Germany Decides Genetically-Modified Foods Are Not Welcome
- Chris, selected from NewsLook
- February 4, 2012
- 8:30 am
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German chemicals giant BASF is closing its biotech division in Germany. The move was prompted by massive resistance to genetically modified food among both the public and politicians. GM opponents are jubilant, while some researchers are complaining this is another case of German hostility to technology.
Read more: Conscious Consumer, Diet & Nutrition, Eating for Health, Eco-friendly tips, Environment, Food, Green, Green Kitchen Tips, Health, Natural Pest Control, Nature, Videos, Videos, Videos, Videos, Videos, Videos, Activists, agriculture, Annette Schavan, BASF, biotech, Biotechnology, food, foods, Friends Of The Earth, genetic-engineering, genetically modified crops, genetically modified foods, genetically modified organisms, germany, GM, GM crops, GMO, GMO Crops, GMOs, Greenpeace, Heike Moldenhauer, news, organic farming, organic food, science, Science News, Scientific Research, Scientific Research News, Stefan Marcinowski
Chris, selected from NewsLook
Chris is the Managing Editor at NewsLook, a curated video service delivering the world's best video news and lifestyle content.
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11:31AM PST on Feb 5, 2012germany rocks! this is only one of the reasons that i love living here!!!
11:01AM PST on Feb 5, 2012I called the FDA, to see who I could talk to about the mandatory labeling of GMOs. I talked to Jeannie Ertter-Prego. She told me she could send me documents about labeling GMOs and I can then send in my comments to the address given in the PDF. The document ended up being a propoganda filled rant that made me even madder. So, please if you have 5 minutes, write a quick letter to this address and demand the GMOs be labeled.
Division of Docket Management(HF-305)
Food and Drug Administration
5630 Fishers Lane, rm. 1061
Rockville, Maryland 20852You have to mention the docket number FDA-2011-P-0723 in your letter so that it goes to the right person. The ONLY way for things to change is for people to start demanding it.
11:00AM PST on Feb 5, 2012Germans!!! U people are really lucky for that country of yours. Atleast you people can make your choices. Way to go. Be an example for other countries on what to follow & what not to.
10:27AM PST on Feb 5, 2012Good for the Germans, they made the right choice.
Sure wish we could make our own choices, rather than have our non-"representatives" do it for us--we always seem to lose, they always seem to win!
9:54AM PST on Feb 5, 2012Even if they don't like it, they will be healthier for their decision. Good choice, Germany!
9:52AM PST on Feb 5, 2012They have the right idea and the courage to say NO!!! and mean it. They care about their people, not so money driven like the USA!!!
8:58AM PST on Feb 5, 2012I would support labeling foods. Why can't we do a simple thing like that?
8:41AM PST on Feb 5, 2012Good for Germany....showing that they are way ahead of us.....we should follow the our health and our childrens health!!!!!!
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Sunday, 5 February 2012
Germany Decides Genetically-Modified Foods Are Not Welcome | Care2 Healthy Living
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