The message of Healing Love Notes is simple: Right now you can have more peace, love and happiness in your life. You can experience healing from hurts of the past. Start living your very best life today by immersing yourself in words of love. You will find sublime love notes and short sweet love poems, sayings and quotes scattered through these pages. I invite you to accompany me on this exquisite journey. Healing Love Notes to Help You Live your Best Life
Love is the Answer.
The Good Life
And did you get what
you wanted from this life even so?
I did.
And what did you want?
To call myself beloved, to feel myself
beloved on the earth.
-Raymond Carver
A Message from Dr. Mia
I would like for you to know that I'm developing this site as much for my own sake as for yours.
Need help healing a broken heart? Or healing anxiety and depression? Yearning for more peace, love and happiness in your heart? If you have a drive to heal your life, please know that I share in it.
All the years that I've been working as a psychologist, of running workshops, of research and writing, have not diminished my aspiration to know more about how we can live our very best life. I, too, want to explore what makes us kinder, happier, more forgiving, tolerant and courageous; what makes us feel more connected, engaged, and passionate about life - and I do so in these Healing Love Notes.
The promise of this site is straight-forward. Your happiness is in direct proportion with how much love you give and receive. You are required to be more conscious of your power to choose your responses to any situation at any given time. If you cultivate a genuine sense of appreciation, consideration and respect for others, you also grow in confidence, happiness and inner peace. And, unsurprisingly, the more you connect with others in an authentic way, the more your self-focus, self-consciousness, anxiety and even depression diminish.
It is possible to learn skills that will enhance your capacity to live love - and you will find them scattered through the pages of Healing Love Notes. You will also find love sayings, quotes, poems, letters and affirmations on peace, love and happiness, because the more you immerse yourself in these ideas, the more naturally they fall into place. I feel honoured that we are in this process of learning about love together.
Dr. Mia Rose
Healing Love NotesSo, let's start...
There are three things that last forever: faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of them all is love.1 Corinthians 13
About Mia Rose
About Me: Mia Rose is the founder and editor-in-chief of Healing Love Notes Blog
The Love Notes Blog is a mini-journal on living your best life through the power of love.Online Therapy
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Thursday, 18 November 2010
Healing Love Notes to Help You Live your Best Life
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