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Friday, 12 March 2010
CND comes to a close, and with it CNDblog 2010
The plenary session resumed late Friday afternoon, officially endorsing the conference report and resolutions drafted in the Committee of the Whole. Following that, the 53rd session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs came to a close.That also brings to a close this edition of CNDblog.
Once again, the CNDblog was a huge success. We had over 1000 visits and 3300 page views during the 5 days of CND. Once again, we succeeded in providing unprecedented levels of transparency to this often less than transparent process.
We also received overwhelmingly positive and supportive feedback, both from NGOs and also from a number of country delegates at CND.
CNDblog would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of our blogging team. Special thanks and kudos go to Marie of IDPC and Patrick of IHRA for their hours and hours of work.
See you all again next year.
CND Day 5 – USA on policy directives to the drug programme of the UNODC and strengthening the drug programme and the role of the CND
UNODC should include evaluation of its programmes. Part of incorporating evaluations into the UNODC is to show how it effectively uses money. The US is a big supporter of the UNODCs work. The general-purpose contributions are expected to decline, which is alarming. States must work together to come up with innovative solutions. It is important that the secretariat is given the flexibility to develop innovative programmes. The division of treaty affairs is also a vital entity to help states implement the drug conventions.
CND Day 5 – Norway on policy directives to the drug programme of the UNODC and strengthening the drug programme and the role of the CND
During the presentation, Norway's delegate emphasised that human rights and gender considerations are central to Norway’s development policy. It is a precondition for funding activities that the gender perspective is integrated and it must follow the entire life of the programme. Requested the UNODC to consider this in the realignment process and the planning of regional and thematic programmes.Concerned with reduction in financial well-being. However, added that too few countries, including Norway, are carrying too big a burden of funding the UNODC.
General purpose needs should be integrated as part of the budgetary process for special programme and funds and requested feedback from the UNODC as to how this might be done.
CND Day 5 - UNODC’s introduction to policy directives to the drug programme of the UNODC and strengthening the drug programme and the role of the CND
UNODC outlined its financial situation and realignment process. The UNODC is facing a very severe budget situation, which could limit the UNODC’s abilities to deliver on its goals in the coming year.
CND Day 5 – USA plenary presentation on countering money-laundering and promoting judicial cooperation
States continue to make progress establishing anti-money laundering regimes. This progress includes increased capacity adhering to international standards and the use of existing networks. US notes continuing support for international plan of action, including strengthened frameworks, regulatory systems, increased establishment and capacity enhancement and a focus on public-private partnerships. Anticipates that continued technical assistance will lead to better coordination internationally.Continues to encourage states to extradite their nationals and in many cases best evidence may exist outside of country of citizenship. States should enhance their capacity of local systems for legal assistance. The US plans to continue offering technical assistance to prosecutors and police internationally.
CND Day 5 – Russian Federation plenary presentation on countering money-laundering and promoting judicial cooperation
The issue of detecting and cutting off the financial flows linked to drug trafficking has become extremely relevant at present. Unfortunately we see that even countering drug trafficking is a difficult endeavour. It may be necessary to go in all directions to counter narcotics trafficking. Throughout the world there is a focus on the financial systems of drug trafficking. States must have money-laundering squads in financial transaction units. Regionally the Eurasion States are pouring money into this and coordinating efforts with IMF and individual states in the Eurasion Group on Combating Money Laundering (EAG).International cooperation is needed to disrupt the financial flows. Apart from the regional coordination of efforts it is necessary to go global. The group has developed a questionnaire to gather information on the work being done in other countries. Russia believes that given the complexity of the issue, they will have to coordinate to better focus on their response and the financial flows.
CND Day 5 - India plenary presentation on control of precursors and ATS
The chemical industry in India is huge with legitimate purposes. Controls are in place to limit illicit diversion. However, drug traffickers are finding alternative methods of developing ATS. Major labs have been disrupted and India has found new methods are being employed to develop ATS and obtain precursors.Time limitations prohibit a detailed discussion of these methods but India remains watchful of these developing methods.
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Monday, 25 October 2010
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