Monday 25 August 2008

A Rant...

Bowing To The Inevitable - Capitalism’s Vote On The Worth of Mankind.

Money. Economics. Capitalism. All words that describe part of what this writing is all about but none of them specifically define it’s focus.

The poor have always happily supported the rich - as long as their poverty isn’t leading to malnourishment and loss of basic requirements for life. Poor used to equal ‘not having much’. The simple peasant in the fields used to be happy with their lot as long as they were allowed to just get on with it and be.

People like to do things with their lives. It’s satisfying. Achieving anything yourself because you want to makes you feel good. Joining in with a major social project, or even being the head sewage person is part of what life can be about for many people. Helping to keep the social structure stable. Or even making it work better.

However societies and sub civilizations (if it is taken that mankind from start to now is a civilisation in its own right) have always shown that great things can be achieved by harnessing this willing power of massed minds and bodies. Some great and good, some great and appalling.

The Wars of the last century (the nineteen hundreds) forced a change in some of the perceptions of people and power. Then came the Internet. The individual came to the fore. For the first time mankind seemed to start seeing the single person as a valuable entity in its own right.

The single entity could create great ill or change the world for the better.

Yet the systems that were running for the betterment of a few were being stretched. With Global Communication Systems Inc came a new vision of what power actually was. No long was it might and arms. Suddenly it was the beliefs of a few individuals in key marginals. And with this 'new found reality' came a more urgent need for the systems to change so that the few didn’t vote over the many. Something we as a country had believed was in place suddenly became transparently unreal. One vote didn’t equal equality. Equality only came when you were one of the gang. When you adopted and espoused the words of the few. ‘Good change never comes quickly’ ‘There will always be poverty whilst man is man’ ‘Money’s not the problem’

However, Capitalism is focussed on as the United Kingdom’s particular form of mechanism that allows for the unconvincing apologetic reasoning that covers up for the distortions and half truths that cover this countries ‘ruler’s’ abilities to do as they want because they have excess wealth whilst others, relatively and actually, starve and die. It seems that it is never the fault of a human created system alone but that of an inherent fault in mankind’s makeup that causes this disparity. The nature of the beast. Just the way it is. The system can be changed for the better but, as it is only those without who need it changing, why spend anything when that money could be put to more elegant use?

There is something easily remediable about many of the wrong ways of running ‘our’ United Kingdom’s system, and soon to be global culture, and these changes can be wrought, for the first time ever, thanks to the new technologies that have been created to cope with the ever increasing demands this society places on knowing who we all are, what we all think and what we all want - whilst trying to keep hold of the reins so that our wants, needs and desires can be met without the damage that can be let loose when free form anarchy takes hold.

There is ‘something’ wrong.

What it actually is, is difficult to pin down. It isn’t as simple as the supply of money. It isn’t just Capitalism - although Capitalist attitudes do seem to be at the forefront of many of the reasons why money is supplied in the quantities it is to the select people it is supplied to (The Free Market Economy offers many possibilities for self growth that had not been possible until its adoption so there are new realities that have sprung from the old system that do seem to be better for more of ‘us’).

Capitalism, in its purest form, seems to be the idea that the money supply is kept in private hands whilst Socialism promotes the idea of money stemming from government control. Whichever system you look at each is a system which trickles the money out from top to bottom. Each system gives to its adherents and followers who then give out to those below. Socialism tries to counter the excesses of capitalism by funding minority groups whether they are financially productive or not. Capitalism only spends to accrue although this does mean that sometimes it is more financially viable to pay to lessen social distress because of the lessening of the drag weight on those who have to pay the taxes inherent in such a system.

These ‘opposites’, when added to global concerns (such as multi-national corporations) and their added interests, have the possibilities for reform that should allow for a new system to be created from the useful blocks of any and all of the older systems that could, and should, alleviate poverty and remove the restraints that hold back the social structure that is trying to emerge into the light of a brighter, and happier, tomorrow.

For the whole of my life the society I live in has treated many like criminals worth as little as possible - this includes too many disabled people, too many old people and far too many poor, disadvantaged people.

Don’t get that statement wrong. I don’t mean the people around me when I write about ‘the society’. The people around me have, on the whole, been very sound and caring. By ‘the society’ I mean the social machinery which controls this country. Part of it is wrong. It is based on wrong values. Some of it’s core is built on the worst beliefs and attitudes of humankind and is only ever upgraded thanks to the fights of the few for the many.

The ‘Old Order’, ‘die hard’ capitalists and ‘New Labour’ (the old style union led Labourite Socialism seems to have died a death) only change things for their better, except when prompted for a long time by the groundswell of opinion, or by open suffering that cannot be hidden away or by the work of single individuals who, through conviction, manage to change a way some part of the system works. People martyr themselves in order to change the old order ways of doing things.

You need ‘martyrs’ because, without them, nothing would progress regarding the betterment of the world we live in for those regarded as worthless by the Society I live with.

Proof of needing someone to sacrifice their lives in order to progress the mess towards ‘nicer rather than nastier’ can be had just by looking through the newspapers for anyone who is heading a fight that sorts out something for the greater good rather than just for themselves. Even the single person fighting to change a law in order that others may receive justice ‘martyr’ themselves for the time it takes to move to a satisfactory result.

Death always happens and if you spend your life fighting for the right for a different state to exist, that is better than before, then the fight has to equal martyrdom.

I live in a land where it seems that wearing a suit shows acceptance of a regime. Wearing a suit has become an indication of conformity with all of the beliefs and dictates of a moneyed class whose right it is to exist far above the heads of the massed ranks of lesser mortals. The ‘suit’s’ regime is one of control based on one set of rules that allow those ‘with’ to carry on being ‘Those With’.

‘Those With’ have built a structure called Capitalism, soon to be an all encompassing Global Capitalism, which lock the status quo and only allows change when it is forced onto the system by it’s own inevitability or when the ‘death toll’ or head count reaches a certain number - like only sorting out a dangerous road after x people have been killed or only modifying a vehicle’s bad design that leads to people’s deaths after lengthy court battles (Ford Pinto - petrol tank).

Societies - the social stages of mankind’s growth - have been controlled through beliefs and force since the dawn of the clan. The clan nature of mankind, people’s need to be part of and follow the majority (most people enjoy being part of a group), means that control is easier to achieve through socially promoted fears than it should be.

Today it is even easier to control minds and reactions through the use of ever more knowledgeable ways of wording and saying and showing, thanks to the multimedia abilities and global communications now extant in each of our every day lives.

Humans are not all cowards but life is short and easy to lose unless you follow the known ways of ‘doing things’. Social morays, how it was done in the past, education, which religion and what they believe all control the openness of seeing the reality of a situation rather than just the ‘real’, let alone, the proscribed view. Add superior, violent force from a group with differing beliefs and needs and it is easy to see how the majority of a particular population can find it hard not to hold to their own previously held ways.

The adversarial system, one side against all others, someone is always wrong, is a core part of Capitalism (it doesn’t seem to be a core part of human nature - at least not when basic needs, wants and desires are met and the ability to fulfil dreams is allowed - built on education standards that are honest and true). Capitalists sees Capitalism as an elegant and safe substitute for war and violence.

The use of rules such as Games Theory to ‘play’ the games of business, to understand your adversary - whether competitor of customer - has changed mankind’s nature by the nature of the structures and assumptions that are made based on these codes and ‘best working practices’. John Nash, the Nobel prize winning ‘creator’ of Games theory has recently come out with the statement that the use of Games Theory for building a better system has probably created a worse system for individuals because of the distortions it allows due to gross calculations which are used to control those individuals life patterns.

Business Process Reengineering (BPR) along with holistic overviews and ‘green’ practices have led to some better, more right minded, products and services but usually business is still based on increased wealth for the businesses at a cost to the planet and, often, mankind itself. Nike and sweat shop labour. Bhopal.

The rush to secure the oil fields in Iraq whilst leaving the rest of the social structure to the looters shows how little Capitalism cares for the human element of its purpose. Capitalism cares for those at the top but not for anything underneath unless it is concerned with making a profit - capitalising on whatever it can.

Global Warming is another example where it will take near destruction of the supportive ecosystem before mankind will work a way of ‘paying’ for a cleaner, better way of running itself - certainly with regard to First World Systems whose greed has led to a lot of non first world nations using old technology just to give their populations what we, in the UK, have had for years.

The fear of losing all to ‘the hoards’ if freedom is given to ‘them’ keeps the ‘well off’ in a constant state of alert. Building up a dynasty takes hundreds of years and war and revolution can wipe that out in less time than it takes to grow a summer crop. See the Russian, the French, the Chinese and the American revolutions for examples of Dynasties dying overnight. Most systems running in the world today, with notable exceptions like Cuba, have a hierarchical structure where the top few have excess wealth and benefits which they fight to hold onto whilst the bottom many are deprived without caring - a buffer system of support from the ‘middle classes’ ensures that these few never gain ground other than when they revolt en masse.

The System in this country gets away with as much as it can because the System means easy living compared to being outside the System - the System does not allow outsiders with different ways of working things (Local Exchange Trading Systems and Barter) to have the ability to thrive if their rules don’t match Capitalist codes or if there is no money in it for the System.

Governments do change but it looks like that is all that will change from now on. The base level economic system of Capitalism looks set to stay. This means a long term locking of the ‘very rich’ rich and the ‘very poor’ poor divide will continue, for certainly, a hundred years more - if not longer.

Yet Capitalism has to change it’s fundamental nature from a controlling system to a straight forward accounting system - rather than controlling whether humans live or die as Capitalism does at the moment. It has to become a neutral system which accounts for the cost of actions, destruction and creativity, food from A to B, ‘Greening’ of our present systems of housing, heating, transportation, living. In fact everything that money has some part of now but without the limits being the money and not the availability of the service or goods.

There are a lot of the ways of the world that don’t need to change. I have got on well with 95%+ of the people I have known throughout my life to date. When war is not a part of the social scene and internecine disputes are few and far between - and the System is not intruding painfully - then life can be good. Being alive is a very worthwhile experience to be having. Humanity does learn but it is hard to move forwards when the System you are working with is based on old, negative, greedy principles including bloodshed and war.

Add the negative control of money and life can become, personally, very stressful very fast and with stress comes the inability to concentrate on world scale problems and the rights and wrongs and imbalances of the structure you are part of.

When a system controls its population via the deprivation of money by valuing money above people - and animals - and plants - and the planet itself - then that society needs changing fast.

Building a system based on allowing money for those you don’t mind living next to, or who you need for doing the work you want them for, but not bothering with any form of equal system for those who are disabled, or who don’t fit your idea of worthy recipients is wrong. And it won’t work for ever. But then it’s not needed for ever, just for the life times of those who are benefiting from it at this moment. And maybe their children, friends and employees.

The two main alternatives left other than the Capitalist System will soon be The Black Economy (A hidden sector of the economy where private cash transactions go unreported) and Charity (in this case meaning both an institution set up to provide help to the needy and an activity or gift that benefits the public at large.) - both sub sets of Capitalism anyway in that both rely on the money used in the UK keeping it’s value as controlled by the upper echelons of ‘our’ Society.

The Black Economy is counted on for a major part of the life support side of the Capitalist way of working the whole. It used to be that the system was not so tightly defined regarding so many areas of life - there was more flexibility regarding working your ways in life.

In the UK you are now ‘labeled’ on a country wide basis so that anyone at any time can know your social standing, financial status, the type of house and area you live in, what you eat and drink and even what you read. This locks each one of us into a slot out of which only so many connections of a set type are built in. Many of the labels are also linked towards unspoken about, ‘invisible’ connections with the black market, black economy ways of life.

The Black Economy equals the criminal side of my country’s way of structuring itself. You cannot use the Black Economy without being a criminal yourself.

All parts of the social structure in the UK are controlled completely by money. Money has to be found from somewhere in order for something to happen.

There are certain stages or slots in this country’s ways that have a closing point regarding money. Once that point is reached this country views it as the responsibility of family, friends and the community to take over paying for the life of that individual.

But this country knows that many people don’t have that family support and that the only other place to get help to live is either a charity or ‘work on the side’. Most people like to be beholden to no one and prefer to get any work even if it is an illegal job that tax won’t be paid on, even at a lower wage than is legal, or through illegal activities such as drug dealing, theft, corruption and the like.

Many parts of the country only survive because of crime, illegal workers and bosses and illegal benefit claims. Depressed areas have little financial worth and therefore are starved of the goods and services and enjoyments and leisure activities that well off areas can and do enjoy. Yet money has to be found somewhere because without it people are socially and many times actually crippled.

Life cannot happen without some money from somewhere.

This country also knows that many social structures that used to be there as a supporting element have vanished because of social fears and lack of money. People have to rely on what’s available and, even if it is an illegal source, they will happily do so if the social structure surrounding them has let them down whilst showing them that wealth is readily there for others - but not for them.

People of the UK fight their own society, (even though, in reality it is they who allow it to still exist) - because they do not see that much would change for them - this is especially so for the poor. The fight hasn’t got a direct focus like a full blown revolution - the fight is one of petty, and sometimes not so petty, breakings of multiple laws on as many occasions as possible whilst verbally knocking the system whenever possible.

But that does not mean to imply that all poor people are criminal subversives, rather that it is easier to become a criminal because of need than it is when you have no need to be a criminal - because all of your needs and wants are covered by your ‘legal’ income - which you receive by being part of Society’s ‘right’ side.

Dreams and desires and wants and needs are becoming expensive commodities and money buys almost all of them - certainly normal needs can be covered with money alone - but if money is not available from somewhere then even needs cannot be covered. ‘Need to live fully’ is covered by the rule ‘As much as possible’. ‘Need to survive’ is covered by ‘ What’s the smallest amount that will do the job?’ especially if it is Society having to value those in actual poverty as opposed to its leader’s relative needs.

Charities play a large part in trying to cover the need for anyone to go short in this country, or to have to feel the need to turn towards the ‘dark’ illegal side of the ways of the UK.

Charities all have to rely on money. No charity in the UK would exist if money was not available. Charity comes from spare money that is left after the ‘well off’ have had their fill and secured their lives and their family’s lives.

Charities are based on humanity wanting to do something for someone or something else so much that they are willing to support the ideal with cash. People die without charities.

Not everyone wants to know that they would be dead were it not for a few caring people - or worse that they soon will be dead because there are no caring people for their particular sect or illness or problem. People are better off in themselves when they are standing on their own two feet. More confidence, less anger, less aggression, more creativity, better quality dreams and aspirations.

Capitalism controls every aspect of the UK. The Black Economy feeds into the Capitalist structure as does the Charity side. The Black Economy would cease to exist, as would the Charity structure, if capitalism ceased to exist.

This won’t happen though. The charities of the World employ some very rich people who get paid large sums of money for running these bodies - spending on what the charity is set up for is measured after staff costs are taken out.

The Black Economy loves having money that it can feed into the White Economy through the purchase of luxury items - The White Economy is firmly supported by The Black Economy.

Without The Black Economy the Capitalist System would, most likely, fail.

The Capitalist System is so warped in it’s building and so tainted in it’s beliefs - in fact, for all its ‘refined’ ways, so crudely built a machine that if it were to be designed from scratch today most of it would be lost, or structured so completely differently that at least half of the problems of people under its sway would vanish overnight… all of them being problems relating to money and the lack of it, not to lack of the resources available or needed.

Double standards abound in the social structure of today’s Capitalist United Kingdom and it is these contrary, opposing ways of looking at the whole, or parts of the whole, that lead to a poorly working system. Along with the lies and bigotries that have to be maintained, at least on the surface, in order that the system leaders can look themselves in the face in the morning whilst maintaining a fairly low level of change in order to keep the payments coming in.

Each rich person in this country who is still rich is accepting that nothing changes and it is better to be rich than poor in the world of today.

A system based on dishonesty is less easy to change than one based on genuine lack of knowledge of a better way of doing things.

The gaps in the pavement, the ones that people fall through where Society looses track of them and it’s own ability to ‘help with ease’ if it put it’s mind to it, will never get ‘repaired’ whilst mankind sees pain and suffering as part of the package capable of being delivered by a society that has the power to remove even life from them whilst blaming it on an imperfect system that relies on money and the vagaries of human nature.

Capitalism has certain defining rules or traits or ‘true’ beliefs that have to be accepted in order for it work in your favour - don’t accept it’s rules and it will find ways to remove your ability to enjoy life within its borders - the only other choices are Charities or The Black Economy. If you are disabled and stuck at home, needing other parts of the package in order to survive other than those you can add, then life can get very limited very quickly.

The Structured Capitalist Society I am controlled by never steps into my life unless it’s to cause grief or to add some pressure that I have no resources to fight or deal with.

In over twenty years of very low income, problematic, illness ridden living I have never once had someone step into my life out of the blue from this Society body and offer to help on a level that’s been needed and work it through until that problem is resolved for my betterment.

Friends yes, and even family, but never the very structure that causes many of the problems and pays itself for being there to sort them out.

It’s a good set of jobs that society has given itself. High payments for self created work. Not enough money at the bottom of the stack - enough to control the masses though. And pay each other.

If this isn’t the true view then surely the change that is needed and that can be fashioned from the tools available today will happen much sooner rather than much, much later - two to five years rather than one to two hundred years.

Rather than wait until the whole world is locked in place, by a system that relies on control first, before change can be put in place that allows for the masses to relax without having to bow to The God called Money.

Too many people die simply because of money and it’s importance in our System.

The Capitalist System is a machine and, as a machine, it has the possibility of radical redesign in order to increase it’s capabilities.

In order for Capitalism to become a global standard it has to change - it’s limits and it’s background beliefs mean that it will be unacceptable to too many people who don’t feel the need to accept coins as arbiters of whether they live or die.

Were Capitalism to be a globally accepted, fully working, system already then there might be no problem, but it isn’t.

It fails many people even in the countries it does rule over. Lots of people die from lack of money each second. Needs are not universally covered. People are not given what they need. They are given what they are allowed because the System has it’s own needs to cater for first.

Set up any System to help the poor and it is costed from the top down. If you can’t pay all the wages then the help doesn’t happen … unless every one denies themselves payment then it immediately can be written off as charitable which is ‘something that could be done because you put it before money’.

If you do this too much then you have to find support for yourself somewhere other than by working - you are giving up work time to be part of a help organisation as stated above. Money has to be found somewhere.

It is rare for a starving man to work for the betterment of those better off than himself whilst he is on the path to an early death from basic hunger (whilst most of those around him throw away food every day - supermarkets and countries - let alone individuals).

It is said that anarchy results from sudden change for the better - too much freedom too soon. Poor people who win the lottery. The repressed peoples of Iraq.

All the mechanisms are in place now for controlling pricing and accounting for the flow of monies in each and every direction. All of the fluctuations of money are removable. Each human being on the planet could be given a limitless supply of counters, or money.

As and when the interface of society requires that an account be made of a transaction of a particular sort then money is handed over or received - as it is now. But now the money is flowing all the time - never a blockage caused by finance, only by other reasons. Amount through an account could very easily equal interesting and useful. A pointer towards someone who buzzes in life, who has more to offer humanity.

Still a market economy but with added enjoyment in that everyone can afford to live to the fullest that their heads allow… not just their pockets. A society with enough ‘oil’ to run a better, more relaxed and interesting world. Where people are no longer killed for their money and possessions.

But Society seems to firmly belief that money breeds itself and only breeds enough to work everything well for some and not all of the people. It is seen as true that money has to finely balanced, so finely that all of the time there is a gap at the bottom where the poor fall out of the net.

It is admitted readily that Capitalism doesn’t work all the time but that’s apparently allowed because it is an incomplete system.

Capitalism is seen as a living entity - a ginger beer plant or yeast. Man has to nurture it very carefully or it will die, as it tries to when depressions hit. Money and it’s ways have a supernatural quality to them. Money is a solid thing that supports life and living. It has been built into the system by man but is seen as a natural ‘thing’ like air or water - in most countries you don’t get water unless you have money - money is more valuable that the needs of life.

Society talks of money all the time. Society speaks as if it understands everything about money. Society likes to talk of money as a mere tool for regulation. Society doesn’t like to know of the link between its own ever failing control system, Capitalism, and much of the death and crime in the world.

At times of over focus on the failings of this system’s ways Society suddenly finds the mysterious nature of the beast and sees that it cannot change Capitalism because of the stone it is carved with. Too solid. Too much its own master. All of a sudden, immutable. Yet we all know of men such as Adam Smith, Keynes and Nash who added changes to a system that needed change.

The masses do fight injustice but kept to a certain level of comfort and at a certain level of insecurity by debt then the masses become ductile. Keeping people just off balance enough to allow the injustices to carry on seems a prime function of Capitalism. Whether this was built in as a negative trait, or whether it just became one is one of the mysteries of it all, although I tend towards the belief that its purpose was designed with control and top end priority as a required function from the word go. Give people too much relaxation and freedom and their heads start thinking about others and the injustices that abound in a system such as this.

Property, buildings and history all have priority over most living things in the Capitalist system. All of these things are paid for out of a limited budget that includes, as standard, multiple deaths of humans through lack of money.

It is taken for granted that there is not enough money to go round yet many areas of this Society are heavily funded.

  • A museum is regarded as a necessity, housing for the poor a requirement that will be fulfilled when the funds are available.
  • Remodelling London for the 2012 Olympics is a prestige project, remodelling the way this country lives with regard to the environment and each other is a need that will start to hold sway as future profits are effected but is only worth talking around at the moment.
  • Old people die in badly run homes whilst stars regularly have birthday parties costing millions.
  • Everyone wanting higher education now has to run into massive debt whilst those in power today once had free higher education.

The fairness in this country is based on lying about the unfairness of the system and blaming it on the mysteries of an ever strange natural something, whether a god or a law of nature or just the nature of mankind.

Millions of years of evolution. Thousands of years of civilisation. Hundreds of years of near instant communication. Mankind does have the intelligence to change to suit conditions. Sometimes it has to be a fight to the death. Sometimes a struggle. Why can’t the system simply change for the ‘much better’ because it sees that it can?

It has to come back to greed and fear and power, control and position. Traits that continue parts of Capitalism way past their ‘sell by’ date.

If our leaders are so right minded why do the inadequacies continue? Why is the gulf between those dying from lack of money and those swimming in it so much greater than it has been?

Looking at the whole system running in this country today it is hard not to see a form of genocide being carried on. The ill and infirm killed off by slow treatment or total lack of it. The aged being put down in old people’s homes by people who care more for their own lives than they do for the job they are supposed to be there for. The unemployable killed off via lack of dentists or caring doctors.

This is the very treatment that these people received in Spartan times and throughout many of the sub civilisations that have thrived throughout the ages. Civilisations that cared for everyone, the Celts for instance, were destroyed by armies with more vicious ideas about the culling of human ‘waste’. In the world we live with today old conqueror style ways should not be part of a modern world encompassing system.

Capitalism sticks its ways into lots of other countries realities, turning multiple systems into one system locked together by money. With money comes a defined Black Economy with a full set of readily defined criminals. With such a perfectly imperfect system comes a readily designed culling regime that has its own perfectly imperfect sets of reasons why nothing can be done to help x or y or z. Even when state events mean spending money that could give health to millions at a stroke.

Pomp and circumstance are not cheap things. As part of the Capitalist way - Make a meal of everything - throw large sums of money at supporters - showing off success in the system by extravagance - Capitalism keeps people craving for an invite to the party if not an invite to make enough money to throw a party yourself.

When money changes hands. The only point that is reality in most parts of society. Talking about helping and actually helping when help means spending money. Thinking about buying someone a present and actually buying a present. No business is real until the first sale takes place. No business is viable until money is passed to it on a constant basis where the amount coming in covers the amount spent plus a profit.

Every angle of human life is becoming a business thanks to Capitalism. Capitalisation on every aspect of human behavior for the profit of someone. Profit for profit sake or because profit gives money to invest in other areas. But profit first and foremost.

Which should work alright in principle were it not for the fact that money has been made a life giver in order to maintain its controlling importance in society today.

Money. The focus of all that binds this society together. Without it you die. With it you can do almost anything, waste food, fly off the planet into space, build follies, start charities and dynasties, buy companionship and support your own children, your own family and friends, even effect the course of society through the power that money gives you.

In a Society where the meek and the poor are supposed to be as important as they are today - look at all the charities and ngo’s ( non governmental organisations), let alone government schemes, that are in existence just to service this area - it should be surprising that there is little shift in the ways of the system towards a different and fully working model that satisfies the bottom end in equal measure to the top end.

Words are easy in a media centric society. Words mean money. Words are control. Words have heritage. With heritage comes Right. ‘The old ways are the best ways’.

The words we use are polite ways of discussing the wrongs of now. The wrongs of now shouldn’t be around. Not in this day and age. We know so many of the answers but cannot afford to put them into practice because of lack of funding. And where funding is available it is usually tied to requiring a defined output that is commensurate with Capitalist requirements and goals.

Capitalism doesn’t allow for anything whose expense cannot be justified in the long term.

There is a book of what can be accepted and what cannot be accepted within the capitalist system. It’s one of those unwritten books with society appointed judges who decide on your life or death. The only real way to avoid bad judges is to stock up with large amounts of money.

The minute you get hold of any money from anywhere society starts to ask for it back, whether as taxes, hidden or otherwise, socially required payments, bills, ‘needs’, cost of betterment, insurance, luxury goods.

A properly working society should not cause any harm to any one. The structuring of society should be of prime importance - only with a stable, content people do you get growth based on desire to grow rather than on pressure to change. A society based on those who enjoy life rather than those struggling to live is a better place for acceptance of change. Relaxed attitudes encourage tolerant acceptance of areas of difference.

Capitalism is inextricably tied in with many of the religions of this world. Both ways are control systems based on fear but religion is based on something wholly mysterious and spiritual - even if it has luxury tastes and power positions for many of it’s top members.

Religion supports Capitalism and vice versa. Shake the supports of Capitalism and Religion steps in to aid it back as a ‘good tool’ for the masses. Shake Religion and governments like America start to find ‘God Fear’ a useful tool in ensuring Arms companies have growth and prosperity.

Want to have real power? Add money to Religion. The minds of the faithful become the coffers of the Religion.

This does give mankind its own power over it’s Religions. As with the church in Wales and the church in France, too much lack of belief in reality and too much faith in a worthless god has destroyed the power base and emptied the places of ‘once’ worship.

And it has happened with companies and countries too. People Power. A jewellery company whose managing director rubbished his own product. Chavez reinstated as President in Venezuela.

So, how would you possibly go about changing a system that is not yet global and which so many people are linked with in so many ways?

Is it really possible to alter the way money is used so that it does become just part of life rather than a reason for life and a controller of lives?

Is it possible to alter the tenets of Capitalism without major strife? Can ‘those with’ be persuaded to allow ‘those without’ to catch up?

Will those without seek retribution as soon as they have equal power?

This World and it’s human systems are based on rules. Biological rules, language rules, interpersonal rules, laws, regulations, codes.

It is possible to encompass all these rules into a rules understanding machine. The Autonomy IDOL engine is one such machine. An Intelligent Data Operating Layer that interacts with all the data that passes through it in order to fully understand that data and be able to react with that data however appropriately.

Capitalism should be sieved through an IDOL to catch all the negative aspects and convert them to positive aspects. The moral high ground is built on rules for honest, true living. The UN Millennium Declaration is a set of desires for the future of mankind which take into account ideals we would all like to have as part of our daily lives - if we were all gentle folk.

We seem to know what is needed so why is the world still running with old machinery? Because it works for the masses. Just. But it works for the leaders just fine.

Now... that's a rant!

from 2007

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