By Jovanz74 – translation by Asphodelia
“All warfare is based on deception”
(“Art of War” Sun Tzu)
I will list below – for the benefits of new and seasoned Researcheers – the Rules of Engagement of our adorable sabotages, duly reloaded in light of the TID practice (Twitter Italia Dominators)
- SABOTAGE: infiltrating a message among the toptweets to sabotage the oppressive monopoly of the babymoron¹ The purpose is anti-entropy – it aims to provide babymoron-free space to Twitter users. The ultimate goal is the destruction of the Moronic Regime and the liberation of Twitter.
- THE PROPOSER – he/she may propose a sabotage – must be a human user of Twitter. A BOT or fake may not propose a sabotage. Babymorons may propose a sabotage prior to abjuration of their previous life and subsequent to burning the image of divinity from the Babymoronic Pantheon via a cleansing pyre (e.g. Jonas Brother, Justin Bieber, Twilight etc)
- RECRUITMENT: Once the Proposer has been chose, the Scientific Committee of #Gilda35 will recruit at least 20 Saboteurs and will give them a rendez-vous to proceed with the Sabotage at a chosen time. The recruitment will take place through the creation of a special event on . Here, the Saboteurs will register simply by replying YES (there’s a button!) to take part in the Sabotage. This step is important because it safeguards against possible ‘tricks’ by the Toptweet Algorithm and scientifically proves how behind EVERY Algorithm there are actual ‘human’ choices.
- MESSAGE OF SABOTAGE: the content of the tweet is chosen by the Proposer. We advise against using words that could be filtered out, such as fake, BOT, babymoron, obscenities etc. The more anonymous the message is, the better the chances of making it to toptweet.
- #TID – The message MUST contain the hashtag TID in order to allow us to measure (via Tweetreach) the level of penetration of the content within the Italian Twitter Community. IMPORTANT: all ‘staff’ announcement (recruitment, incitement etc) must contain the hashtag #Gilda35 whilst #TID is ONLY to be used for the actual message of sabotage and relative RTs.
- HOW TO SABOTAGE – @Jovanz74 (or another member of the Scientific Committee) will, at the agreed time, communicate the name of the Proposer and the message of sabotage. The Saboteurs will have to retweet the Proposer’s tweet direct and add it to their ‘favourite’ tweets. It’s very important that the Proposer refrains from tweeting just before and just after the agreed time and that he/she communicates the text to the Scientific Committee beforehand, to avoid errors.
- TIMING – the saboteurs must complete the operation in less than 5 minutes (this is essential to get to toptweet and to avoid possible double agents filtering out the message)
- DISSEMINATION – Once having retweeted and added the tweet to their favourites, the saboteurs must recruit amongst other users, it’s important to create critical mass.
- IMPORTANT: Have fun – it’s a game!
- VERY IMPORTANT: Pay attention: this is a very serious matter indeed!
- EVEN MORE IMPORTANT: This is not a post.
Hasta la vida loca siempre et bon sabotage à tout le monde !
¹Babymoron: This is a liberal translation from ‘bimbominkia’. As bimbo means ‘baby’ and minkia stands for ‘minchia’ i.e. ‘dick’, I think you get the idea. Babymoron it is, then.
Pubblicato in: Twitter
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- #Tweetstorm and #Gilda35 – Uniting for a #freegary on Nov20th | #TweetsStorm's in support of Gary Mckinnon →
novembre 18th, 2010 → 21:15[...] Rules: Rules of Engagement for Lawful, Cute and Cuddly Sabotage [...]
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Saturday, 20 November 2010
Rules of engagement for a lawful, cute and cuddly sabotage « Gilda35
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