Simply Put…
New phones have a button you push or a voice command that lets you record all of what is being inputted and outputted through the phone on an audio level…
The data- the conversation- sound input, is saved in a directory on the phone - whilst being sent and received across the network at the same time in order for the phone call to take place.
Take this talk straight through to an secure online repository (meaning you can use this with any old phone - from anywhere) and use standard and specialist data handling techniques on the words spoken in order that operations can be done with it and on it and because of it… before sending back to the client.
These operations can be
• Any and all functions of a diary / appointments book.
• A command interpreter / Command fulfiller.
• A verbal real-time any formula calculator.
• A real-time language translator.
• A lie detector / voice stress analyser.
• A visitor veracifier.
• An analyst.
• A rules applicator / guidance tool.
• A brain use maximizer and minimiser… a balancer.
Add the input and output of the people using the system for social credit / capital and personal and group benefit and it can benefit the World holistically!
Power up the switch board of life! It’s finally here Sir Tim… and any old phone will do
But add the visuals and all the data from modern phones…
• An injustice recorder and analyser with auto help mode - great for wars… Lots of mobile phones in Africa… throw a few more in now…
• A society analyser.
• Object and person recognition becomes far simpler - neighbourhood watch?
• Identification of anything - antiques for instance
• A next generation marketing tool.
• Great for getting stuff at the best price.
• Superb for entertainment on a personal, local, regional, national, international or global scale.
• Superb for games on a personal, local, regional, national, international or global scale.
• Superb for catastrophic events on a personal, local, regional, national, international or global scale - so much better than what we have available now!
Connect to this in any way you want - A letter or fax through to any phone (default service) or the web and email or, for the power user blue tooth link… there all the time you need it there. Working while you play. Ready with more organised answers for whatever you need an answer for… in whatever format works for you… Some of the most expensive and powerful programmes in the World acting on your behalf… real-time document storage and retrieval... in a vault that can understand and act on any of that data… Instantly!
Prizes… Relationships… Love… Business… Understanding… Illness… Money…………. So many uses A resource maximizer… A cataloguer… Your personal security so much more secure on so many levels… Instantly! Misunderstandings less misunderstood… …. Instantly!
A financially and legally astute phone link with a global knowledge base and ever expandable storage space for everything you can output into it - with real-time backup and higher than government level security on all data of any sort within your vault… Whilst you let it know what you want it to do for you and it gets on and does it…
Programmable in any language, capable of triggering any command on any computer from “Print all the stuff I said about John this morning” to “pull together everything about John A Smith and Co Ltd, mechanical engineers in Glasgow. Sort it by how much, who, when, where and why.” Even “You know what electricity I actually used last quarter so what should my bill actually be? Pay what I actually owe and write them an email explaining it all - and be polite!”…. !!
And so much more …
Just start using the service and the data types you input - conversations, photo’s, business documents, searches - have operations that can be / are triggered by that data’s particular format. If it’s a conversation it’s converted to text and stored or acted upon - ask a question and it reads and understands and goes to find an answer - if there isn’t an answer it goes out and asks people until it finds one - the person who finds the answer might score points or even cash (it could even be you for someone else!). Ask it to find you the best heart surgeon in the World and it will find that person by checking all the data and by asking people until it can offer you the names of the best surgeon or surgeons; You get a phone call, or a text, or an email, or a fax, or a even a letter in the post the next day. If it’s a set of commands it will see if it can understand and comply with them - “Switch on the lights outside and in the kitchen” can do just that. Because this technology understands language and is linked to personal databases, the sentence “Call mummy’s doctor and tell him mummy’s asleep and won’t wake up” will trigger a number of actions from connecting directly with the doctor and possibly even contacting the child’s aunt and even the nearest neighbours whilst finding someone online who is capable of talking calmly to a seven year old who is scared if there is no one else for them to talk to.
I’m sure you’ll think of other things to use this kit for, everybody else has so far…
There’s a long list of uses!
If you want to talk about this in more detail (registering, franchising, partnerships, networking, Multimedia, press, employment, research, investment, general info, etc) call me on my UK mobile +44(0)7747838440 or write to me, Mark D. J. Aldiss, at Ty Crwn Bach, Harlech, Gwynedd, Wales, LL46 2YT, UK
Mark D. J. Aldiss, Ty Crwn Bach, Harlech, Gwynedd, Wales, UK, LL46 2YT
Tel: +44 (0) 7747 838 440
©1997 - 29th January 2007-01-29 Copyright Mark D. J. Aldiss