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Por Salil Shetty, secretario general de Amnistía Internacional
Al llegar al aeropuerto de El Cairo esta semana, en mi primera visita al país desde la “Revolución del 25 de Enero”, vi lo que parecía una señal anticipada de que algunas cosas han cambiado.
En la aduana nos abrieron las maletas, que contenían gran cantidad de material de Amnistía Internacional en árabe sobre los derechos humanos en Egipto: informes, comunicados de prensa y folletos que documentan abusos graves, tanto del gobierno anterior como, en fechas más recientes, después de la dimisión de Mubarak.
Antes esto habría podido suponer varias horas de interrogatorio y, probablemente, la confiscación del material. La víspera de mi llegada, otra miembro de nuestro equipo había sido interrogada durante casi dos horas en inmigración sobre el propósito de su viaje.
Continuar leyendo ‘La lucha por la libertad de expresión en el “nuevo Egipto”’ »
La ciudadanía de Oriente Medio, harta de sufrir represión, corrupción y discriminación, dice que ya basta. © AbdulRahman H. Jaber
Por Salil Shetty, secretario general, Amnistía Internacional
Para quienes trabajan en derechos humanos, los sucesos de la semana pasada han provocado algunos debates interesantes, pero que constituyen un desafío.
Hemos escuchado a funcionarios del Estado y expertos argumentar que la tortura condujo al descubrimiento de Osama Bin Laden. En alguna parte, afirman, en un centro de detención secreto en Polonia o Lituania, o en una sala de interrogatorios de Guantánamo o Bagram, alguien facilitó la pista determinante que produjo este resultado.
Continuar leyendo ‘La “Primavera Árabe” da una lección al mundo’ »
People in the Middle East who are tired of repression, corruption and discrimination are saying enough is enough © AbdulRahman H. Jaber
By Salil Shetty, Secretary General, Amnesty International
For those working in human rights, the events of the last week have led to some interesting but challenging debates.
We have heard government officials and pundits argue that torture led to the discovery of Osama Bin Laden. Somewhere, they claim, in a secret detention centre in Poland or Lithuania, or in an interrogation room in Guantánamo Bay or Bagram, someone gave the critical clue that led to this outcome.
As justifications for the legitimacy of torture hit the headlines, Amnesty International has been preparing to release its annual report into the state of the world’s human rights.
Continuar leyendo ‘‘Arab Spring’ offers lesson to the world’ »
It’s Saturday 3rd July, and for us, the third day of the ESF will start with action. With our bright yellow t-shirts and jerseys, we headed towards Istiklal, the main busy pedestrian street in Taxim area and started setting up in Galata Saray. We built a long wall and nailed the banner which we all made together the day before. The message was ‘Israel: end the blockade of Gaza’, both in English and in Turkish. Amnesty staff, board members and volunteers gathered behind the wall to symbolise the blockade of Gaza while some were asking for signatures of our postcard action. After the media were gathered, we read the Amnesty public statement out loud from the speaker phone.
The action had very good coverage, mainstream Turkish media and CNN Turkey being some examples and there was a big interest from the public.
It’s day 2 at the European Social Forum in Istanbul and more crowds seem to find their way to the park and taking part in actions. People are passing through all the stalls and asking information on the campaigns and actions.
Amnesty staff and volunteers have been joining the seminars and encouraging people to sign our many actions on Demand Dignity, Discrimination, Human Rights Defenders, ending the Gaza blockade and refugees in Turkey.
We are very happy to have with us Halil Savda, conscientious objector for whom Amnesty has been campaigning in order to stop his unfair prosecution by the Turkish authorities.
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Thursday, 15 September 2011
Archivo de la Categoría de ‘social movements’ | Livewire – Amnesty International blogging for human rights
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