Thursday 14 July 2011

How Will The Murdoch Scandal Affect Drugs Policy? | CLEAR

Taking Us All For Mugs

No other issue has been so constrained, has had so many politicians abject in fear and cowardice.

No other issue has so much evidence in favour, in clear and absolute proof that reform is needed.

Across the world, in Britain, in Australia, in the USA, in the guise of protecting our youth, in the deception of scaremongering and reefer madness, the malevolent force of Murdoch has worked against drug policy reform, bribed and cajoled our leaders into the discredited, disproven, disgraceful and immoral policy of prohibition.

All that we call for is that policy should be evidence based.  That biogtry and the promotion of ignorance and discrimination should be ended.  The creation of myth and the promotion of misinformation by government must cease. Murdoch and his malicious campaign against everything but alcohol and tobacco must finish.

If our politicians can break free from the fear of what the media will say, then perhaps we can move on from the ridiculous, self-defeating drug strategy presently in force.  It suits only two groups – Murdoch, the Daily Mail and the malicious media and the self-serving, corrupt “drug support” industry.  Our politicians have been in thrall to both.

This is a chance to move away from prejudice and hysteria towards common sense and intelligence.  “Skunk is lethal” said the idiotic, corrupt, deranged, deluded, disgraceful Gordon Brown.  Labour, Tory, LibDem or minority party, please let’s start dealing with the truth instead of propaganda.


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