Wednesday, 9 March 2011


About JustCoz

JustCoz is a platform that enables charities, non-profits and NGOs to greatly increase their social media reach by way of tweet and status donations. It is a product of Mikamoni ltd, a company founded by Jeff Pulver, Ronen Raz and Yotam Troim.

It all started when we sat down and talked about ways in which people can donate their voices to causes they cared about and after some brainstorming, we arrived at the idea of JustCoz. JustCoz is a platform in development that enables people to donate a tweet a day to causes which they are passionate about.

We decided to create a relay network for potentially every charity, non-profit organization and NGO in the world  that will allow it to be heard beyond its social graph (which many times does not fully represent the magnitude of the audience supporting their cause) while we as a platform remain as unheard to the crowd and as transparent to the broadcaster as possible.

The way we see it, right now getting a message across to large audiences depends on too many circumstantial factors that we wanted to overcome. 

JustCoz distribution model
* A message from someone you know personally is 5 times more likely to trigger an action.

Building on what is known as the "donation by action" paradigm, we bring forward the utilization of social power into the realm of passion. JustCoz enables people to make a difference by exposing their audience to messages which reflect their owns set of values and truths, and everything is done automatically, without the need to repeatedly engage in sorting through messages for those worth repeating.

The Founders

Jeff Pulver is a globally renowned thought leader, author and entrepreneur. His blog is well read within the social media industry and in high-tech communities around the world. Jeff is the originator, proprietor and organizer of the 140 character conferences (#140conf) around the world. Since 2009, many of these conferences have been organized, centering around the effects of social media, in New York, Los Angeles, London, Tel Aviv, Barcelona and many more places. Additionally, Jeff is the founder of FWD, the VON Coalition, PrimeTimeRewind.TV, Vivox, the co-founder of VoIP provider, Vonage and an early investor in Twitter.

Ronen Raz has been creating software solutions for the past 15 years and has played a part in the development of the web as a medium, both in Israel and the US since 1995. He has worked with some of the industry’s leading companies such as Netscape, Sun, Cisco, as well as a host of smaller organizations. He is a seasoned developer, with intimate knowledge of bleeding edge web technologies, past and present.

Yotam Troim albeit being tech savvy, has come to co-found Mikamoni after 12 years as a brand developer and a digital UI/UX designer. Gaining expertise across many different media, he has been involved in local as well as international brand development projects and has designed and led creative efforts online and offline for many clients such as HP, Viacom, Msystems, SanDisk, BCRE, Becco Bio-Fuels and many more. His past work consists of UI development, Web sites design and digital applications design.

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