Table of Contents
Welcome to the GENI Wiki ¶
This is the GENI Wiki, a living repository for information relating to the GENI design and GPO-led design process. To get a write account on this wiki, send e-mail to
Announcements ¶
For GENI Experimenters. GENI Experimenter Portal (Under construction. Experimenters and aggregate providers please email comments to Vic Thomas) Additional information on GENI experiments and available GENI resources for experimenters is available at GeniExperiments. A support list for experimenters can be found here.
ProtoGENI Flash Client Live map showing ProtoGENI and PlanetLab cluster resources (obtained via the GENI AM API). Try it here.
Meetings ¶
GENI Engineering Conferences. The GEC is the GENI Project Office’s (GPO) regular open working meeting where researchers, developers, industrial & international partners and the GPO meet to advance infrastructure planning and prototyping for the GENI project. Further, the GEC focuses on how to design and build a suite of infrastructure that can best inspire and support creative research. The conference is open to all. The dates and locations below should be considered mostly firm until registration opens.
GEC11 July 26-28, 2011 Northwestern Univ., Chicago, IL GEC12 November 15-17, 2011 Univ. Missouri, Kansas City, MO GEC13 March, 2012 UCLA, Los Angeles, CA dates TBD GEC14 July, 2012 Boston, MA dates TBD GEC15 November, 2012 IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN dates TBD Design Activities ¶
The GENI design and prototyping community is working together to agree on the key functions and interfaces needed to meet GENI's requirements. Pointers to GENI design collaborations organized around GEC meetings are provided here: GENI Design Activities.
Spiral 3 Projects ¶
The GENI Project Office currently funds in design and prototyping and meso-scale deployment. Project technical information, schedules and milestones, and information from related projects can be found here: Spiral Three.
Campus & Backbone Connectivity ¶
There are multiple options for connecting experimental networks in GENI; the choice depends on your experiment needs, existing networks, and possibilities for new connections. How-tos, background, and recommendations to help you set up GENI connections and experiments can be found here: Connectivity Home.
Documents ¶
The GPO publishes system engineering and integration documents specifying the GENI design, integration, and operations. Documents are review by the community via mailing list discussion and at GENI Engineering Conferences before being adopted by consensus. A list of published documents can be found here: GPO Docs. Adopted Recommendations are documents that reflect the current GENI design, policy, or procedures in effect at this time. The current set of adopted recommendations are listed below:
GENI Recommended Use Policy. This document communicates common guidelines for using the suite of GENI infrastructures to the GENI community. GENI participants should be willing to follow the guidelines, and to support GENI community efforts to implement this policy. (GENI-INF-RUP-01.1) PDF
GENI Aggregate Provider's Agreement_. GENI is a federated network testbed designed to allow researchers to experiment with network applications and ser- vices that benefit from distribution across a wide geographic area. All uses of GENI should be consistent with this high-level goal. Management Authorities (MAs), providing aggregates and components operating as a part of GENI, are well-served by having a common set of principles to establish an expected level of service, and methods of cooperation. Such principles, presented in this agreement, benefit the security and stability of the entire GENI suite of infrastructures. This document was reviewed and approved by the COMIS working group (see Gec9COMISAgenda), and is adopted for use in GENI Spiral 3. PDF
Emergency Stop Procedure. One of the essential early operational requirements for the GENI facility is the need to manage and coordinate the stop and/or containment of GENI resources among all GENI projects in the case of an urgent request. Emergency stop is the system used to respond to incidents of interference or resource exhaustion caused either unintentionally (misconfiguration), or intentionally (malware). This is intended to protect GENI aggregates when they begin to integrate with other aggregates, and when GENI begins to interconnect with outside networks. For Spiral 2, GENI aggregates will have active experimentation and increased integration and interconnection with other aggregates or non-GENI networks. This document will provide an approach for an early emergency stop service in Spiral 2, as well as a potential evolution for emergency stop for future spirals. This document was reviewed and approved by the OMIS working group (see Gec8OmisAgenda), and is adopted for use in GENI Spiral 2 and 3. DOC
GMOC Concept of Operations. The GENI facility will require a model of operations moving forward that is both responsive enough to the needs of GENI users and stakeholders (researchers using the facility, users opting-in to GENI, and GENI operators) and flexible enough to evolve with the federated, reconfigurable nature of the facility. We expect that GENI research users will require a facility that is highly available, with a clear and simple process for getting support, which provides a robust set of highly detailed data about its use and operations, and which communicates maintenance and experiment affecting issues in a responsive and transparent way. This document was reviewed and approved by the COMIS working group (see Gec9COMISAgenda), and is adopted for use in GENI Spiral 3. DOC
Legal, Law Enforcement and Regulatory Plan. At first glance, it may appear that the GENI federation and its governance entities have no legal responsibilities of their own since "GENI" owns virtually no infrastructure and researchers are ultimately responsible for the actions of their individual experiments. While both statements are true, there is a subtlety here as (1) lawyers, law enforcement and regulatory agencies (LLR) do not know this, and (2) no one party necessarily has all the information to address inquiries from these entities. Therefore, collaboration will be necessary to resolve some LLR issues and the need for a plan to handle such requests is established. This document begins by further motivating this need with several scenarios or use cases, some based on previous experience in other federations and testbeds. These scenarios also drive the need for proactive measures, such as, having a simple mechanism to reach slice owners and heading off future DMCA requests which could discourage campus participation in GENI. Finally, it becomes clear that someone is needed to fulfill a facilitator role to help route LLR requests to the appropriate parties when a single institution is unable to address the request it receives entirely on its own. This document was reviewed and approved by the Ops Agreements meeting at GEC10 (see GEC10OpsAgreements), and is adopted for use in GENI Spiral 3. PDF
Useful Links ¶
Mailing Lists ¶
- Announcements: signup
- Community Discussion: GENI signup
- Developers: signup
- Experimenters: signup
GENI Wiki Information ¶
Getting Started: See wiki:GeniWikiGettingStarted for information on how to post and site-wide conventions.
Admin: Need help? Send mail to
Wiki Docs: GENI is using the Trac wiki and issue tracking software package. All GENI members currently share a single wiki. For help with the Trac software, including pages that explain how to format wiki text and create new pages, TracGuide is a good place to start. Please contact for help, changes, or problems with this site.
Permissions: You must log in to the project wiki before you can edit any page. See wiki:GeniWikiGettingStarted for how to get a login. Most pages in the wiki are editable by any logged-in user. This page (WikiStart) is a read-only page (admins can read and write). Project milestones can only be edited by the GPO. Contact a GPO member or if you want to make changes to this or any other read-only page.
Index: For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.
The object of this blog began as a display of a varied amount of writings, scribblings and rantings that can be easily analysed by technology today to present the users with a clearer picture of the state of their minds, based on tests run on their input and their uses of the technology we are advocating with
Saturday, 14 May 2011
GENI: geni - Trac
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