction of that sum could be life-changing. Would you like to live in a society where schools have no playing fields and the wealthiest have more money than they could ever spend, or would you like to live in a society where bankers still have lovely cars and beautiful houses but contribute to the society they borrowed so heavily from during the crisis? Restore our faith in humanity - we are all human.
#32 Deal with the banks
Submitted by Paul Booth (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 14:03.Bankers’ Sticky Fingers
Dear Bankers,
As you contemplate renewed bonuses, and the rest of us wonder whether we will have jobs or not, perhaps it is time to consider a radically new structure for the banking ‘industry’. Instead of separating retail from investment banks - and even this is not acceptable to the ‘City’ apparently - they should be classified as ‘publicly supported’ or ‘private’ banks. In return for state investment and the public’s guarantee of their finances, the publicly supported banks (say Lloyds TSB or RBS) would be subject to a measure of control of their policy by a board of supervision representing all stakeholders. The private banks (e.g. Barclays) could continue to act in both the retail and investment/casino sectors, but there would be no possibility of a government bail-out, and they could continue to be as unconcerned about the common good of society as hitherto. Bankers do not create wealth. They churn the wealth of the real creators - manufacturers, educationalists, artists, musicians and genuine entrepreneurs - and reward themselves by ensuring that as much of that wealth as possible sticks to their greedy fingers. Under the new system I should guess that ludicrous bonuses for no measurable merit would then disappear. The publicly supported banks would not be allowed to pay them, while the private banks would not be able to.
Paul Booth
#33 Dickens and the Dalai Lama
Submitted by Sally (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 14:16.Dear Banker,
the Dalai Lama says - "Our life depends on others so much that at the root of our existence is a fundamental need for love. That is why it is good to cultivate an authentic sense of responsibility and concern for the welfare of others."
We all need a comfortable life, but when there is such inequality,............................ Now is the time for you to ask yourself the "Scrooge" question ................ Do you want your grandchildren to grow up in a purely "dog eat dog" world? or do you want to help promote a fairer, happier way of life for them to live in?
We humans are quite brilliant when we work together - open source software is the geeks' software of choice - it's reliable ;-)
If I may suggest two courses of action? -
Decline at least part of your bonus - you may attract much genuine love,
Examine how you can genuinely help develop real green solutions.
(If I ever win the lottery - unlikely,I know- I plan to set up a foundation that provides interest free loans to small green solution businesses - loans, not grants, so as to keep the ball rolling as I would have a relatively small pot, and I'd like to see it grow - it would make me happy and be great fun - but as my chances are exceedingly small - please have the idea - it's a xmas gift to you ;-)
Love and hope to you in this season of love and hope
#34 Dear Bankers, Now I know it
Submitted by John Greene (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 14:51.Dear Bankers,
Now I know it is too much to ask for you to have a conscience. So fear not I shan't ask that of you. If you would be so kind enough this season to do one little thing for the people you have made oh so very poor; take responsibility and operate with rationale in the future so this christmas and christmases akin to this one may be avoided.
Also, can you stop avoiding tax please? It is but another small thing and leads us all to a fairer society, I mean it was the taxpayers money that kept you in a job, so surely you could just re-fill the pot a little for us. As they say a little goes a long way.
Many thanks and with Festive Cheer!
#35 Merry Christmas
Submitted by Max (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 15:06.Dear Bankers,
Wishing you a Christmas full of moral guilt and emotional emptiness.
#36 Make the Robin Hood tax a reality
Submitted by Ewa (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 15:11.Bankers are privileged because of our hard-earned money being kept in banks. There is hardly any benefit to an ordinary person to keep their money in a bank account anymore these days and yet we do it and the bankers laugh at us, making profits for themselves - paying themselves unthinkably high bonuses but when they fail our leaders are quick to use our money to bail the banks out!!! What about all the honest and hard-working people of this country, the not-so-fortunate folks, the poor and disadvantagesd families, the ill, disabled, abused and neglected? Can they count on 'bail outs' from our leaders and banks? How about the idea that the 'fat cats' of our society started thinking about the reality of most people in our country and started taking action now. You bankers - pay yourselves less in bonuses and start paying the Robin Hood tax to show that you're human, not robots, to make the needy people's lives that much easier, and you will feel better for it, that is if you do have any human feelings in you......
So let's really make it happen this Christmas - pay Robin Hood tax and make the poor and needy people's lives better and guess what? We may begin to respect you!
#37 A question of reality!
Submitted by John Drude (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 15:14.The sums borrowed, paid out, reclaimed, interest charged et. al. bear no relationship to the reserves of gold, platinum etc. in the world. Therefore, the money you play with has no existence and yet is given so much importance that governments rise and fall to the money men. Living as we do, in this fairyland, why don't you pay back to poorest what you have taken off them? You were bailed out with money paid by taxpayers, it's time to give it back!
#38 Show some Christmas cheer and generosity
Submitted by Suzanne (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 15:42.Dear Banker
This Christmas I would like to see you take on the important role of Santa'a elf. We can lend you a nice green Robin Hood outift so you look closer to the part. Your role will be to help Santa load his sleigh with bags of real gold coins, not chocolate, so they can be dropped off to every UK residents home starting with a huge sum to the government.
Your actions contributed to the financial crisis that has resulted in cuts to UK services yet you are taking home huge bonuses! This is not a fair or just situation. If you want to be on the nice list rather than the naughty one this Christmas you'll support the good guys, like Santa and Robin Hood to improve the lives of people in the UK.
Good deeds spread. By ensuring the UK is in a positive financial place, we will also be in a better position to help our global neighbours to live a brighter future too, one where climate change doesn't clost lives, agriculture yields enough food to feed communities and everyone has access to health care and education.
Please give this some thought and show support for a Robin Hood Tax.
Best wishes,
#39 Dear Banker
Submitted by Matthew (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 16:01.Dear Banker.
Think about this for a moment. How much money do you really need for you to live comfortably? Too much money can be a terrible burden.
Would it not be great if wealth was more fairly distributed? How good would you feel if you knew some of your excess money was helping the old, the ill and the unfortunate people who need looking after by the state.
We don't want all your money, just some of it to help the people less fortunate than your selves.
Have a great Christmas and a happy new year!
#40 Charges, Taxes, and Bonuses
Submitted by MR (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 16:39.Dear Santa Bankers
How can you charge me £30 because another bank refuses my payment on my credit card for no logical, apparent or explained reason?
How can you charge £30 for going over my overdraft by £0.12p when you know what my limit is, yet you allowed the ATM transaction?
Why won't you agree to the Robin Hood Tax when it makes so much sense and takes so little away from you?
How can you justify £7m in bonuses when £7m is being taken from the very poorest in society?
How can you justify avoiding or evading taxes?
Please, all I want for Christmas is a stop to extortionate and inappropriately applied bank fees; a reduction - at least, if not a rejection of - your bonuses; a stop to the abuse of tax loopholes and havens, and make an agreement to the Robin Hood Tax.
You really won't miss it and as you can't take it with you, you could do so very much to help so very many now by doing so very little. The result is that this country would be a much, much happier place for everyone, including yourselves.
Thank you, Santa Bankers.
#41 Happy New Year
Submitted by Pauline (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 16:56.Dear Bankers
Why do you feel able to take large chunks of money out of banks that we now own? This indirectly means that people remain homeless over Christmas, pensioners have to choose between eating and heating, there is no one to support children who care for their parents, the list goes on.....
Families are stressed by debt they cannot repay, so how do you justify keeping your bonuses, when you should be returning money to our economy?
Make 2011 a much better year for the whole country. Support the Robin Hood Tax, even if you personally lose just a small percentage of your income. Others have lost all of theirs.
#43 Why Oh Why Oh Why Oh Why?
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 18:03.Dear Bankers
Why don't you ask santa for a conscience and a little situational awareness?
Get in the real world!
All the best
#44 Profit and Loss
Submitted by Chris Holtom (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 18:26.Dear Bankers, I note that you are eating up the QE so thoughtfully provided by the UK and US (pity about Euroland, they are a bit stuck but doubtless you will make fat profits from their losses as well) What is your plan when it all goes bang again sometime later next year? I think you will need some friends then. Robin Hood offers just that for very little cost to you. Come on chaps - you know it make sense especially when you are staring down a gun barrel!
#45 Dear Banker
Submitted by Rik (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 18:57.Dear Banker,
I don't need a present this year. Although I would love to see that you were considering paying a Financial Transaction Tax.
I know you're very busy this time of year and that you (SOMEHOW) have debts, just like most of us. But please do the right thing and help make the world a better place for me, yourself and everyone.
0.05% of the billions of pounds that you deal with and have the ability to make a profit out of, is really not that much to you. It is absolutely life changing in the hands of those who need it most.
Please Banker, we've all been very good this year, we've tried our best to play well together and have worked really hard.
Have a great festive season.
Love from Rik.#46 Happy New Year?
Submitted by PC (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 19:14.Dear Bankers,
Do you really need all you earn (or are in fact given)? Do you need that new car? Do you need to eat out at the most expensive restaurants? Do you need?
If the answer to any of the above questions is 'well, not really, I...' or 'no, but...' then support the Robin Hood Tax. I bet you don't even notice the difference in your income.
There are people that need food and shelter at Christmas, people in the New Year who need to use the cash-strapped NHS. Supporting this tax and paying a little more into the public coffers will go a long way to helping this society become fairer and sustain itself. The gap between the rich and the poor however isn't sustainable, something will have to give. Are you going to give?
#47 Debt Dealers - arrogant Pharaos of Mammon - heed the warnings!
Submitted by Moses (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 22:47.The Debt Dealers believe that they are untouchable and the 'law' is showing itself to be powerless to stop the wholesale theft from the generations of the living, the now dead and the unborn.
The arrogant Pharaos of Mammon need their debt slaves to build their pyramids of gold and will never willingly set the people free from their bonds.
Since they have engorged themselves on greed and deceit and have closed their hearts and minds to the voices of love and justice, we will all suffer the plagues and finally their children will refuse to bear their shame and will disown them - their legacy will be vile.
But for those who now open their hearts and minds to the voices of love and justice and choose life, they have it in their power to transform countless lives and create a permanent legacy of hope.
To give is to live!#48 As it's Christmas we really
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/12/2010 - 23:29.As it's Christmas we really want to be FAIR. We would like to invite you to join in - after all 'We're all in this together'. Your donations to our Big Society would be greatly appreciated and do you know what - bet you don't even notice the contributions you would be making to our tax system - just a drop in the ocean for you.
One small step for bankers one giant leap for the rest of us mere mortals.
The object of this blog began as a display of a varied amount of writings, scribblings and rantings that can be easily analysed by technology today to present the users with a clearer picture of the state of their minds, based on tests run on their input and their uses of the technology we are advocating with
Friday, 10 December 2010
Send Your Santa Letters To The Bankers. They Can Make Miracles Happen. | Robin Hood Tax
Flickr - projectbrainsaver
#1 I would love to know why, oh
I would love to know why, oh why, it is that when i got slightly overdrawn you charge me, yet when i put all my hard earned cash into your accounts you dont give me a penny for the privalige? After all isnt it me and people like me that you make all your fat cat bonuses off in the first place?