Woman faces jail for growing vegetables in her front yard
Last updated at 4:52 PM on 8th July 2011
A woman who put a vegetable garden in her front yard has been charged with a misdemeanor and could even be facing jail.
Julie Bass, of Oak Park, Michigan, created the garden after her front yard was torn up to replace a sewer line.
But a neighbour complained and called the city, who deemed it unsuitable.
Every front yard in the area is grass.
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Home-grown: Julie Bass has fallen foul of local authorities by growing vegetables in her front yard
Miss Bass's garden features five large planter boxes containing fresh basil, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers.
The city sent out a code enforcement who gave her a warning.
Miss Bass then received a ticket and now she's been charged with a misdemeanor.
Neither side is backing down and the case could be heading for a jury trial.
She said: 'The price of organic food is kind of through the roof.
'We thought it'd be really cool to do it so the neighbours could see.
'The kids love it. The kids from the neighborhood all come and help.'
Legal fight: Unwilling to back down, Julie Bass is bracing herself for a jury trial
Tough stance: Kevin Rulkowski says a front yard must be 'suitable' with grass, bushes and flowers
'I think it's sad that the City of Oak Park that's already strapped for cash is paying a lot of money to have a prosecutor bothering us.'
Oak Park City Planner Kevin Rulkowski said: 'That's not what we want to see in a front yard.'
'If you look at the definition of what suitable is in Webster's dictionary, it will say common.
'So, if you look around and you look in any other community, what's common to a front yard is a nice, grass yard with beautiful trees and bushes and flowers.'
When asked by Myfoxdetroit.com if the whole saga was a little ridiculous, Mr Rulkowski replied: 'I would argue that you won't find that opinion from most people in Oak Park.'
The offending boxes: Julie Bass says local children love to watch the vegetables growing
Some neighbours are backing Miss Bass.
Devorah Gold said: 'I have a bunch of little children and we take walks to come by and see everything growing.
'I think it's a very wonderful thing for our neighborhood.'
Ora Goodwin added: 'They don't have anything else to do if they're going to take her to court for a garden.'
Miss Bass is unrepentant. She said: 'They say, "Why should you grow things in the front?"
'Well, why shouldn't I? They're fine. They're pretty. They're well maintained.'
The norm: Other houses in the neighbourhood have neat lawns
'I could sell out and save my own self and just not have them bother me anymore.
'But then there's no telling what they're going to harass the next person about.'
On her blog, she wrote: 'Our attorney spoke to the prosecutor today.
'His position: they are going to take this all the way.
'Officially, this means i am facing 93 days in jail if they win. No joke.'
A pre-trial hearing is scheduled for July 26.
Julie Bass of Oak Park Faces Misdemeanor Charge for Vegetable Garden: MyFoxDETROIT.com
Comments (14)
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So much for the land of the free! Their country is going down the tubes financially and they can think of is having nice grass which will waste tons of water which they are also running out of. In my city you can plant what you darn well like in your front yard be it grass or vegetables. You can also plant vegs or plants on the city boulevard as long as they are looked after. Some neighbourhoods just plant vegs and the neighbours help themselves as they go by. I would HATE to live in this small petty town. Isn't this the same country where 45% of school children could not identify a carrot? Maybe this is the reason why. This town is going to end up the laughing stock of the world.
- It's only me, BC Canada, 08/7/2011 20:42
Ask the neighbors who support you to put gardens in their front yards, too. Then it will be "common" and "suitable".
- Carri, West Allis, WI USA, 08/7/2011 20:38
Insanity! We've reached the point where it's unacceptable to grow vegetables in the front yard because it doesn't look "tidy." Words fail me.
- Ellen, Maryland, USA, 08/7/2011 20:23
Did they not see the good life in michigan?
- Roachclipper, Gods own country, 08/7/2011 20:15
What narrow minded neighbours to object to a very natural garden. If they want a grass lawn then have a grass lawn but do not poke your nose into someone else's garden. Maybe there should be a new law enforcing the growing of vegetables and you can still include some nice shrubs and flowers. Who owns this house? I hope if this case goes to a hearing that it will be chucked out and the people who accused this lady will pay the costs. Please keep us informed how this ends.
- Mary Kulka, paphos Cyprus, 08/7/2011 19:32
So it begins. This woman is not the first person and she will not be the last to be penalised for growing their own food. From 2012 it will be illegal for anyone to grow their own food. This will be mandatory as stated by codex alimentarius. This is serious stuff. You will not be permitted to grow your own food.
- Brian , Trent, 08/7/2011 19:30
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Friday, 15 July 2011
Woman faces jail for growing vegetables in her front yard | Mail Online
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