Under Belly… Big Belly 22.10
Bleep ‘n Grind…
Kate Pushkin, Kate Thomson, Emma Kelly, Simon, Matt, Dosh, Paul Finn
Friendship with Emma in Wales
Sue… Wedding… Scotland… Free drive up
come together and I end up amongst friends helping with a show that is being premiered at the fringe.
Bleep ‘n Grind…
So much known and tried and working but other parts fail on stage…
Change… on the fly… post play talkings and all day meetings… working out the changes.
Add the bad bad revue and the sensitive caste member… ready to fly… needs to succeed…
Such skill buried within these people… and the tentative showings are slated… by a blind Twat.
The spirit of the fringe lives on in such as these… in spite of journalists with high brow overload.
The show grows… the troupe grows… the judgement carries on… the bad nights are felt as the faults of each single member… tears… frustration… anger at failing… the focus on the bits that worked… the growing towards the next performance…
The comments of the other performers… the comments of the so few audience… good comments… uplifting comments… observant comments… different views of same scenes… thoughts.
The play evolves… the show goes on.
The spirit of the fringe - Bleep ‘n Grind