A few more hours and firecrackers will start bringing noise around cities and towns here in this side of the world. 2010 was a very unusual year for many of us. The global economy turmoil was a big threat for many businesses, big and small, but since we all know that the show must go on, we survived 2010.
Though there were some who are still waiting for the right time, there were companies and individuals who launched their website, blog, created their Facebook fan page and Twitter accounts. Their online presence is now paying off with traffic, products sold, subscriptions and communities around their brands.
No, you were not left behind. If you will still wait for the right time this 2011, don’t worry, those things I mentioned above will still happen for others while you wait.
What You Can Do To Start
Update Your Website – Look at your competitor’s website. If you think you’re not that different then it’s high time to look for people who can do a decent overhaul of your website. Right click your website and View Source Code. If you can still see the word FrontPage, then you should really consider this update.
Evaluate Your Content – The start of the year is a good time to evaluate your content. Is it compelling? Is your audience sharing it? Having a nice looking website might propel you to the top for a short period of time but having compelling content will make you stay on top.
Social Media Channels – Start positioning yourself on the web. Find channels where your customers convene. If you’re not talking to them, someone else might. Start learning the art of listening, learning and sharing. Need help? CLICK ME!
Look Into Video Blogs – YouTube is currently the 2nd largest search engine. Yep, it surpassed Yahoo. With proper targeting and syndication, your video content can propel from the bottom to the top of the ladder. Thru videos, you open a whole new channel for sharing, learning and entertainment.
Be A Little More Techie – Working on the digital space is not that complicated if you understand a thing or two. I often here marketers and business owners telling me that they are not techie yet are eager to explore the digital space. It will not hurt to learn something from our side of the road.
What 2011 Will Be Like In Our Space
Rise of New Social Networking Platforms – As the current ones start mobilizing their business models; one of the things that don’t just disappear is advertisement. Some love them and some don’t and those who don’t will be on the lookout for new social networks that don’t run ads or have premium accounts that doesn’t display ads.
Mobile Advertising – Apple recently launch iAds, the advertisement platform brands are excited about. With developer tools to create rich-media content, tapping the iPhone, iPod and iPad consumers has never been this easy. But how much will it cost? Expect other mobile platforms to follow especially Android.
Social CRM – Will become an important piece of the enterprise. Some will be wasting lot money overdoing this but Social CRM will be big for businesses that are looking into porting their customer service in social media. See what Radian6 or SocialMiner will be cooking this year. 2011 will be the year Social CRM goes mainstream.
New Breed of Interactive Agencies – Gone are the days were software houses only build business and enterprise level applications. With booming users of social media channels and API availability, more and more of these shops will venture with social media development and integration. This will be a big threat to integrated advertising agencies.
Local Advertising Will Be Sexy Again- With geolocation apps, which you can access via mobile devices like FourSquare and Gowalla, local advertising will be sexy again. Expect to see deals or coupons from these platforms this year and see how local commerce embraces it.
Portable Content – As iPhone OS, Android and Nokia battle the top spot, companies will be making their content portable and mobile friendly. Before, we just try to deal with making our content compatible with IE, FireFox and Safari. Today, we add three more platforms.
On My End
Moving To Australia – My family and I will be moving to Sydney, Australia January of this year. To be in Manila for a year was awesome. It gave me a clearer view of the social media landscape.
Digital Media and Consulting Firm – I will be completing the service line up of my shop from digital media, mobile applications, communication, and social CRM. My main HQ will be in Sydney. Watch out for the new website and of course the blog.
PhotoGraphikas – Is one website that I really need to update. I will do more photography next year since the entire country is fresh for my eyes. Expect to see more B&W photos in normal and wide-angle formats. By the way, I’m back in using film.
2010 was a great year and I believe that we can do better things in 2011. What I really love about our space is that it changes everyday. The challenge we see everyday, creating solutions in different platforms and understanding the needs of the market is something I look forward in doing more this 2011. Care to join me in my journey this 2011?
Related articles
- What will happen in digital advertising in 2011? – Quora (quora.com)
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