Domestic Violence Agencies:
This page is provided as a supplement in case the excellent WAVE web site database is not available because its server is down. Several links are supplied for each country in case of broken links and to allow for personal preference. Please note that agencies may be listed on more than one link. To properly display some sites, your computer may need Language Supports. To add to or correct this list, please email the Hot Peach Pages.
ALBANIA - Europe
see also Shqip
Qendra e Keshillimit per Gra e Vajza Counselling Centre for Women and Girls Qendra per Nisma Ligjore Qytetare
Center for Legal Civic Initiatives Qendra e Aleancës Gjinore për Zhvillim
Gender Alliance for Development Center Stop VAW List of Women's NGOs Network of East-West Women -->
Peacebuilding Portal List World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
ANDORRA - Europe
ARMENIA - Europe
см. также Русский
see also Russian
- scroll down left column for Domestic Violence National and Regional Hot Lines
- ոլորել ներքեւ ձախ սյունյակում համար ազգային եւ տարածաշրջանային Ընտանեկան բռնությունների թեժ գծեր
Stop VAW List of Structures Dealing with VAW Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation Network of East-West Women -->
Peacebuilding Portal List World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
AUSTRIA - Europe
sehen Sie auch Deutsch
Verein Autonome Österreichische Frauenhäuser Frauenhäuser Oberösterreichs Verein Wiener Frauenhäuser Frauennotrufe Interventionsstellen usw-->
Freiraum: Frauenberatungsstelle Vereines Gewaltschutzzentrum Tirol Wien Frauentelefon Fem Wien Klicken Sie 'Adressenpool'! Frauenberatung (Zwettl) Die Tür: Frauenservicestelle (Mattersburg und Eisenstadt) Verein FRAUENSERVICE Graz :belladonna: Frauenberatung (Klagenfurt/Celovec) Verein LEFÖ: Lateinamerikanische Emigrierte Frauen in Österreich Peregrina: Bildungs-, Beratungs- und Therapiezentrum für Immigrantinnen Beratungszentrum für Migranten und Migrantinnen Ninlil: Gegen sexuelle Gewalt an Frauen mit Lernschwierigkeiten oder Mehrfachbehinderung Empowerment Beratung Vermetzung Peacebuilding Portal List-->
World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
BELARUS - Europe
Network of East-West Women -->
AVIVA List archived 2006 Global List Peacebuilding Portal List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
BELGIUM - Europe
zie ook Nederlands
Numéros de téléphone nationaux Numéros de téléphone de proximité SOS Viol CAW: Centra voor Algemeen Welzijnswerk Hulp in België zijn: beweging tegen geweld Site pour les professionnels de sant dans 6 langages
Peacebuilding Portal ListAVIVA List archived 2006-->
Liste de marche mondiale des femmes UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
see also Bosanski (Bosnian)
Hrvatski (Croatian)
Srpski (Serbian)
RewindNet VAW Database -->
Fondacija lokalne demokratije Stop VAW List of Women's NGOs Vesta Fond otvoreno društvo Bosna i Hercegovina Open Society Fund Network of East-West Women -->
Peacebuilding Portal List World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
see also Bulgarian
Фондация "Център Надя"
Nadja Centre Foundation Stop VAW List of Women's NGOs Асоциация Анимус Animus Association Женски Алианс за Развитие (ЖАР)
Women's Alliance for Development (WAD) БЦДИ, Български Център за Джендър Изследвания » Програми » Превенция и защита срещу домашното насилие
BGRF: Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation » Programs » Prevention and protection against domestic violence Network of East-West Women -->
Peacebuilding Portal List World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
CROATIA - Europe
veda pure Hrvatski (Croatian)
B.a.B.e. Zenska Infoteka S.O.S. telefon Autonomna ženska kuća Zagreb
Autonomous Women's House Zagreb Centar za Žene Žrtve Rata - Rosa Center for Women War Victims Ženska mreža Hrvatske Women's Network Croatia Ženska grupa Karlovac "KORAK" Women's group Karlovac "Step" CESI - Centar za edukaciju, savjetovanje i istraživanje 
CESI - Center for Education, Counselling and Research Centar za mir, nenasilje i ljudska prava Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights RewindNet VAW Database Stop VAW List of Women's NGOs Network of East-West Women -->
Peacebuilding Portal List World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
CYPRUS - Europe
δείτε επίσης τα ελληνικά
see also Greek
World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
see also Czech
Dĕtské krizové centrum Children's Crisis Centre-->
DONA linka: telefonická pomoc osobám ohrožený domácím násilím v nepřetržitém provozu ROSA: Informační a poradneské centrum pro ženy, oběti domácího násilí Acorus: pomoc osobám ohroženým domácím násilím Domácí násilí: Rady a doporučení obětem domácího násilí, užitečné kontakty ProFem: konzultační středisko pro ženské projekty Centrum Elektra alternate site Bílý kruh bezpečí feminismus RewindNet VAW Database Stop VAW List of Women's NGOs Network of East-West Women -->
Peacebuilding Portal List World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
Faroe Islands) - Europe
se også dansk (Danish)
LOKK: Landsorganisation af Kvindekrisecentre
National Organisation of Shelters for Battered Women and their Children Stop Volden mod Kvinder Netværk for voldsramte kvinder Børn og Unge i Voldsramte Familier NGO for Children exposed to Violence at Home Mødrehjælpen Seksuelt misbrugte Kvinderådet er Danmarks Women's Council in Denmark Peacebuilding Portal List-->
World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
ESTONIA - Europe
see also Eesti (Estonian)
Ekspress Hotline: naiste varjupaik Lähisuhtevägivalla korral abipakkuvad asutused Eestis Agencies that offer aid to intimate partner in Estonia Tartu Nõustamis-ja Kriisiabikeskus
Tartu Counselling & Crisis Help Center Eesti Naisteühenduste Ümarlaud (ENÜ) Stop VAW List of Women's NGOs Peacebuilding Portal List-->
World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
FINLAND - Europe
see also Suomea (Finnish)
Svenska (Swedish)
Naisten Linja
Women's Line Ensi- ja turvakotien liitto ry Förbundet för mödra- och skyddshem
Federation of Mother and Child Homes & Shelters Jäsenyhdistykset Medlem Föreningar
Member Associations Tervetuloa Nettiturvakotiin
Finnish Online Family Shelter
Финский Интернет-приют Monika-Naiset liitto ry MONIKA: Multicultural Women's Association - Medlem FöreningarMatalan kynnyksen palveluja vkivaltaa kokeneille maahanmuuttajanaisille
- Easy access services for immigrant women who have experienced violence
Raiskauskriisikeskus Tukinainen
Tukinainen Rape Crisis Centre
Våldtäktskriscentralen Tukinainen Lyömätön Linja Non-Violent Alternative for Men Naisjärjestöt Yhteistyössä NYTKIS Coalition of Finnish Womens Associations Rikosuhripäivystys on sinua varten Finnish Service for Crime Victims Unioni Naisasialiitto Suomessa ry Unioni, the League of Finnish Feminists Peacebuilding Portal List-->
World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
Corse) - Europe
voir aussi Français
Les numéros d'urgence Les associations près de chez vous Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes contre toutes les violences faites aux femmes SOS Femmes Centres d'information sur les droits des femmes et des familles (CIDFF) Les équipes régionales et départementales aux droits des femmes et à l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes Collectif Féministe Contre le Viol SOS Viol SOS Sexisme Site pour les professionnels de santé sur les Violences Conjugales Institut National d'Aide aux Victimes Et de Médiation (INAVEM) défiler vers le bas pour la carte Associations d'aide aux victimes Paris Aide aux Victimes Corse du Sud et Haute Corse (Corsica)
Service des droits des femmes et de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes
Annuaire complet Peacebuilding Portal List Liste de marche mondiale des femmes UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
GEORGIA - Europe
см. также Русский
see also Russian
Кавказская Коалиция Против Насилия Caucasus Coalition Against Violence -->
სამხრეთ კავკასიის გენდერული ქსელი ორგანიზაციები » ორგანიზაციები » ძალადობა ოჯახში
Гендерная Информационная Сеть Южного Кавказа » Организации » Семейное насилие
Gender Informational Network of South Caucasus » Organizations » Domestic Violence Women's Initiative for Equality (WIE) UNHCR NGO Partner Directory Advice Center for Women SAKHLI-->
ფონდი ტასო
TASO Foundation Международный женский центр информации и просвещения (Women's International Center for Information and Education)--> Network of East-West Women
2000 List of National NGOs of Georgia 1998 List of NGOs of Georgia Peacebuilding Portal List World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
GERMANY - Europe
sehen Sie auch Deutsch
Bundesverband Frauenberatungsstellen und Frauennotrufe Frauenhauskoordinierung Zentrale Informationsstelle Autonomer Frauenhäuser (ZIF) 4. Frauenhaus Berlin BIG Koordinierung (Berlin) Der Weisse Ring: Bundesweites Opfertelefon 0800 800 343 Selbsthilfe-Missbrauch AVA: Häuslicher Gewalt—Infos für Betroffene Spaß oder Gewalt Infos für Gewaltausübende Save Selma Peacebuilding Portal List-->
World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
see also English
Gibraltar Women's Association Telephone numbers: 46010 (evenings) 54016941 (daytime) 72233 (evenings) 54355000 (daytime)
(numbers published in the
Panorama, September 16, 2002
issue; scroll almost to the bottom for "Help us to help Gibraltar, says Women’s Association")-->
GREECE - Europe
δείτε επίσης τα ελληνικά (see also Greek)
Συμβουλευτικό Κέντρο για τη Βία στην Οικογένεια—Αθήνα Διεύθυνση: Νίκης 11, Σύνταγμα, 10557 Αθήνα
Τηλέφωνο: 30-210-3317305, 3317306
Fax: 30-210-3315787
Email:, where I got the info:
Συμβουλευτικό Κέντρο για τη Βία στην Οικογένεια—Πειραιάς
Διεύθυνση: Αλκιβιάδου 76, 18535 Πειραιάς
Τηλ.: 30-210-4112091, 210-4129386
Fax: 30-210-4129101
- Advisory Centre for Domestic Violence—Piraeus
Address: 76 Alkiviadou, 185 35 Piraeus
Κέντρο Έρευνας και Υποστήριξης Θυμάτων Κακοποίησης και Κοινωνικού Αποκλεισμού Research and Support Center for Victims of Maltreatment and Social Exclusion Γενικής Γραμματείας Ισότητας General Secretariat for Equality Κεντρο Ερευνων Θεματα Ισοτητασ Research Centre for Gender Equality Φεμινιστικο Δικτυο Feminist Net Peacebuilding Portal List-->
World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
se ogs dansk (Danish)
HUNGARY - Europe
see also Magyar (Hungarian)
MONA: Magyarországi Női Alapítvány
MONA: Foundation for the Women of Hungary RewindNet VAW Database Stop VAW List of Women's NGOs Network of East-West Women -->
Peacebuilding Portal List-->
World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
ICELAND - Europe
sjá einnig Íslenska
Peacebuilding Portal List-->
World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
IRELAND (Republic of) - Europe
see also Irish
Women's Aid Safe Ireland Domestic Violence Refuges and Support Services UK Women's Aid List Rape Crisis Network Ireland Galway Rape Crisis Centre Kerry Rape & Sexual Assault Centre Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Centre (NI) Rape Crisis North East Tullamore Sexual Abuse & Rape Crisis Counselling Service Wexford Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Service Crime Victims Helpline Garda Stations--!
Peacebuilding Portal List-->
World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
ITALY - Europe
veda pure Italiano
Numero verde Antiviolenza Donna - 1522 1522 - E' l'ora di reagire La violenza sulle donne è ignoranza, è follia Numeri di pubblica utilità D.i.Re: Donna in Rete contro la violenza ONLUS Liste di altri siti web: - Elenco dei centri che hanno aderito alla carta della rete nazionale dei Centri antiviolenza e delle Case delle donne
- Schede di alcuni Centri Antiviolenza
- Siti dei Centri Antiviolenza
- Centri Antiviolenza
- Centri antiviolenza in Italia Vita di Donna elenco
- I centri donna e antiviolenza in Italia
- Centri antiviolenza in Italia
- Centri antiviolenza sul web
- Mappa dei centri antiviolenza in Italia
Associazione Nazionale Volontarie del Telefono Rosa - Onlus - About us per trovare la posizione più vicina, scorrere verso il basso
Rete Centri antiviolenza "Le Nereidi" Onlus Siracusa Telefono Azzurro Peacebuilding Portal List-->
World March of Women List UN Secretary-General's database on violence against women
LATVIA - Europe
skatīt arī Latvijas
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