Saturday 7 May 2011


Cannabis Law Reform (CLEAR) is Britain's newest political party. Formerly known as the Legalise Cannabis Alliance, we seek to represent the interests of the millions of cannabis users in Britain. The prohibition of cannabis is unjust, undemocratic and has no basis in evidence or science. Our aims and objectives are:

1. To end the prohibition of cannabis.
2. To promote as a matter of urgency and compassion the prescription of medicinal cannabis by doctors.
3. To introduce a system of regulation for the production and supply of cannabis based on facts and evidence.
4. To encourage the production and use of industrial hemp.
5. To educate and inform about the uses and benefits of cannabis.

This website will provide information about CLEAR's work and about the politics, science and benefits of cannabis. We shall be contesting future elections as a single issue party with the intention of putting the cannabis issue back on the political agenda.

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