Tuesday 17 May 2011

Ourblook | Political Blog | Journalism Public Issues Political Blog

On the Media GameDear Readers, www.ourblook.com is ending one phase and beginning another as we are transitioning it over to the Center for Media and Public Affairs, an Arlington, Va., think tank, in conjunction with George Mason University. There we're sure it will have an excellent future.

Our founder, Paul Mongerson, began the site three years ago to stimulate public discussion of important issues and to test his theory of the blook ... a cross between a blog and a book ... as a way to improve communication on the Internet, which he felt was too inchoate.

In accordance with that I as site editor wrote two online books, or blooks, on the Future of Education and Future of Journalism synthesizing comments made by our topic respondents, and was pleased to have received more than 174,000 hits on the latter.

We also pioneered via my associate Sandy Ordonez using the site to help college communications classes learn to use the new social and digital media, and most notably in that effort we posted many articles written by University of Iowa students in Prof. Pam Creedon's gender and media course.

Thanks much to Paul and his family, to Sandy, to assistant editor Abby Moon, to our many wonderful contributors, to our interns, to our college students, to our support staff ... and most of all to you, our readers.

On the Media Game blog has been written by Gerry Storch.

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