Wednesday 9 March 2011

House Of Lords Condemns Government Drug Policy « Peter Reynolds

House Of Lords Condemns Government Drug Policy

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This evening, at the behest of Lord Norton of  Louth, the House of Lords ripped apart the disgraceful and incompetent British government drug policy.  Without exception, every speaker highlighted the human and financial cost of the disastrous course that the government is on.

“Evidence! Evidence! Evidence!”

Again and again highly intelligent speakers demolished the government’s strategy and contrasted it with the approach in other countries: Holland, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic and the USA.

“Why doesn’t the government recognise reality?”

Baroness Molly Meacher was particularly magnificent; stirring and powerful: “We have the evidence and lots of it”.

Cameron, his poodle, Theresa May and most of all Brokenshire must be grovelling in dismay at their humiliation  Even the LibDem spokesman said that drugs should be “taken out of the Home Office and transferred to Health…something clearly has to happen soon!” Brokenshire’s job is on the way out!

The government response was stumbling and barely competent.  “A review is not warranted…what we want to do is give our strategy a good try”. There was a particularly embarrassing deception about the effect of banning mephodrone.  I am certain that Lady X herself  was uncomfortable delivering it.

All in all this was a victory for truth, an inspiration and an absolute defeat for government drug policy.

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