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By Jezerca Tigani and Matteo de Bellis, Europe campaigners for Amnesty International
Our team visited Rome and some camps where Roma live on International Roma Day, 8 April 2011. We witnessed once again how the ‘Nomad Plan’, introduced in 2009 by the prefect and mayor of Rome, has made the living situation of Roma in Rome even more difficult than it used to be.
In our blog published on that day we wrote about an accommodation centre at via Salaria 971, where some families evicted under the ‘Nomad Plan’ have been housed, some of them have been living here for longer than one year.
By Barbora Cernusakova, Researcher in the EU Team, and Fotis Filippou, Campaigner in the EU Team
In a few hours, we will leave Romania after spending two and a half weeks researching the housing conditions of Roma. We visited 11 communities in five towns in the eastern and northern part of the country.
Across the different counties we saw segregated housing, inadequate living conditions and people living in fear of being forcibly evicted. We visited people living in a former chicken farm, in buildings and shacks situated in industrial areas of towns – next to sewage plants, garbage dumps or piles of bauxite. We spoke to people who had no access to water and sanitation facilities; to people who had to walk kilometers to access schools, employment and health services. We spoke to a woman in front of the ruins of her house three weeks after she was forcibly evicted from it and authorities demolished it. In all of the cases we visited, the inhumane conditions in which people lived, were a result of either an action or lack of action by the local authorities. Continuar leyendo ‘Pushing Romania to see housing as a human right’ »
Romani families in the camp have been living in inadequate housing conditions © Amnesty International
By Barbora Cernusakova, EU Team Researcher, and Fotis Filippou, EU Team Campaigner
Constanta is a beautiful city on Romania’s Black Sea coast, yet not everybody is able to appreciate its beauty – least of all many of its Roma inhabitants.
We visited 35 Romani families living in an informal settlement at the outskirts of the city. After being evicted from their homes and camping in front of the city hall for a few months in plastic tents, they were moved to this plot of land by the local authorities, reportedly as a temporary measure and with the promise of receiving a house. This was in 2000.
Eleven years later, they are still here, living in shacks they constructed with any material they could gather. They have no access to electricity, water or sanitation.
Continuar leyendo ‘Roma living in fear in Romanian settlement’ »
By Andrea Huber, Head of Amnesty International’s delegation in Belgrade
The media centre was packed with journalists and representatives of NGOs today for the launch of Amnesty International’s report Home is more than a roof over your head, which details cases of Roma who are being denied adequate housing in Serbia.
We arrived in Belgrade on Tuesday, flying in with a view of the Gazela bridge. The construction of the bridge resulted in the forced eviction of 178 families in August 2009 – one of the human rights violations that brought us here.
Continuar leyendo ‘Bridging human rights gaps in Serbia’ »
By Fotis Filippou, EU Team Campaigner for Amnesty International
Amnesty International recently visited Romania, where we met with a Romani community living behind a sewage treatment plant in Miercurea Ciuc, central Romania.
More than six years after they were forcibly evicted from their homes, around 75 Roma people, including families with children, are living in unsanitary conditions in metal cabins and shacks.
Continuar leyendo ‘Roma community in Romania still treated like waste six years on’ »
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Thursday, 15 September 2011
Archivo de la Categoría de ‘Roma’ | Livewire – Amnesty International blogging for human rights
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